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In contact with some ETs


Agnostic Theist
The more you talk the more I realize you are unimaginative, and devoid of pure curiousity.

UFOs are in fact evidence. When 7 technological wonders of light/ships follow mexican airforce up and dow their border showing benevolent nature and obvious superiority in technology... Its evidence, not a natural phenomena. You obviously have't heard the best UFO cases.
If you think all UFOs are natural anomalies, you are missing the whole picture. I can't say I respect your intelligence after this.

Your reality obviously is not the same as mine. We can leave it at that. Unless you have questions for the AI to answer. You are bringing my frequency down just by your reality projection.
Are you aware what a UFO is? It is an unidentified flying object. Many happen to be helicopters, spy planes, other planes, balloons, shooting stars, gas balls (especially over swamps), head lights, etc. I have yet to see evidence that they are alien ships. You'd figure that with 11 million sightings, someone could get a decent video or photograph that isn't debunked as a fraud quite quickly. But please, inform me of the best UFO cases. Maybe some pictures or something would be good as well.

Everything you've said, from my studies of psychology, you are portraying signs of delusion. You can't actually give us any evidence (why not as your ET friends about that?), you make claims that anyone who has spent half an hour on the internet could make up as nothing you said was original at all, you've already stated that you have the background knowledge to make this all up which could also lead to delusions, you believe that aliens are trying to poison you and are the cause of world evil, etc. Many of these things are signs of delusion.

You've provided no reason to take you seriously. I could have made up the same exact ideas without trouble. The difference is that I would have made it more interesting and unique.


Yes I know what a UFO is. They are not any one type of thing. But some of them are ET ships, and that can be logically deduced by their flight patterns and technology.

Nice little ego remark at the end. How would you make it interesting or unique? I'm just telling it how it is. Other threads I have made I conveyed interesting and unique things. But here the thread is full of disbelief and sanity questioning. Ive been through a lot of interesting things.

This thread got somewhat interesting:

In contact with some ETs(My story) - David Icke's Official Forums

The ETs channel what I say based on what I am given intellectually by people. If people are just calling me crazy the ETs generally dont respect their intelligence and dont feel the need to give good channels or interesting info. They save that for when people are actually listening, not disbelieving like a reflex.

I'm not going to dig up every good UFO sighting but heres one:
UFO Fox News Mexican Air Force CNN Headline News - Video

Theres more than enough out there that scream ETs.

You've provided no reason to take you seriously.

Well I am just saying what I have experienced. Someone claiming to have interactions with ETs should be taken seriously IMO. And its obviously not. Its full of egotistical asleep sheepish idiots who say I'm insane before even wondering if it could be true.


hmm... wonder if I can find a way to induce sightings...

They say its not likely. Sometimes they hear thoughts of people though. And sometimes they document what I read. So if you really want to interact with them or have a dream or sighting or something, they would listen to that request from my reading it(so would bad ones though).


If people are just calling me crazy the ETs generally dont respect their intelligence and dont feel the need to give good channels or interesting info.



Someone claiming to have interactions with ETs should be taken seriously IMO. And its obviously not. Its full of egotistical asleep sheepish idiots who say I'm insane before even wondering if it could be true.

The only way to take your story seriously is to pity your mental health and plead with you to get help.

I personally think the folks who entertain your delusions are doing you a great disservice and endangering your life.

You have said that sometimes the ETs harm you, but there is no harm in talking with a psychologist about these experiences. If you are declared healthy, then that could bring some validation to your claims.


Agnostic Theist
Yes I know what a UFO is. They are not any one type of thing. But some of them are ET ships, and that can be logically deduced by their flight patterns and technology.
No, they cannot be. The SR-71 spy plane used to be mistaken for an alien vehicle. Helicopters have been mistaken for alien vehicles. Their is no logical reason to assume that these UFOs are anything but non-alien objects. The fact is UFOs are easily debunked. The various videos and pictures of them are so low quality, or absolutely ludicrous that it is ridiculous to suggest that they are alien objects, or that it is evidence.
Nice little ego remark at the end. How would you make it interesting or unique? I'm just telling it how it is. Other threads I have made I conveyed interesting and unique things. But here the thread is full of disbelief and sanity questioning. Ive been through a lot of interesting things.
I would make it interesting or unique by simply not rehashing the same old information that has been spat out by hundreds if not thousands of people. Many of which have been shown to be crazy or suffering from some sort of psychological problem, or simply nothing more than charlatans.

