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If the Big Bang was proved false what alternatives would evolutionist have?


Admiral Obvious
At some 'point' science cannot continue.
THEN reason takes over.

Science will take you TO that 'point' of decision where the experimentation cannot be applied.
At that 'point' you have to make the choice.

Spirit first?...or substance?
The rest of your belief unfolds from there.

I suspect consequence for choosing one and not the other.
Please define "spirit" in a meaningful and or useful way.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Hey @Thief...
Well, I agree with you to a degree. At some point, science cannot continue.

I see no reason to assume spirit or afterlife or anything else, but I also wouldn't claim science knows everything, or ever will know everything.


Admiral Obvious
Hey @Thief...
Well, I agree with you to a degree. At some point, science cannot continue.

I see no reason to assume spirit or afterlife or anything else, but I also wouldn't claim science knows everything, or ever will know everything.
I am still waiting for a meaningful and or useful definition of "spirit" from Thief.
I am not going to be holding my breath though.


Rogue Theologian
Hey @Thief...
Well, I agree with you to a degree. At some point, science cannot continue.

I see no reason to assume spirit or afterlife or anything else, but I also wouldn't claim science knows everything, or ever will know everything.

Assumption can be useful....when applied appropriately.
The singularity is a prime example.
Science with it's numbers will take you to that 'point'.
The rest of the equation has no resolve on the chalkboard.

I say, cause and effect remain in play.
The singularity needed to be formed and then set into motion.

The universe(one word) is the effect and God is the Cause.
It must be assumed as the experiment won't fit in the petri dish.


Admiral Obvious
Assumption can be useful....when applied appropriately.
The singularity is a prime example.
Science with it's numbers will take you to that 'point'.
The rest of the equation has no resolve on the chalkboard.

I say, cause and effect remain in play.
The singularity needed to be formed and then set into motion.

The universe(one word) is the effect and God is the Cause.
It must be assumed as the experiment won't fit in the petri dish.
Until you toss "cause and effect" out the window...


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Assumption can be useful....when applied appropriately.
The singularity is a prime example.
Science with it's numbers will take you to that 'point'.
The rest of the equation has no resolve on the chalkboard.

I say, cause and effect remain in play.
The singularity needed to be formed and then set into motion.

The universe(one word) is the effect and God is the Cause.
It must be assumed as the experiment won't fit in the petri dish.

Speaking metaphorically, I am fine with parts of the blackboard being empty for now. Otherwise it would feel too much like we're just filling gaps.


The Lost One
thief said:
At some 'point' science cannot continue.
THEN reason takes over.

Even if science may not have answer, it doesn't mean a person should seek supernatural answers.

And no matter what science doesn't or can't answer, seeking for the supernatural or spiritual phenomena is hardly using one's reasoning faculty.

This whole "spirit, first" BS of yours, is not using any intelligence at all, but using the same unthinking superstitious mind of primitive man.

Superstition is based on ignorance and unreasoning fear, and nothing else.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
In light of the Electric Universe world-view which states that Energy is Matter and Matter is Energy and they are both Electricity and that Gravity does not exist separate from Magnetic Attraction as Gravity really is just the weakest kind of magnetic attraction.
Nothing of this is accurate.

If you understand all this you would understand the fundamental flaws inherit in the big bang theory, in fact due to laws of physics the big bang is actually impossible
So, if I understood how you inaccurately formulated theories in physics, I would realize something of the laws of physics based on your misunderstandings of them?

Understanding this Laws of Nature what viable options do Evolutionist honestly have without the big bang being viable?

You do make a strong case. What have those who hold evolutionary theory to be true? Why, we have nothing! Nothing at all...unless you count evidence; logic; physics; the fact that your descrpition of physics is the kind of simple analysis of those who've been exposed to popuilar accounts yet know nothing about physics, and...well, if you don't know then your knowledgte of the sciences, academia, and research is sufficiently lacking for any such explanation to be accurate.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Sculelos is gone, Legion. Got himself banned in fairly short order. It's a shame, I miss him. He was a master of unintentional humour, and as far as I remember wasn't aggressive.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Sculelos is gone, Legion. Got himself banned in fairly short order. It's a shame, I miss him. He was a master of unintentional humour, and as far as I remember wasn't aggressive.
Ah, alas! Then he was better than I, if only unintentionally. For one who can keep calm in the face of arguments that would make the blood boil (so to speak), is of great worth (and no such one am I, as is clear). Better one who commits to dogma than to constant uncertainty with no small amount of unwarranted polemical discourse, whatever one's belief in one's assessment of the evidence.

