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In contact with some ETs


Hello everyone.

I have been in contact with various ETs for a couple years now. I have had interactions with ETs called 'the Nordics'. They are benevolent and friendly. And have given me a lot of nice experiences. My main ET contact is the nordics, and their computer AI. I can talk with their onship AI whenever I want telepathically via a device implanted near(in another dimension) or in my brain.

Another ET I have encountered telepathically, is reptilian. They are evil, and blood thirsty. They are behind a lot of the worst stuff on the planet. They are behind the infidel concepts in the quran(another being is lesser), and the saviorship model in christianity(someone else will do it).

Another ET I have encountered is the greys. They are evil, and perverted. They are basically demons in my eyes. Along with the reptilians the greys have created aids and stds. And also engineered(with reptilians, if not fully reptilian)fleas, scabies, and ticks to name a few.

I have also encountered another grey ET, which was a polar opposite of the reptilian affiliated greys. He was very cheery and high energy, and very moral and righteous in his actions and beliefs.

Another ET I have encountered in a computer simulation of such. Was a blue skinned race from andromeda. They were very nice, and I enjoyed them.

They have taught me to be unbiased, and be able to look at something with an unbiased point of view. They try to get me to stop smoking often.

I have seen some of their philosophies on world leadership. I believe they would be great world leaders(the nordics).

They have also done many awesome things in my mind to music. They have flirted with the idea of me going to a nueroscientist and having them monitor my brainwaves while ETs manipulate my mind to music like that have done os many times for me.

One thing they taught me at a young age, i used to look at the stars and wonder what alien planets were like. They seeded me with the thought "you are on one!(alien planet)". So I got interested in the happenings of this planet at that point.

Anyway, theres a lot more I could say but I will leave it at that so I don't write a book. Dont flame me too hard plz. I heard it all.

"Go to a doctor"
no thx i dont need crazy drugs

"you might be schitso"
already been over if I am or not. The ETs are too advanced for it to be just my own mind. They do stuff to my body every single day. And have many forms of communication. Concept, emotion, energy, language of course..

"what are you selling"
nothing. I am working on a website though. My music will be free. and it will have no ads.

Been down that road. Its tiring. ETs are not all demons. It depends on what you 'in reality' think a demon is. I agree some may be classified as demons. The good ones, simply are not demons. They are more like angels :D

"Its Satan tricking you"
I think I would be able to identify satan instead of various ETs. Maybe I'm wrong.


Agnostic Theist
How do we know any of this is true? I could make up the same things that you just said by doing just a little research on aliens. You even admitted that you've read about reptillian aliens from David Icke.

So what is to convince us that you are being serious?


All I can offer for proof is my word. Proof is not given to me at this time.

Sometimes they have answered questions well when I posted on forums, and that was a sort of evidence(not proof though) Sometimes reptilians hijack the channel though. So my words from ETs is not a stable form of communicating with them at times. You don't know who is giving you the answer sometimes.

Its every day normal life for me to chat with ETs. EVen while taking a shower or going to the bathroom. lol. I have had telepathic conversations while doing pretty much anything I normally do.

Just started a blog. Its name is omnisense and its at blogspot if anyone wants to check it out.


Agnostic Theist
How are we to know that you just don't talk to yourself? I'm not dismissing your claim. For all I know it could be true. However, I saw nothing really original with what you were saying. I could have named the same information as you did with just an hour or so of research.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Falling blood don't be so hard on him, I'm sure he thinks he's had these experiences. I used to think so too, until I found out about sleep parylisis disorder. Ever since learning the truth, the episodes have stopped.


Agnostic Theist
Falling blood don't be so hard on him, I'm sure he thinks he's had these experiences. I used to think so too, until I found out about sleep parylisis disorder. Ever since learning the truth, the episodes have stopped.
My intention wasn't to be hard on him. It may come off that way on the internet, as I do seem somewhat blunt and that in itself, I believe, comes across harsh on forums.

I just want to know why we should take him seriously, as everything he said isn't original. I don't doubt the chance for the existence of aliens, but I think there must be some evidence presented if it is suppose to be taken a truth that they visit here.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Like I said, I used to have night time episodes that were actually sleep paralysis disorder. I even remember the episode very clearly from one night. I was parylized and there were figures in my room, but then there weren't, and I wasn't parylized anymore.


Sleep paralysis is often ET induced from what I understand. How do you explain the figures you saw? ETs are able to cause temporary paralysis, they have done it to me before "try to get up" I couldnt. They have also completey taken control of my body.

