Okay, let me see if I can clarify what I meant. I believe that Jesus Christ was known prior to His birth (which would been thought the entire time period covered in the Old Testament) as Jehovah (or JHWH, if you prefer). I believe that most references to "God" in the Old Testament are actually referring to the pre-mortal Messiah, the individual known as Jehovah at that time, but as Jesus Christ in the New Testament, when He was here upon the earth. I don't believe in the Trinity, but I do believe in a Godhead comprised of three individuals: the Father (who I also could refer to as Elohim), the Son (Jehovah/Jesus Christ), and the Holy Ghost. I believe they are three separate beings, absolutely united in will and heart, in their love for us and in their purpose, which is to bring to pass the eternal life of mankind. I believe that, within the correct context, any of of the three can be referred to as "God," because all three -- by the Father's will -- share that title. I believe that of the three, the Father holds a position of superiority (not in his divine attributes, but in "rank," for lack of a better word. I hope that helps.