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If you really want to defeat Trump, try a different strategy


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Can you explain why you consider FBI, DOJ, EPA etc. scum? The people who work there are not multimillionaires. Most are career specialists. Much better than rabble rousing politicians and unscrupulous bankers, no?

Are you talking about worker bees or the ones giving the orders? Sure, those at the lower levels in political machines might not be multimillionaires (although that's far from certain here), but that doesn't mean that they're a bunch of Dudley Do-Rights either.

They have to be doing well enough to be able to live in Washington DC in luxury housing, the most expensive area in the USA to live.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Are you talking about worker bees or the ones giving the orders? Sure, those at the lower levels in political machines might not be multimillionaires (although that's far from certain here), but that doesn't mean that they're a bunch of Dudley Do-Rights either.

They have to be doing well enough to be able to live in Washington DC in luxury housing, the most expensive area in the USA to live.
You have not said why you consider them scum.

Thermos aquaticus

Well-Known Member
Are you talking about worker bees or the ones giving the orders? Sure, those at the lower levels in political machines might not be multimillionaires (although that's far from certain here), but that doesn't mean that they're a bunch of Dudley Do-Rights either.

They have to be doing well enough to be able to live in Washington DC in luxury housing, the most expensive area in the USA to live.

They get their salary from the US government, so what exactly are you hinting at?


Veteran Member
Would you say that only your view is reasonable?

You list your reasons that Trump would be bad, & that Hillary would be good, but
I saw it differently, ie, reasons that each would be better or worse than the other.
I weighed those pros & cons for each.
ADigitalArtist clearly stated her pros and cons. I am in full agreement with her.

Would you care to state your pros and cons?


Veteran Member
Your post, the guy with the car.
The guy with the car wasn't the only racist, white supremacist protesting that day. Trump defended the racist, white supremacists.

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'
President Trump defended the white nationalists who protested in Charlottesville on Tuesday, saying they included “some very fine people,” while expressing sympathy for their demonstration against the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.​


Veteran Member

The guy with the car wasn't the only racist, white supremacist protesting that day. Trump defended the racist, white supremacists.

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'
President Trump defended the white nationalists who protested in Charlottesville on Tuesday, saying they included “some very fine people,” while expressing sympathy for their demonstration against the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.​

Do you know that none of them were fine people, and that no
violence was offered by any on "the other side"?


Veteran Member
Do you know that none of them were fine people, and that no
violence was offered by any on "the other side"?
There were no reports of violence on the other side.

I don't consider white supremacists to be fine people. Just because they no longer wear white robes and pointy hoods does not make them fine people.


Veteran Member
There were no reports of violence on the other side.

I don't consider white supremacists to be fine people. Just because they no longer wear white robes and pointy hoods does not make them fine people.

Oddly, I am not into white supremacy

Thermos aquaticus

Well-Known Member
Is it really that difficult to figure out?

From what we can see, the only reason you dislike these civil servants is that they are investigating a politician you happen to like. You can't seem to point to any wrongdoing on their part, so that leaves the impression that you think the laws should be different for Trump.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
ADigitalArtist clearly stated her pros and cons. I am in full agreement with her.

Would you care to state your pros and cons?
You joined RF after the campaign & election.
I covered extensive reasons then.
You could search the N Am Politics forum for the extensive conversations.
But some highlights.....
- Hillary was a known quantity with a congressional & State Dept record.
She's pro war, pro crony capitalism, pro big government, & weak on security.
(She voted to start & continue the Iraq war.)
- Trump was an unknown quantity, & loose cannon.
His war advocacy record was only mixed.
He offered the stronger possibility for better economic policy, & less war.

Btw, I like your pre-2000 shoes.


Veteran Member
- Trump was an unknown quantity, & loose cannon.
Why would you think having an unknown quantity, & loose cannon in the oval office would be a good thing?

His war advocacy record was only mixed.
Aside from being a draft dodger.
He offered the stronger possibility for better economic policy,
Based on what, his numerous bankruptcies?
& less war.
That's why he threatened a nuclear power with obliteration? That's why he moved the embassy to Jerusalem.

Btw, I like your pre-2000 shoes.



