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if i masturbate will i go to hell?

This is not me trying to tell you what reality is or telling you what perspective to have. I just think that wasting time is, in the Bible, definitely not good. Compared with it masturbation gets little to no mention and seems to have less to do with evil than to do with Jewish ritual avoidance, and even for them there may be times to do it. The five Bible verses I mentioned are all related I think to making use of time. Do I waste time? Yes, sometimes I do. The Bible seems to say Christians shouldn't. This makes sense, too, because you only get so much time and cannot get it back later.

You still have not answered my points.

3 minutes masturbating once every two weeks or so, vs, 8 hours per day working to pay a slave driving morgadge, 1 hour eating, 15 minutes in the shower, 5 minutes walking dog, cleaning house, relaxing. going to and from work. list goes on. All this stuff, done every day, vs, 3 minutes once every two weeks. That three minutes is really a waste of time? You really think you can do something amazing with your time in just THREE minutes and that three minutes is only once every two weeks or so?

So, i hear you telling me that masturbating IN ITSELF is NOT a sin, wasting TIME is a sin. Ok, if wasting time is a sin, then i am wasting time going to work at a hardwar store for 8 hours, because i consider that a waste of MY time. When i could be doing stuff that i REALLY want to do.


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Jolly said:
You still have not answered my points.
You are being too hard on yourself I think, and I've already said that time management is between God and the individual. I wish to underscore that and emphasise it. I'm not going to specifically tell you exactly what to do with your time or suggest that you can perfectly manage your time. Some people do better than others I suppose. I've also pointed out that masturbation is barely mentioned in scripture, is only mentioned in reference to Jewish law and that proper use of time to do good works is mentioned multiple times by multiple authors. My position is that masturbation is no big deal but that wasting time is a big deal, Biblically. Practically, you are right that time management isn't always easy, and I'm not trying to put you on a guilt trip. Don't be too hard on yourself.
You are being too hard on yourself I think, and I've already said that time management is between God and the individual. I wish to underscore that and emphasise it. I'm not going to specifically tell you exactly what to do with your time or suggest that you can perfectly manage your time. Some people do better than others I suppose. I've also pointed out that masturbation is barely mentioned in scripture, is only mentioned in reference to Jewish law and that proper use of time to do good works is mentioned multiple times by multiple authors. My position is that masturbation is no big deal but that wasting time is a big deal, Biblically. Practically, you are right that time management isn't always easy, and I'm not trying to put you on a guilt trip. Don't be too hard on yourself.

I think wasting time is when your doing something you don't enjoy doing that is constructive. If you enjoy it and love it, then there is no time wasted.

If you say that if the enjoyment does not help someone else, then it's a waste of time, then i will say, me getting a 20 minute shower, vs a 10 minute one is time wasted not helping someone, so then i must have sinned? But, that makes no sense, life is not ONLY about helping someone all the time. Life consists of MANY facets. Yes, we should help people, but that is not everything in life.

The biggest waste of time is when people spend 5 hours playing video games when they could be building relationships with people, researching real issues, building there relationship with God, ect......Or like i said, going to a 8 hour job to pay a slave driving morgage.
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I recently just got a long shower myself, and it was a hot shower. Could I have done better? Yes, I could have. Therefore I was not as good as I could have been, but I cut myself some slack since I'm human. If I could achieve perfection I would be a little bit more critical of myself. I consider this sin to be atoned for rather than something I need to ask for forgiveness about.
I recently just got a long shower myself, and it was a hot shower. Could I have done better? Yes, I could have. Therefore I was not as good as I could have been, but I cut myself some slack since I'm human. If I could achieve perfection I would be a little bit more critical of myself. I consider this sin to be atoned for rather than something I need to ask for forgiveness about.

Wait, wait, wait, so.....your saying your long shower was a sin because you could have done better. That means you NEED to ask for forgiveness for taking a long shower. You can't blame it on being human, you must take full responsibility for your sinful action of taking a long shower. And you must never take another long shower for the rest of your life. (of course i don't believe this, i am just making a point here).

Also if this sin is atoned for, why not every other sin? Why are some sins we need to ask for forgiveness and others not? And how do we figure which one's are atoned for and which ones are not?


