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If life evolves under the right conditions, “Where is everybody?”


Well-Known Member
If evolution and abiogenesis is true there very well could be and I would expect it. However I'm not holding my breath. I have my ancient manuscripts to cling to. :)

thats right you do. And don't forget, written by authors that no one has a clue who they were. But even if we never find life on other planets that means nothing about how life formed here.


Admiral Obvious
Let me suggest that without alien life forms on other planets evolution from common descent becomes less believable.
You can suggest it all you want.
You can believe whatever you want.

We all already know that you care nothing for truth of facts.

If earth is not uniquely qualified or designed for life then life should have evolved simultaneous on other planets.
Says who?
Here you are merely showing off your willful ignorance.

And if earth is uniquely qualified for life then that confirms the Bible's creation account.
Only in your ignorant mind and the minds of like ignorants.
However comfortable you are in your ignorance, it (your ignorance) has no effect on the truth.

The Bible tells us that through creation the earth is where God’s attention and plan for life is.
Please present the verse(s) from the Bible that indicate/imply that the Earth is the ONLY place your deity created life.

The Bible says that Christ become a man, not an alien and is seated at the right hand of the Father, not ministering to aliens.
Nice non sequitur.

The Bible is confirmed again.
Only to the ignorant mind predisposed on the Bible being true regardless of truth and fact.

I can not help but wonder how your god feels about your belief in lies and falsehoods.

Guess he is not a god of truth after all.


Happiness Incarnate
The interesting thing is that there's no reason to believe life on other planets would be products of abiogenesis or evolution, at least not as we know them here. The odds of life on another planet being a product of the exact same forming of amino acids, or of them forming a helix of amino acids to function as a code to tell cells how to divide, is pretty slim, i think.


Well-Known Member
The interesting thing is that there's no reason to believe life on other planets would be products of abiogenesis or evolution, at least not as we know them here. The odds of life on another planet being a product of the exact same forming of amino acids, or of them forming a helix of amino acids to function as a code to tell cells how to divide, is pretty slim, i think.

I tend to believe the chances of it happening here were pretty slim as well but...here we are.


painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
They would be the product of the same processes... just following a different path.
Abiogenesis doesn't propose specific outcomes... just the process by which it happened.

Like gravity explains how objects fall down... not just how objects fall down on Earth.



Well-Known Member
As we explore deeper and deeper into space, we are not finding any signs of alien life. As physicist Enrico Fermie quipped, “Where is Everybody?” For an evolutionist, the search for alien life is the search for his own origins. “We believe we are conducting the most profound search in human history — to know our beginnings and our place among the stars,” declares the SETI institute.

Let me suggest that without alien life forms on other planets evolution from common descent becomes less believable. If earth is not uniquely qualified or designed for life then life should have evolved simultaneous on other planets. And if earth is uniquely qualified for life then that confirms the Bible's creation account. The Bible tells us that through creation the earth is where God’s attention and plan for life is. The Bible says that Christ become a man, not an alien and is seated at the right hand of the Father, not ministering to aliens. The Bible is confirmed again.

The bible never denies the possible existance of other races among the stars, so I dont see how even the basis of your arguement stands.

Merely because God doesnt make any reference to them doesnt mean that they dont exist, just like he didnt expressly state gravity, or America. I dont see how this rational is logically sound.

I Am

Whether we find life or not in the universe neither proves nor disproves evolution. It has no effect. The theory of evolution does not rely on other planets having life. Also, the universe expands to a very, very vast distance. We are not able to search the entire universe for life.


Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
The bible never denies the possible existance of other races among the stars, so I dont see how even the basis of your arguement stands.

Merely because God doesnt make any reference to them doesnt mean that they dont exist, just like he didnt expressly state gravity, or America. I dont see how this rational is logically sound.

Well I like to keep that in my back pocket as a trump card just in case we find intelligent life out there somewhere. :D


Active Member
Well I like to keep that in my back pocket as a trump card just in case we find intelligent life out there somewhere. :D

why though? if god exists and created all of the universe and everything in it, why would he make some little insignificant planet the only place with life? if this is the only planet with life why bother with the rest. sure its pretty to look at but thats it theres no real purpose to it.

or say god created life on millions of worlds, billions of light years apart, why would he tell these life forms about each other if there was no way they could ever possibly meet? why bother telling the story of all these cultures? people get bored unless something has a direct impact on there lives so god kept the story simple, only telling us about our own world.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
maybe that is why we don't see much of god... he's too busy making the universe for us to look at with our increasingly powerful telescopes?

If we weren't looking out there he could have time to interact with us.