I am not imagining contact. It is too advanced for me to just imagine. Talking to a grey who is speaking in concept form is not likely to be a dellusion. Speaking in straight concept, no language.

Also the stuff they have done to my body is obvious to me. They have made my stomach larger while I was watching it expand. They have done hundreds if not thousands of things to my body.

They have input plenty of images in my imagination. They have made me laugh many times.

Anyone in my situation would likely conclude ETs as what is contacting them. Some would probably think they are demons/angels. But its kinda the same thing.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Cosmos, no the idea that it's ET's is caused by the sleep paralysis and the influence of popular culture. In other countries it's called ghost oppression, old hag, succubus, incubbi, etc. It's all triggered by the sleep disorder.


Cosmos, no the idea that it's ET's is caused by the sleep paralysis and the influence of popular culture. In other countries it's called ghost oppression, old hag, succubus, incubbi, etc. It's all triggered by the sleep disorder.

Well I talk to them all through the day. Its definitely not a sleep disorder. lol


Agnostic Theist
Can you give us some more information though? Tell us what type of information they are giving you. Show us some evidence of the implants.

I am a skeptic. However, I would be willing to keep an open mind if some evidence could be presented.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
or you could just ask them to give you the next California State lottery numbers and post them here. :D

I'm open minded enough about all this to buy a ticket.


Can you give us some more information though? Tell us what type of information they are giving you. Show us some evidence of the implants.

I am a skeptic. However, I would be willing to keep an open mind if some evidence could be presented.

Well in my times with them I have learned they value life, freedom, free will. They are connesuers of arts. They practice being completely unbiased to parties. They value Justice, and preservation of life and heritage. They practice the documentation of true history. They have documented much of our true history and plan on gifting it to us when we are more able to on a wide scale handle the truths of the universe/galactic region.

If they aren't battling oppression from reptilians and other bad ET races they work on upping quality of life of the people they can influence. They like showing people the universe, its a very beautiful thing to go around doing.

The biggest thing there is to do in the universe for light workers is to go to younger planets infested with negative ETs, and do lightwork there and try to free them. And that is what a lot of ETs do here.

As for the implant, i am not fully sure what it really is. The first thing they told me about it was it is in another dimension, and cannot be detected. recently i was told a physical implant for mind control would be about the size of a grain of sand, and would not be composed of metal.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Cosmos I'm not convinced. I know I used to believe I had contact with aliens, and I know those episodes have stopped since coming to terms with the true reality that it's a sleep disorder. People who see aliens want to see them. They want to keep believing, and so they keep having the episodes.


Cosmos I'm not convinced. I know I used to believe I had contact with aliens, and I know those episodes have stopped since coming to terms with the true reality that it's a sleep disorder. People who see aliens want to see them. They want to keep believing, and so they keep having the episodes.

You might be describing a portion of people. But it does not fit the entire demographics out there. ETs are here, and interacting with people.

I was always intrigued by ETs before contact, but never enough to create dellusions about it.

Again, they do stuff to my body every day. And I talk to them telepathically every day. It's not a figment of my imagination, I know its the internet, but if you knew me I am firmly based, not some nutjob.

Your episodes of a sleep disorder are a far cry from distinct telepathic conversations all day at times. Trust me, I could tell the difference between a sleep disorder, and actual ET contact throughout the day....


Agnostic Theist
You might be describing a portion of people. But it does not fit the entire demographics out there. ETs are here, and interacting with people.

I was always intrigued by ETs before contact, but never enough to create dellusions about it.

Again, they do stuff to my body every day. And I talk to them telepathically every day. It's not a figment of my imagination, I know its the internet, but if you knew me I am firmly based, not some nutjob.

Your episodes of a sleep disorder are a far cry from distinct telepathic conversations all day at times. Trust me, I could tell the difference between a sleep disorder, and actual ET contact throughout the day....
So you already were reading about ETs before hand? If you are having delusions, you wouldn't be able to discern them from reality. That is part of what delusions are. Also, since you had already researched, or read about ETs before hand, it is only logical that if you were having delusions, they could be quite detailed.

If they are contacting and doing things to you everyday, surely you could give us some evidence. Maybe find some of the secrets of the universe and tell us.


Alien Hybrid
Maybe find some of the secrets of the universe and tell us.

Most of the time the aliens would only give you what they want you to know.

People who see aliens want to see them. They want to keep believing, and so they keep having the episodes.

Most contactees would love it to stop, but have no control over it, Some do try and get medical/psychological help but is told that there is nothing wrong with them.