Worship a mystery? What is this you speak of? Hmmmm?
Ok, I'll try again, this time from both the theist and atheist perspectives. Perhaps that will help?
The atheist method is built upon observation of reality. This is a great foundation, so let's build upon it.
What is the primary obstacle to our observation of reality?
Our thoughts about reality.
Imagine we are sitting down with our friend, while holding a photo of that friend. In every moment we are looking at the photo we are not looking at the friend. If we can't take our eyes off the photo, we won't see much of the real friend sitting right there in front of us. In such a case, we are choosing the symbolic realm (the photo) over the real world. To remedy this ignoring of our friend (who represents the real world), we'll need to put down the distracting photo (which represents the symbolic world).
The mystery, our ignorance, can be worshiped as it is a gift which helps put down the conceptual photos clogging our mind, and thus focus our full intelligence upon the real world. The conceptual photos seem important while we think they represent a useful "knowing", but once we see that on these topics they are just fantasy knowings, the conceptual photos lose their importance and are more easily set aside.
The atheist who is willing to embrace the mystery, their ignorance, is thus liberated from the symbolic realm to focus on the heart of atheism, observation of the real world.
Observation. Not observation as a means to the end of even more theories and conclusions, a return to the symbolic realm. Just observation, staying in the real world.
Theists believe a god exists in the real world. Ok, no problem, we are presenting no challenge to this perspective. But we might ask the theist....
If you sincerely believe a God exists in the real world, which indeed might be true....
Why are you looking for God in holy books, sermons, doctrines, theology, opinions and conclusions etc? That is, why are you looking for a real world God in the symbolic realm? Why not look for a real world God in the real world instead?
A great many theists are endlessly staring at photos of God (holy books, sermons, theologies etc) instead of putting the photo down and listening to the real world God. Poor God, he can hardly get a word in edgewise as our minds are so very busy chattering a million thoughts about him. Perhaps God is being polite, and waiting for us to shut the #$%% up before he says anything?
So, the theist faces the same obstacle in their chosen method as the atheist faces with theirs. It's the human condition, all of us spend so much time and energy in the inner symbolic realm, that there's hardly any time or energy left over for observing reality (atheist) or looking for a real God in the real world (theist).
Thousands of years of investigation have delivered to us a very useful piece of information. We are ignorant.
If we treat our ignorance as an asset instead of a failure then our ignorance, the mystery, can help us escape a symbolic realm crammed with fantasy knowings, and focus our intelligence on the real world.
Finally, why are you reading this post???
Atheists, I am not the real world, I am a typoholic symbol making machine.
Theists, I am certainly not God either. There's no point in looking for Him here.
Both of you, theist and atheist, what are you still doing here? Why are you still reading? Get the hell out of here both of you
on to the real world with you!