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If Jesus was a sacrifice...


Oh how I love the Word of God!
The Father raised him. (Acts)
The Father and Jesus are the same.


John 10:18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father."

John 2:19 Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days."


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Are you being serious? I can't tell. Go, learn what this means: I desire mercy, not sacrifice.
We receive mercy after we repent to God through Jesus' shed blood on the cross.

Notice that you will not answer my questions to you. You will not acknowledge that God commanded animal sacrifices, and this was a SHADOW of Jesus Christ.

Theodore A. Jones

Active Member
to what or to whom was Jesus sacrificed?
The murder of Jesus Christ was a guilt offering for increasing sin.
"His life is a guilt offering" Isa. 53:10 the correspondent conformation is Rom. 5:20 "The law was added so that the trespass(of his murder)might increase." Gen. 9:5 is the explanation.

Theodore A. Jones

Active Member
Jesus Christ's atonement on the Cross was for mankind, because of our sin, we had been separated from God, and the only to bridge the gap between Gods perfection and humanity was for Jesus, being perfect and God, to die as a sacrifice.
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ was the sin of murder. No sin, an offense of law, can be a direct benefit to anyone else. If any sin or infraction of law is committed for gain the law recognizes the sin and that action as an unjust enrichment, ie. conspiracy. "They conspired to kill Him." It is not possible to sin or disobey a law and the result not be multiple counts of infraction.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
The Father and Jesus are the same.


John 10:18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father."

John 2:19 Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days."
Acts 2.32
God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of the fact.

Jesus was not God when he was a man or how did he die? God is Spirit, not flesh. He went down into Hades. He was dead! Dead people do not raise themselves. His inner Self would be with the Father, but he could still do nothing without his Father's say.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
You will have to specify which god you are talking about because the god of the OT most certainly did require sacrifices
Though we've done sacrifice to please God, there are clear statements in the prophets that God is fed up with all the animal sacrifices, which they borrowed from other cultures and has never authorised human sacrifice. ;)
God wants obdience to the law, not sacrifice. :innocent:


Well-Known Member
Why did he ask stipulate for sacrifice in the Law then? Did not the blood of the animal represent it's life? Was not the man's life forfeit due to sin? The sins offering were needed. Their continual repetition emphasized that the ransom price for a man's life was desperately needed - and out of reach. (Ps 49:7-9) But the sin offering was not the only type of sacrifice. There were the communal sacrifices. Opportunities for God's people to 'share a meal' with God. To voluntarily give to Jehovah as they were motivated above and beyond the tithe that supported the Levitical priest arrangement.

What use is a sin offering when someone deliberately sins? What use is a communion sacrifice if you were not someone God wanted in his tent? (Ps 15).

Yes God wanted obedience and mercy, but that did not negate that sacrifices were needed or beneficial to the giver as they had an opportunity to give something back to Jehovah. What was worthless was sacrificing and missing it's purpose - to live with integrity towards God and mercy towards man and beast.
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Oh how I love the Word of God!
Acts 2.32
God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of the fact.

Jesus was not God when he was a man or how did he die? God is Spirit, not flesh. He went down into Hades. He was dead! Dead people do not raise themselves. His inner Self would be with the Father, but he could still do nothing without his Father's say.
Robert, you need to first go back and acknowledge the scriptures that I gave you that PLAINLY says Jesus raised himself. You cannot just go on as if you did not see those scriptures.
The reason why there are scripture that says God raised Jesus, and other scripture that says Jesus raised himself...it is because they are One and the same.

Jesus is God in the flesh, and Jesus died in the flesh, but he lived in his Spirit, which is the Holy Spirit.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Why did he ask stipulate for sacrifice in the Law then? Did not the blood of the animal represent it's life? Was not the man's life forfeit due to sin? The sins offering were needed. Their continual repetition emphasized that the ransom price for a man's life was desperately needed - and out of reach. (Ps 49:7-9) But the sin offering was not the only type of sacrifice. There were the communal sacrifices. Opportunities for God's people to 'share a meal' with God. To voluntarily give to Jehovah as they were motivated above and beyond the tithe that supported the Levitical priest arrangement.

What use is a sin offering when someone deliberately sins? What use is a communion sacrifice if you were not someone God wanted in his tent? (Ps 15).

Yes God wanted obedience and mercy, but that did not negate that sacrifices were needed or beneficial to the giver as they had an opportunity to give something back to Jehovah. What was worthless was sacrificing and missing it's purpose - to live with integrity towards God and mercy towards man and beast.
God did not like it when the Jews would sin, and then give a sin offering, but not really be sorry for their sins.

