That's fine, I apologize then if my initial remark sounded condescending, i sincerely did not mean it so - it was meant as nothing more than a reminder, as opposed to a schooling. ...but, neither of us care either way, that's fine.I don't recall if it was this thread or not, but I recently posted the Affirmations of Humanism, one of which was, "We affirm humanism as a realistic alternative to theologies of despair and ideologies of violence and as a source of rich personal significance and genuine satisfaction in the service to others." This darkness that makes so many theists see the world so negatively is what the phrase "theologies of despair" refers to.
As a whole, IANS, most insightful people capricious, unjust, corrupt and misguided. Many of our noblest professions have become synonymous with deceit and corruption, religious groups have been defamed by the behaviours of their own 'adherents', wars and all forms of criminal activity have continued on a very large scale since the beginning of human history. These are incontrovertible facts.
No one is denying the incessant efforts of the well-meaning to make the world a better place, nor of all the good that they have achieved and that currently exists in the world. There are enough places and people in the world where one can enjoy love and peace - but, their presence and influences in the world have not overwhelmed the evil enough in order to classify the earth as a place of good people and safe environments. This is why we have police forces in every city town and village in the world, why almost every home and car and office has a security system installed, why it is not advised for woman to walk alone at night (or even men), why we have expressions like 'dog-eat-dog', 'sex sells', 'looking out for number one', etc...
The reason that we state that the world is over-all evil and unsafe, is because evil is indiscriminate, prevalent, occurs every single minute of the day all over the world, and finally, has not let up or decreased since the beginning of human history. Yes, there is a great deal of good in the world, but it has not earned the status of dominance or even increasing.