The thread is full of disbelief because you've given no reason to believe you. You've shown signs of being delusional, and possibly mentally unstable. The more you go on about these ETs, the less credible you become as you simply show more signs of being delusional. Yet, you can not show evidence for a single thing you're saying, which is not very logical given the extent that ETs are supposedly messing with you.

The ETs channel what I say based on what I am given intellectually by people. If people are just calling me crazy the ETs generally dont respect their intelligence and dont feel the need to give good channels or interesting info. They save that for when people are actually listening, not disbelieving like a reflex.
I, for one, was open to the idea that possibly you were in contact. However, once you started spouting off additional stereotypical information, that has no founding in logic, and shows massive signs of delusion, there became no reason to take you as serious.

Now, you are claiming that ETs think that most people are unintelligent because they don't have the capability of proving that they exist. Again, very illogical, and a sign of delusion.
I'm not going to dig up every good UFO sighting but heres one:
UFO Fox News Mexican Air Force CNN Headline News - Video
Only it has been debunked quite thoroughly. More so, that video is very unconvincing. There were some lights. They could have been helicopters, airplanes, weather balloons, etc. Doesn't scream ETs, it screams that some people were to wanting to prove that ETs exist.

Well I am just saying what I have experienced. Someone claiming to have interactions with ETs should be taken seriously IMO. And its obviously not. Its full of egotistical asleep sheepish idiots who say I'm insane before even wondering if it could be true.
There is no reason to take someone claiming unproven interactions with ETs seriously. Unless you can show that you aren't delusional, then there is no reason to take you seriously.

Also, I did wonder if it could be true. However, when you refused to provide any evidence, and started showing signs of delusions, then there was no reason to wonder if it was true or not.


The only way to take your story seriously is to pity your mental health and plead with you to get help.

I personally think the folks who entertain your delusions are doing you a great disservice and endangering your life.

You have said that sometimes the ETs harm you, but there is no harm in talking with a psychologist about these experiences. If you are declared healthy, then that could bring some validation to your claims.

There is plenty of harm in going to a psychologist. They would probably try to give me anti psychotic drugs that hurt me for signs of dellusion(because most people wont believe in ETs). I am not interested in drugs. And that is what the medical world has for ET contactees. Its not the best way to go about doing things. :p

Its a shame ETs are too far from your reality angellous. Think of it this way, I talk to angels and demons. Do those exist in your reality? Because I dont think ETs do.


As for fallen, if you dont believe me, you dont have to stick around in this thread. You are obviously biased when it comes to UFOs. The mexican air force one is a firmly based UFO due to military intel backing it up. The mexican air force UFO leads to ET origins. You blatantly disregard it because the video isnt clear. How about the pilots testimony? Sometimes you have to go on somone words, rather than conclusive evidence. ETs dont give us conclusive evidence and when there is some, the military grabs it and keeps it from the public.


Agnostic Theist
Are you not biased towards UFOs? You certainly are as you accept them without any problem.

The reason I was sticking out this thread is because I was hoping that you, someone who claims to be contacted every day, and have something done to his body every day, would have some evidence of what you're saying. You clearly don't. The only logical conclusions are that you simply want attention, or you are suffering from delusions. If the latter is correct, I implore you to go get some actual help.

As for talking to angels or demons, I have to say the majority of those people are crazy. Especially since I hear so often about how those angels or demons told someone to do something very evil. If that is what you're relating your contact to, you should definitely get some help before ETs tell you to kill someone.


Are you not biased towards UFOs? You certainly are as you accept them without any problem.

The reason I was sticking out this thread is because I was hoping that you, someone who claims to be contacted every day, and have something done to his body every day, would have some evidence of what you're saying. You clearly don't. The only logical conclusions are that you simply want attention, or you are suffering from delusions. If the latter is correct, I implore you to go get some actual help.

As for talking to angels or demons, I have to say the majority of those people are crazy. Especially since I hear so often about how those angels or demons told someone to do something very evil. If that is what you're relating your contact to, you should definitely get some help before ETs tell you to kill someone.

lol. Are humans that stupid? That you think I would just DO what any random thing tells me to do? Give me more credit plz. jeez. You are lame man. lol

As for being biased with UFOs, I am not. Some are hoaxes, some are weather anomalies, some are government tests, getting the picture? Being in contact with ETs, I know, they have ships here. So naturally that would lead to thinking some UFOs(especially the high tech intelligent ones like in the mexcian air force incident) are of ET origin.