The old law was NOT based on faith, but the people had to do these ceremonial works.

There were Jews who did have faith in God and who did do what God commanded.

Before Jesus started his earthly ministry, the Jews who DID NOT ALREADY have faith in God were cut off and hardened, so that they could not hear Jesus and be saved. JESUS CAME FIRST for those who already belonged to God by faith. God gave those people to Jesus, they now had to go through Jesus. In fact, we all have to go through Jesus by faith. Even the cut off Jews have to come to Jesus in faith, and then they will be grafted in.

The old ceremonial laws about animal sacrifices were just teaching tools about Jesus.

The old ceremonial laws with being made clean by the blood of animals and other such works were a teaching tool about what was coming, Jesus Christ. For we do not have to do all those works anymore, because faith in Jesus' blood makes us clean.


Admiral Obvious
Though we've done sacrifice to please God, there are clear statements in the prophets that God is fed up with all the animal sacrifices, which they borrowed from other cultures and has never authorised human sacrifice. ;)
God wants obdience to the law, not sacrifice. :innocent:
Except you claimed god "never" required sacrifice.
Which is blatantly false.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Except you claimed god "never" required sacrifice.
Which is blatantly false.
To require something means it is compulsory, a necessity, etc; there are multiple ways for God to forgive sin in Judaism without sacrifice, thus it isn't required in that context.
In the context of Balaam, he was going to get Balak to commit sacrifice, to gain favour with God; yet clearly what gains favour with God, is by following the law, and living righteously... Thus again sacrifice isn't required, obedience is. :innocent:


Admiral Obvious
To require something means it is compulsory, a necessity, etc; there are multiple ways for God to forgive sin in Judaism without sacrifice, thus it isn't required in that context.
In the context of Balaam, he was going to get Balak to commit sacrifice, to gain favour with God; yet clearly what gains favour with God, is by following the law, and living righteously... Thus again sacrifice isn't required, obedience is. :innocent:
that is some rather impressive mental gymnastics.

Theodore A. Jones

Active Member
Though we've done sacrifice to please God, there are clear statements in the prophets that God is fed up with all the animal sacrifices, which they borrowed from other cultures and has never authorised human sacrifice. ;)
God wants obdience to the law, not sacrifice. :innocent:

Which law are you referencing? The Sinai code or the law that has been added by Christ after his ascension?
You are correct that God has not endorsed nor authorized human sacrifice, but God will not declare anyone righteous who depends upon his obedience of the written code for being declared righteous by God.
"For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous." Rom. 2:13 He is not referencing the Sinai code and do not mistakenly think he is.

Theodore A. Jones

Active Member
God did not like it when the Jews would sin, and then give a sin offering, but not really be sorry for their sin---------------" because faith in Jesus' blood makes us clean."

You are correct until the last part of your teaching, but err in your teaching's close. The sin of a man's murder cannot be a direct benefit because murder is an infraction of the law. Just what sin do you think those people who were added to the church Jesus Christ is head of repented of by them having heard the Acts 2 message?
Do you think they confessed "Oh God I'm so happy and glad the blood of your only begotten son whom we murdered a while back has made us clean." or did they confess "Oh God have mercy, OH! God!! I'm so truly sorry your only begotten son Jesus was murdered and I approved of it? Forgive me God OH!! please for give me!! And if YOU! do not have the faith to confess like they did to save themselves you will surely perish. There is no other Way to save yourself from God's wrath.

Theodore A. Jones

Active Member
So you say Jesus was sacrificed against his wish?
Wadaa do you read? Commentaries? None of them are worth the paper they are printed on.
See Lk. 22:42-44. And figure that report out if you have the ability, which I doubt. Jesus Christ was murdered and he knew what he was facing was not a trip to gagaland.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Which law are you referencing? The Sinai code or the law that has been added by Christ after his ascension?
Wasn't referencing just Biblical law, yet any law that makes you become more righteous in God's sight.

Which law are you meaning 'after Christ's ascension'?

Think more importantly, if we bring Christ's laws into affect, then all of his teaching also apply as law. :innocent:

Theodore A. Jones

Active Member
Wasn't referencing just Biblical law, yet any law that makes you become more righteous in God's sight.

Which law are you meaning 'after Christ's ascension'?

Think more importantly, if we bring Christ's laws into affect, then all of his teaching also apply as law. :innocent:

A slide response if there ever was one. Your statement is: "God wants obedience to THE law." Now again; WHICH LAW!?