Active Member
Masturbation is considered a sin because it is believed to be contrary to the natural purpose of sex. The argument is that sex exists primarily as the means for procreation, and procreation (and therefore all sexual activity) is only to occur in the contexts of marriage as the purpose of marriage is the creation and facilitation of the family unit. Since the natural function of sex is procreation, it follows then that any sexual activity that cannot result in procreation is contrary to its purpose and is therefore a violation of God's designs. TLDR, it's a violation of natural law.
Yes, this unnecessarily binary construction tells us more about the cognitive limitations of its author than it says about the nature of sexuality.


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And what leads you to believe that your sin of taking a LONG shower to be a sin that is atoned for and you need not ask for forgiveness of it and repent of it?
I cut myself some slack since I'm human. If I could achieve perfection I would be a little bit more critical of myself.
I cut myself some slack since I'm human. If I could achieve perfection I would be a little bit more critical of myself.

Why blame your sin on being human rather then own up to responsiblity for your actions of sin and then repent of it?

Also, if you did achieve perfection then you would not be critical of yourself at all because perfection would have nothing to be critical of.

The Adept

ah The Divine Peep Show.

Nowhere is masturbation forbidden in the Bible.
So 'That which was made lawful' must be outlawed by a satanic cult?


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I think hell and cults are really a different topic, and people think about both things in many ways. Some people seem to think that hell is a burning fiery pit into which unbelievers will be left to spend all of eternity and that satanic cults are groups of stupid people who want to burn in that pit.

The Adept

Anyway are we talking of Gehenna or Sheol?
If the first then you can visit it as it is a nice park in Jerusalem.
If the second; it is just a bad emotional state.
If I could achieve perfection I would be a little more critical of myself, but I'm human.

Looks like you reached a dead end, your not answering my point and question.

If you were perfect, then you would not be critical of yourself, because perfection has nothing bad in it to be critical of.....

How do you figure that if you were perfect, you would be more critical?

Also, you assume taking a long shower is an imperfection.

Also, if it was an imperfection, you blame it on being human, rather then own it and be responsible and ask forgiveness and repent of it. But instead of doing that, you blame it on being human and say it's atoned for. How do you determine which sins are atoned for and which ones we need to be responsible for?

I think it's a sin for you to think it's a sin that you took a long shower. How about that? And you know why i think this? Because i think your wrong, and anything that is wrong, is a sin. Also, even if i went with your statement that being perfect would make you more critical of yourself then this is what i would say to that; you know, you don't need to achieve perfection to become more critical of yourself, your criticalness of yourself CURRENTLY is doing just fine WITHOUT perfection, because anyone who would critisize themselves for taking a shower just a little bit longer then they normally would, is MORE then enough critical of themselves.
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I think you can measure how sinful something is by asking how badly do most people not want to get caught in the act. I think most people would want to not get caught masturbating. It's instinctively a sin. An interesting next question would be "Why?".

maybe because you have reduced fertility for a day or two?

Voyeurs must be saints.
The reason one does not want to get caught masturbating is the same reason one does not want to get caught being naked. It's not because it's sinful, it's because it's embarasing, your exposed and being exposed that way is imbaressing. And adding to it, that stroking your penis with your hand just LOOKS WEIRD, so if someone saw you do it, you would FEEL weird and they would FEEL weird.......

That's why.


The reason one does not want to get caught masturbating is the same reason one does not want to get caught being naked. It's not because it's sinful, it's because it's embarasing, your exposed and being exposed that way is imbaressing. And adding to it, that stroking your penis with your hand just LOOKS WEIRD, so if someone saw you do it, you would FEEL weird and they would FEEL weird.......

That's why.

The reason it is embarrassing is because people have been raised to believe it is embarrassing, and sometimes even sinful.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
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i hear you and it makes sense, but masturbation still can't be done without looking or thinking something lustful, and if you lust God said it's like adultery in one's heart, so it kinda overlaps

i feel like you guys made me more confused than before, where is the bottom line? is it safe to say it is a sin or not?
Let me ask you a question. Does the physical act of masturbation increase your lustful thoughts, or decrease your lustful thoughts overall?

I am also going to say welcome to RF, but this is not the place to come if you are looking for simple answers.