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I'm against abortion myself, but....

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I'm your huckleberry.
I am starting to get upset with this line of thought. Too many people say they are pro life when they really are not. They always use the line, "I am personally against it, but I can't tell others what to do" or something to that effect. If you support other womens right to choose to have an abortion or not, YOU'RE PRO CHOICE, regardless of how you presonally feel. Retorts?


I agree. I wouldn't want an abortion myself, but I don't think it's up to me to choose for others, and as such, am openly pro-choice. I wish more people would own up to being pro-choice as well.


Active Member
Not really. I just recognise that my personal morality should not be inflicted on people who do not abide by the same principles than I do.


I'm your huckleberry.
But you support others right to choose? You are pro choice. It's not about asserting your morals. It's about you saying that others have the right to choose. So that makes you pro choice.


Well-Known Member
im against abortions cause that would mean that if a woman was pregnant with my son/daugther they could kill it, if you do have an abortion i think you should go to jail for 9 months(might not be full murder but still murder)


Duck......Tomatoes heading your way.

My husband posted something on this sometime back:

As I understand it, there are a couple different types of pro-choicers:
  • He/she believes in the right for the women to choose (as it relates to abortion) but defining when the fetus is a person is irrelevant to them. Meaning, whether it’s a person or not, they’d still support the women’s right to choose.
  • He/she believes in the right for the women to choose (as it relates to abortion) but the defining of when the fetus is a person is relevant. Meaning, if they believed a women wanted to abort at 8 months, it would make a significant difference to their support of it. ßSome pro-choicers would consider them pro-lifers.


Premium Member
I am against abortion. I said once that since it was legal, we couldn't stop women from getting one-- but that doesn't mean I agree with the law. I don't support a woman's right to choose. It is murder to me.


im against abortions cause that would mean that if a woman was pregnant with my son/daugther they could kill it, if you do have an abortion i think you should go to jail for 9 months(might not be full murder but still murder)

Spoken like someone who could never end up in that situation.


I agree. I wouldn't want an abortion myself, but I don't think it's up to me to choose for others, and as such, am openly pro-choice. I wish more people would own up to being pro-choice as well.
If people really believe a fetus is a person they should own up and call it what it is...murder. We wouldn't be having this discussion with a 1 week old infant.


I am starting to get upset with this line of thought. Too many people say they are pro life when they really are not. They always use the line, "I am personally against it, but I can't tell others what to do" or something to that effect. If you support other womens right to choose to have an abortion or not, YOU'RE PRO CHOICE, regardless of how you presonally feel. Retorts?

I agree. But being pro-choice is not the opposite of being "against abortion personally". One can have the cake and eat it too in this case: you can be "pro life" personally and "pro choice" generally. It's all about whether you feel it's ethical to impose your personal values on your neighbours through ill-conceived legislation.

Here's a thought experiment for you: Imagine the religious lobby manages to impose legislation making abortion illegal. A non-religious woman who does not share the values of the religious lobby then butchers herself with a coat hanger, resulting in the loss of TWO lives rather than one.

IMO, a reasonable person would agree that if we value human life we should regard the loss of TWO lives as worse than the loss of ONE. This is why most people would agree that since abortions are inevitable it is better to have them performed safely by trained professionals with minimal physical trauma than it is to go back to the days of teenage girls hurling themselves down a flight of stairs or having their boyfriends punch them repeatedly in the uterus.


Active Member
I have often wondered about how abortion law should impact on the concept of the father having to pay to support the child. It's a bit heartless, but if a woman has the decision whether to have the child or not, and the father gets no say, why should the father have to face the consequence of the woman's decision to keep the child?


If people really believe a fetus is a person they should own up and call it what it is...murder. We wouldn't be having this discussion with a 1 week old infant.

No one was talking about fetuses being people or not. You certainly didn't get that from my post, so I'm not sure why you're quoting it. The discussion here is about calling yourself pro-life when you're actually pro-choice. If you want to discuss whether or not fetuses are people, there are plenty of other threads.


Spoken like someone who could never end up in that situation.
Yeah, we are wired differently and a man can never fully capture what it feels like but that really is a weak argument in my opinion. It's no different then a depressed wife who kills her husband that says "you just don't understand".

On a side note, the same people arguing "you just don't understand what we go through, you're a man". Are the same people arguing there is no differences between sexes. Go figure...:rolleyes:


Premium Member
I know this is awfully off topic but I noticed when it comes to abortion, the father seems to have no rights to the child. It seems to be the case a lot of times that if the mother doesn't want the baby but the father does-- the father loses because of what people call a woman's right to choose. What happened to the fathers rights?

As a woman, I know that being pregnant isn't all fun and games (I have 3 children.)


No one was talking about fetuses being people or not. You certainly didn't get that from my post, so I'm not sure why you're quoting it. The discussion here is about calling yourself pro-life when you're actually pro-choice. If you want to discuss whether or not fetuses are people, there are plenty of other threads.
Discussing when someone is a person is completely relevant to whether someone calls him/herself "pro-choice" or "pro-life".
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