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I'm an atheist. Ask me anything.


Here try and convert me am an agonistic lol. So here’s my question how can you stand up and say to the people that there is no possible way there can be a ''god''.

Rational people don't do that.

I mean if you are 99 percent sure there is no god that would make you (in my option) an agonistic there for you should keep looking because if you are 99 percent sure would it not be worth while looking.

Do you spend time looking for unicorns?

Think of the matrix as you will the red and blue pill. If you take the red pill you live you life and you die. If you are right well your right we turn to dust. If you’re wrong well you go to hell! Burn ***** (sorry jk). Ok now if you take the blue pill **** you turn to dust (still the same).

Pascal's wager is a no win game. I can't pretend to believe in god so that he will be nice to me. I have balls, and if he won't show his face, then what else am I to assume?

However here’s the cool thing if god is real who knows how good that could be! So Ill simplify the question what makes you personally atheious and not agonistic??

Reason. There could possibly be a giant orange muskrat chewing on my roof at home right now so that it can devour my wife, cats and ferrets for dinner, but the chance is so small that I'm not running to the phone to call 911. Likewise, I'm not running to church on sunday.


There isn't one. It's just not logical to assume something exists if there's no evidence for it. Let's not get into that argument though, it's auto's thread.

It’s also not logical to assume something dose not exists when it may.
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IMO the best argument is the "watchmaker argument," that the universe exists and is amazing and got here somehow.

The problem with this argument is that all it gets you, at best, is a completely unknowable Deist God with no contact or personal impact, who makes no difference in our lives. I have no problem with such a God, who does not need to be obeyed or prayed to, does not issue commandments, does not intervene in the world. There may be such a God, but what difference does it make? If God is "outside the universe," then it doesn't care whether I worship it or not.

The best argument for Allah and YHWH is: "Believe or we'll chop your head off."

every thing around you is created the pc your using , your phone your car .. every thing,but when it comes to the universe you say there is no creator i find that hard to believe .


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Oops, sorry.
I do consider myself a strong atheist, meaning I affirmatively state that there is no God. For me this is the least faith-based aspect of my thinking, it derives completely from logic. It goes like this:

Is there a God? Well, what is a God? What does "God" mean? It seems to mean a non-physical creator-being who cannot be perceived with any sense--cannot be seen, heard, etc. Well, if something is defined as not able to be perceived, isn't that the functional equivalent of not existing? If I say there's an invisible elf in my pocket, but you can't see it, feel it, hear it, smell it, etc., aren't I really saying there is NOT an invisible elf in my pocket? So it seems to be that any God is defined as not existing. NOt existing is part of the very definition of a God.

Unless God has some measurable effect, which It does not seem to do.

So I say I affirmatively believe that God does not exist, because I think God is defined as a non-existent thing.
Wow. Pretty impressive semantic game you've got going there. I suppose if you redefine enough words, any position can be logical.

However, it doesn't change the fact that there's no more evidence for your conclusion than mine.


every thing around you is created the pc your using , your phone your car .. every thing,.....

No, that is wrong. Those things were fabricated by humans by assembling elements that already were here long before we arrived.

We know that a painter used paint to assemble a painting, and that the paint was mixed by people using different materials gathered from the earth, but that doesn't mean we know where the universe came from.
No, that is wrong. Those things were fabricated by humans by assembling elements that already were here long before we arrived.

We know that a painter used paint to assemble a painting, and that the paint was mixed by people using different materials gathered from the earth, but that doesn't mean we know where the universe came from.

and who put those materials in the earth ?

before we arrived from where ??
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
every thing around you is created the pc your using , your phone your car .. every thing,but when it comes to the universe you say there is no creator i find that hard to believe .
Why? You employ similar logic (or at least I hope you do):

- your computer was created by people
- your phone was created by people
- your car was created by people
- the universe was not created by people

With either your approach or mine, we can still recognize that the universe is in a different class than a phone, car or computer. You look at this and decide that the universe falls into the "created by God" class. I look at this and decide that it falls into the "not created" class (which, BTW, is a class that you also probably acknowledge exist but claim is occupied only by God). I don't see why your approach has anything more going for it than mine does.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
YOU see this NOBODY is my biggest problem the earth is just too perfect to exist with out a creator .
I could come up with a long, drawn-out response, but I don't think there's any point.

I simply don't understand the mindset that would come up with a comment like that. At a fundamental level, I guess we just see the world very differently.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
If you have any question about how one atheist sees morality, the world, our place in it, or anything else, this is a place to ask.

At the monthly meetings, which is the higher priority: plotting how to sell America into slavery to Red China, or the nefarious efforts to force your "science" onto our innocent children by openly mocking great Christian men such as James Dobson, John Hagee, and the most reverend Pat Robertson?


Well-Known Member
This question is open to any atheists wanting to answer it.

There are two enchanted doors. Both doors are magically able to speak, but one always tells the truth and one always lies.
You need to choose one of these doors to pass through... however! one door leads to the real exit and one leads to... certain doom :eek:

How would you go about figuring out which door is safe?