You seem to've mised me.
Oops, sorry.
I do consider myself a strong atheist, meaning I affirmatively state that there is no God. For me this is the least faith-based aspect of my thinking, it derives completely from logic. It goes like this:
Is there a God? Well, what is a God? What does "God" mean? It seems to mean a non-physical creator-being who cannot be perceived with any sense--cannot be seen, heard, etc. Well, if something
is defined as not able to be perceived, isn't that the functional equivalent of not existing? If I say there's an invisible elf in my pocket, but you can't see it, feel it, hear it, smell it, etc., aren't I really saying there is NOT an invisible elf in my pocket? So it seems to be that any God is defined as not existing. NOt existing is part of the very definition of a God.
Unless God has some measurable effect, which It does not seem to do.
So I say I affirmatively believe that God does not exist, because I think God is defined as a non-existent thing.