Well-Known Member
As we explore deeper and deeper into space, we are not finding any signs of alien life. As physicist Enrico Fermie quipped, “Where is Everybody?” For an evolutionist, the search for alien life is the search for his own origins. “We believe we are conducting the most profound search in human history — to know our beginnings and our place among the stars,” declares the SETI institute.

Let me suggest that without alien life forms on other planets evolution from common descent becomes less believable. If earth is not uniquely qualified or designed for life then life should have evolved simultaneous on other planets. And if earth is uniquely qualified for life then that confirms the Bible's creation account. The Bible tells us that through creation the earth is where God’s attention and plan for life is. The Bible says that Christ become a man, not an alien and is seated at the right hand of the Father, not ministering to aliens. The Bible is confirmed again.

If you believe a supposed god must look like a man, then you have other problems. That said, I do believe that the fact that we have not found evidence of intelligent life elsewhere does indicate the possibility that intelligent life at least in our galaxy may be somewhat rare, or even quite rare, at least intelligent life capable of star travel, and colonization of other planets/solar systems. Of course, we don't know anything for sure yet, but until we see the first real evidence of intelligent life elsewhere, we cannot assume that it is common.


Active Member
If you believe a supposed god must look like a man, then you have other problems. That said, I do believe that the fact that we have not found evidence of intelligent life elsewhere does indicate the possibility that intelligent life at least in our galaxy may be somewhat rare, or even quite rare, at least intelligent life capable of star travel, and colonization of other planets/solar systems. Of course, we don't know anything for sure yet, but until we see the first real evidence of intelligent life elsewhere, we cannot assume that it is common.

yeah i think the drake equation (used by seti to estimate the number of lifeforms in our galaxy) says that only 1% of the stars in our universe could have a planet supporting life orbiting it. and of that 1% of planets only 1% of them could hold intelligent life.

so were looking for 1 ten thousandth of all the stars in our galaxy (about 20 million) so its going to take a very long time to look.


As we explore deeper and deeper into space, we are not finding any signs of alien life. As physicist Enrico Fermie quipped, “Where is Everybody?” For an evolutionist, the search for alien life is the search for his own origins. “We believe we are conducting the most profound search in human history — to know our beginnings and our place among the stars,” declares the SETI institute.

Let me suggest that without alien life forms on other planets evolution from common descent becomes less believable. If earth is not uniquely qualified or designed for life then life should have evolved simultaneous on other planets. And if earth is uniquely qualified for life then that confirms the Bible's creation account. The Bible tells us that through creation the earth is where God’s attention and plan for life is. The Bible says that Christ become a man, not an alien and is seated at the right hand of the Father, not ministering to aliens. The Bible is confirmed again.

first, I was too lazy to peruse all 26 pages of this thread, so if i am repeating someone else's point, then please forgive me.

Man of Faith, I hear a constant argument from the creationist side telling me that the odds of the necessary amino acids, etc to come together in a soup, if you will, to progressively become life as we know it is so astronomical as to be a one in a billion possibility, if not more. So, therefore it had to be an intelligent designer.

Then i hear creationists wonder why a one in a billion possibility hasn't happened a billion times over. kind of like having their cake and eating it too.

something else too please. I am somewhat familiar with the bible, and have heard the quote over and over about jesus taking his place at the right hand of god. but I really don't recall the use of the word "aliens" to be in that verse. Could you please quote that verse for us so I could stand corrected? Thanks in advance....


Well-Known Member
Not at all, what we do is proselytize them in Jesus name. :D Actually there is nothing in the Bible from what I can tell that says there will not be life on other planets. However the point of the thread is if evolution happens and abiogenesis happens, where is it and why only on this planet?
The problem it all the assumptions made in that question. How can we know someone is out there right now?


Well-Known Member
yeah i think the drake equation (used by seti to estimate the number of lifeforms in our galaxy) says that only 1% of the stars in our universe could have a planet supporting life orbiting it. and of that 1% of planets only 1% of them could hold intelligent life.

so were looking for 1 ten thousandth of all the stars in our galaxy (about 20 million) so its going to take a very long time to look.

Science doesn't test theories with probabilities, it tests theories with evidence. Until we find sure signs of intelligent life elsewhere, the THEORY that intelligent life is common has no evidenciary support.


Admiral Obvious
yeah i think the drake equation (used by seti to estimate the number of lifeforms in our galaxy) says that only 1% of the stars in our universe could have a planet supporting life orbiting it. and of that 1% of planets only 1% of them could hold intelligent life.

so were looking for 1 ten thousandth of all the stars in our galaxy (about 20 million) so its going to take a very long time to look.
One wonders out of which orifice these numbers have been pulled...