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Why would you think having an unknown quantity, & loose cannon in the oval office would be a good thing?
Compared to a known bad thing?
Aside from being a draft dodger.
Are you the only poster on RF who doesn't know that I too am a draft dodger?

Do you believe that it's right for government to hold a lottery for young men,
& select the healthy, heterosexual, not politically connected, not in the clergy,
ones with low numbers to be forced to go off to a useless wasteful war to
risk life & limb for little pay & even less respect?

Besides, Hillary didn't serve in the military either.
Why is that not a problem for you?
Based on what, his numerous bankruptcies?
Based upon stated intent, & having at least some business experience.
That's why he threatened a nuclear power with obliteration? That's why he moved the embassy to Jerusalem.
Hillary threatened to obliterate Iran.
And unlike Trump, she actually had the record of sending us into yet another useless & expensive war.
Ecco shoes declined in quality around year 2000.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Why would you think having an unknown quantity, & loose cannon in the oval office would be a good thing?

Aside from being a draft dodger.
Based on what, his numerous bankruptcies?
That's why he threatened a nuclear power with obliteration? That's why he moved the embassy to Jerusalem.

Why don't you read the old threads from the presidential campaign of 2016?
There's nothing wrong with being a new member, but I've been there & done that so many times before.


yawn <ignore> yawn
When was the USA not a mess? (rhetorical)
But you can make some objective assessments. Like military violence, the economy, and the federal debt/deficit.
When Reagan left office, the USA was in much better shape than when he took office. Little changed under Bush I, but it was improvement. During the Clinton years, things improved a great deal. During the Bush II years the country went to hell in a hand basket. During the Obama years, the country turned around to a large extent.
What will happen during the Trump administration remains to be seen.

Of course, lots of what happens during any given president's tenure is outside of his control. But whenever anyone complains about what happened during Obama's tenure, it's obvious that they are extremely ill informed.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
But you can make some objective assessments. Like military violence, the economy, and the federal debt/deficit.
When Reagan left office, the USA was in much better shape than when he took office. Little changed under Bush I, but it was improvement. During the Clinton years, things improved a great deal. During the Bush II years the country went to hell in a hand basket. During the Obama years, the country turned around to a large extent.
What will happen during the Trump administration remains to be seen.

Of course, lots of what happens during any given president's tenure is outside of his control. But whenever anyone complains about what happened during Obama's tenure, it's obvious that they are extremely ill informed.
Let's not forget that Reagan left a lingering problem, the cost of which we're
bearing now, & will into the distant foreseeable future. I speak of his extensive
support (including chemical & bio weapons) for Iraq's war on Iran. We created
this enemy, & we continue to reinforce their enmity.
Reagan had some good policies which helped the economy, but the monster he
poked will be its undoing. Trump hasn't learned from this apparently. Oh, boy.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Let's not forget that Reagan left a lingering problem, the cost of which we're
bearing now, & will into the distant foreseeable future. I speak of his extensive
support (including chemical & bio weapons) for Iraq's war on Iran. We created
this enemy, & we continue to reinforce their enmity.
Reagan had some good policies which helped the economy, but the monster he
poked will be its undoing. Trump hasn't learned from this apparently. Oh, boy.
I am totally with you about the scale of that monstrous Crime Against Humanity.
But I think it was mostly Bush. Reagan may very well have not even realized the extent of our involvement. I believe that Bush was the most evil president in living memory.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I am totally with you about the scale of that monstrous Crime Against Humanity.
But I think it was mostly Bush. Reagan may very well have not even realized the extent of our involvement. I believe that Bush was the most evil president in living memory.
Why do you think the VP is responsible rather than the Prez?


yawn <ignore> yawn
Why do you think the VP is responsible rather than the Prez?
Because Bush was the CIA honcho with a vendetta against Iran. He was accustomed to covert evil. Reagan was notorious for his hands off management style. Bush could have run that war without telling Reagan anything he didn't want Reagan to know.
Bush had means, motive, and opportunity. I see no reason for Reagan to even care.
ETA I am sure that, with the clarity of hindsight, some Iranians really regretted helping Reagan/ Bush beat Carter.