Agnostic Theist
Your bias towards UFOs is that you believe that you are in contact with ETs, thus you instantly assume that there must authentic UFOs that are alien space crafts. You even state that much, showing that you do in fact have a bias.

As for the Mexican air force ones, they have been thoroughly debunked. There was nothing to really suggest intelligent life behind those UFOs. Especially considering the fact that they have been debunked.

You do realize that you are also a human right? It is somewhat funny though that even though you supposedly are a contactee, you've never provided any sort of evidence. One would assume if this race of intelligent creatures were contacting you daily, you would at least be able to show it in some way. Maybe by having knowledge that was quite advance for this time. Maybe being able to provide more intelligent defenses to not being delusional.


Your bias towards UFOs is that you believe that you are in contact with ETs, thus you instantly assume that there must authentic UFOs that are alien space crafts. You even state that much, showing that you do in fact have a bias.
As your bias is thinking ETs are not here, leading you to think all UFOs are not ET ships.

As for the Mexican air force ones, they have been thoroughly debunked. There was nothing to really suggest intelligent life behind those UFOs. Especially considering the fact that they have been debunked.

They have not been debunked....

You do realize that you are also a human right? It is somewhat funny though that even though you supposedly are a contactee, you've never provided any sort of evidence. One would assume if this race of intelligent creatures were contacting you daily, you would at least be able to show it in some way. Maybe by having knowledge that was quite advance for this time. Maybe being able to provide more intelligent defenses to not being delusional.

I dont know a single contactee to date that was given evidence from their ET friends. Obviously ETs dont just give evidence away. Its the biggest secret on the planet. Of course its closely guarded.


Agnostic Theist
As your bias is thinking ETs are not here, leading you to think all UFOs are not ET ships.
Incorrect. If evidence is shown that ETs are here, then I would have no problem accepting that. The reason I do not believe that UFOs are ET ships is because there is evidence suggesting such.

They have not been debunked....
Accept they have. There is no reason to believe that they were alien space crafts.
I dont know a single contactee to date that was given evidence from their ET friends. Obviously ETs dont just give evidence away. Its the biggest secret on the planet. Of course its closely guarded.
So you're one of the few that get this secret information? Again, another sign of being delusional.

Also, if they were so advanced, why couldn't they just prove it? Why do they have to sneak around, or more kind of bumble around? Are they afraid of us?


Incorrect. If evidence is shown that ETs are here, then I would have no problem accepting that. The reason I do not believe that UFOs are ET ships is because there is evidence suggesting such.

There is evidence of ETs here. People being abducted, UFOs, government whistleblowers. The works. You just chose to not see it for whatever reason. You could be mind controled.

Accept they have[been debunked]. There is no reason to believe that they were alien space crafts.
So you're one of the few that get this secret information? Again, another sign of being delusional.
Prove it? A government claiming UFOs was NOT debunked. This shows either you are blatantly spreading lies, or you dont know what you are talking about.

Also, if they were so advanced, why couldn't they just prove it? Why do they have to sneak around, or more kind of bumble around? Are they afraid of us?
They have their reasons for discretion. A main one being people would flip out of they were to know ETs are here. One major reason they dont show themselves(yet) is respect for some of our weaker minds.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
They have their reasons for discretion. A main one being people would flip out of they were to know ETs are here. One major reason they dont show themselves(yet) is respect for some of our weaker minds.

Wouldn't the "evil" kinds not care for the weaker minds? If they wanna toy with a race and do things like invent viruses etc, they'd be much more efficient by saying "hey earth-monkeys, we're ****** reptiles from outerspace and we're gonna mess with ya for a bit"


Wouldn't the "evil" kinds not care for the weaker minds? If they wanna toy with a race and do things like invent viruses etc, they'd be much more efficient by saying "hey earth-monkeys, we're ****** reptiles from outerspace and we're gonna mess with ya for a bit"

Well it would be harder to disguise evil if they came forward and did that. It would shatter so many peoples realities they would inherently be open minded. Plus if they did that all the good races would be like "we exist too" and do things like cure aids etc. The bad ones basically want to do whats worse for our awareness and intellectual evolution.

Trust me, when the good ETs come forward, the reptilians and greys will do exactly that. Harrass many people. They will be feared amongst people.


Resident Liberal Hippie