I wonder what would be the reaction of theists if evidence was discovered which proved beyond any shadow of doubt that no god has ever existed, and all faiths are created by humans?
Even if "God" had no personal aspect, that which is "most high" must be referenced for things to work correctly/optimally -which is to say we would still need to obey "God". We would still need to revere God as described in the first few commandments so as not to lose focus on that fact. The latter commandments still would produce a wonderful world -breaking them otherwise. Maybe the seventh day sabbath would not specifically apply, but there may actually be something mathematically, physically, psychologically, etc., optimal about that, also.
God "is that is" -it just so happens that what is is aware that it is.
Also... If the most high did not have the ability to think, reason, plan, etc, there would not be one in a position to offer us a hand up, as it were, and make us immortal after 120ish or less years of personal human experience. Humans might self-evolve to the point of invulnerability and indefinite longevity, but it would be a slow, messy, horrible road -and would not benefit those who had lived before. The most high being able to "bare record" of the states of us all allows for resurrection.