Plus, some members are very talented at comic relief (consciously or no).


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Ah, alas! Then he was better than I, if only unintentionally. For one who can keep calm in the face of arguments that would make the blood boil (so to speak), is of great worth (and no such one am I, as is clear). Better one who commits to dogma than to constant uncertainty with no small amount of unwarranted polemical discourse, whatever one's belief in one's assessment of the evidence.

Plus, some members are very talented at comic relief (consciously or no).

Indeed. A couple of times he went so far as to shrug his metaphorical shoulders and agree that some aspects of his theories were yet to be fully defined, which I always found to his credit. The parts that he DID think were fully defined were generally a little more problematic...



Rogue Theologian
Speaking metaphorically, I am fine with parts of the blackboard being empty for now. Otherwise it would feel too much like we're just filling gaps.

There will always be a gap somewhere.

Dropping cause and effect is like creating a gap with an 'h' bomb....
then denying it happened.

That singularity caused it's 'self'?.......not buying that.

Disassociating cause to effect is not reasoning.
It is dysfunctional.
Throw ALL science and math to the curb!

Mohammad Nur Syamsu

Well-Known Member
There will always be a gap somewhere.

Dropping cause and effect is like creating a gap with an 'h' bomb....
then denying it happened.

That singularity caused it's 'self'?.......not buying that.

Disassociating cause to effect is not reasoning.
It is dysfunctional.
Throw ALL science and math to the curb!

Why don't you just follow traditional religion? God the holy spirit chooses, and the existence of God is a matter of opinion. And in the same way, the soul of someone chooses, and the existence of the soul is a matter of opinion. Then when you die, who you are as being the owner of all your decisions, your soul, is judged by God.

That way you validate both opinion and fact. You have facts in regards to what decisions are made, and you have opinions in regards to God and what is in your soul.

An opinion is made by choosing the conclusion. Assuming God exists as you do, has no religious meaning, it is not believing, it is not faith. You have to choose the answer that God is real. When you choose it, then it is faith.


Rogue Theologian
Why don't you just follow traditional religion? God the holy spirit chooses, and the existence of God is a matter of opinion. And in the same way, the soul of someone chooses, and the existence of the soul is a matter of opinion. Then when you die, who you are as being the owner of all your decisions, your soul, is judged by God.

That way you validate both opinion and fact. You have facts in regards to what decisions are made, and you have opinions in regards to God and what is in your soul.

An opinion is made by choosing the conclusion. Assuming God exists as you do, has no religious meaning, it is not believing, it is not faith. You have to choose the answer that God is real. When you choose it, then it is faith.

Been to church....a lot....almost became a priest.....
But I kept reading scripture and it all came together for me...just fine.

It simply didn't work as congregation would have it.
Congregation needs a pat on the back, a hand shake, and a lot of head nodding.

I'm not made that way.
Grew up curious about everything!!!!!
The more I learned, the more I lean to God and heaven.

Science doesn't disprove God.
On the contrary...it points all and everything toward Him!


Admiral Obvious
There will always be a gap somewhere.

Dropping cause and effect is like creating a gap with an 'h' bomb....
then denying it happened.

That singularity caused it's 'self'?.......not buying that.

Disassociating cause to effect is not reasoning.
It is dysfunctional.
Throw ALL science and math to the curb!
Yet you have no problem with tossing cause and effect out the window...
Why is that?

Mohammad Nur Syamsu

Well-Known Member
Been to church....a lot....almost became a priest.....
But I kept reading scripture and it all came together for me...just fine.

It simply didn't work as congregation would have it.
Congregation needs a pat on the back, a hand shake, and a lot of head nodding.

I'm not made that way.
Grew up curious about everything!!!!!
The more I learned, the more I lean to God and heaven.

Science doesn't disprove God.
On the contrary...it points all and everything toward Him!

That is just original sin, the knowledge of good and evil. You insert factual certitude into a subjective issue, the existence of God, and then the body's own drugs are released, and you feel high.

There are more then a hundred drugs the body can produce, having all sorts of useful functions. But one of them is released by the truckloads with that inappropiate way of thinking, of inserting factual certitude into a matter of opinion. Essentially you are enslaved to this drug just as the same as you would be enslaved to cocaine, or alcohol.

There is no substitute for choosing yourself, forming an opinion, it is the only authentic way to have faith.