The evidence is already on the table to show that the only place gods exist is as concepts, things imagined, in individual brains.
I am pretty confident you would ignore any evidence that would not be in alignment with your own existing prejudice.
Here's what I would consider as evidence for the existence of God. What is the IT that decides something is being observed in double slit type experiments in quantum mechanics. The evidence seems to support the idea reality does not exist at all. The evidence seems to suggest we exist or reality is part of some kind of higher mind. I would go further and say the way reality operates as a dance between observer and what is being observed causing changes in what is physically realized then God is actively participating in the way everything is ordered yet unimaginably creative at the same time.
I'm not the smartest person in the World but I find the way nature behaves at the smallest scale of measurement to be quite shocking.
“Those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it.” Niels Bohr, Essays 1932-1957 on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge
“A physicist is just an atom's way of looking at itself.” Niels Bohr
“The meaning of life consists in the fact that it makes no sense to say that life has no meaning.” Niels Bohr
You speak so confidently in the way you understand the Universe perfectly accurate and complete. Either you are ignoring the evidence presented to us by experiments in quantum mechanics. Or you do not understand what the implications are by the evidence. Or you have an absolute dogma that with live in a clockwork Universe with hard determinism. I am not confident or convinced the Universe is machine like at all. As far as I can tell everything seems rather strangely spiritual.
But the big one for me is the total absence of a definition of God appropriate to a real god, one with objective existence, such that we could determine whether any real being or thing or phenomenon were God or not.
I like how you start the sentence out "for me" and then interpolate for all people by using "we".
Every definition of God I have ever read claims God is infinite, without boundaries, and transcendent. Every single thought you have presupposes God has finite boundaries, must be a "thing", and as a thing it can be experienced as a thing. Everything in your way of thinking exists "out there".
Yet, every religious text I've read use words to represent ideas having no boundaries. Like God, spirit, Tao, Nirvana, Oneness, on and on. Every major work on religion talks about religion as being a path to some higher experience. Each of us has a personal journey to a specific type of subjective experience of the World. Most people who study religion call this experience as being in the presence of God.
I get it, spirituality is NOT your cup of tea. Some people like to open their eggs from the top. Some people like to open their eggs from the bottom. Oy vey.