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In contact with some ETs



There's a HUGE difference between assenting that UFOs/aliens could exist and believing that someone has extreme telepathic connections to aliens.


Well-Known Member
hmmm Ive read this thread from beginning to end and I have say that your case cosmos is very unlikely.

I mean im open to humans existing, but I really think you should see a therapist.

I see your refusal to go to one as scry and if you trely believe there is nothing wrong with you then going to one would only help people taking you seriously right?

I mean you said that other people have went to therapist and they found nothing wrong with them so why cant they go to you?

also i find the abduction things very unlikely.

I mean a super advanced race can experiment on humans without them knowing? come on.....


Agnostic Theist
There is evidence of ETs here. People being abducted, UFOs, government whistleblowers. The works. You just chose to not see it for whatever reason. You could be mind controled.
No. I've looked at the supposed evidence. I once fully believed that stuff. However, with more research, I had to say that much of it was nothing more than mumbo jumbo. There simply is no credible evidence. But by all means, do show me the credible evidence that you suggest is out there.

Prove it? A government claiming UFOs was NOT debunked. This shows either you are blatantly spreading lies, or you dont know what you are talking about.
Yes it was debunked. There have been numerous scientists who have discussed the idea, each one giving a logical explanation for the occurrence. Then given the fact that the video is not evidence, and only supports the idea of natural explanations, and that the testimonies do not really lead credence to the idea of alien space ships, it is debunked.

They have their reasons for discretion. A main one being people would flip out of they were to know ETs are here. One major reason they dont show themselves(yet) is respect for some of our weaker minds.
That is just bull. It is not logical in anyway. Especially when the majority of the world has been exposed to the idea of aliens for decades now. In addition, most of the people who do see UFOs or are abducted are usually those so called weaker minds.


In addition, most of the people who do see UFOs or are abducted are usually those so called weaker minds.

This is a ridiculous statement.

That is just bull. It is not logical in anyway. Especially when the majority of the world has been exposed to the idea of aliens for decades now.

Exposed to the idea of science fiction aliens. Not = to reality of the being real. There would definitely be fear and panic in some people if ETs showed themselves. There would be a lot of different ways of handling it though.

Yes it was debunked. There have been numerous scientists who have discussed the idea, each one giving a logical explanation for the occurrence. Then given the fact that the video is not evidence, and only supports the idea of natural explanations, and that the testimonies do not really lead credence to the idea of alien space ships, it is debunked.

You are just catoring to your reality. You can find a scientist that says anything. You will always find people disbelieving claims of ET nature. And its not hard to find a scientist to quote like his word is strong because hes a scientist, but you disregard the claims of pentagon employees, defence ministers, cabinet members of Japan. etc.

You obviously have something invested in your beliefs. Or you wouldnt choose your reality about them so hastily. It was NOT debunked. Thats just saying a scientist thinks it doesnt have to do with aliens. Ask the PILOTS, they thought it did. Word against word, I take the pilots over some idiot scientist pundit.


hmmm Ive read this thread from beginning to end and I have say that your case cosmos is very unlikely.

ET contact has happened. Its rare, but I fit under the 'unlikely truth' catagory.

I mean im open to humans existing, but I really think you should see a therapist.

I see your refusal to go to one as scry and if you trely believe there is nothing wrong with you then going to one would only help people taking you seriously right?

I mean you said that other people have went to therapist and they found nothing wrong with them so why cant they go to you?

What can a theraist do to verify if Im actually talking to aliens or not? They would most likely write it off as schitzophrenia and prescribe me drugs. I know the health system pretty well. My mom is a doctor, and my dad a drug counselor.

also i find the abduction things very unlikely.

I mean a super advanced race can experiment on humans without them knowing? come on.....

Is it really that far out to you? They can simply manage what your brain recieves. Its not hard. But typically they dont hide it from me. I feel pains when they work on areas.

All it takes is quick unnoticed injection, and you can experiment on a human... Its pretty easy to experiement on humans and them not know about it... Its not like we are super aware beings.


Agnostic Theist
So basically you're going to refuse to provide any credible evidence, and just act as if we should somehow take your word that you're not delusional, but really are having these experiences that defy logic and you can't prove?

Simply, it's just too convenient that you can claim these ridiculous ideas because they fit what you believe, and somehow aliens actually told you these things. yet, you can't proved a single thread of evidence to even suggest that maybe it is true.


So basically you're going to refuse to provide any credible evidence, and just act as if we should somehow take your word that you're not delusional, but really are having these experiences that defy logic and you can't prove?

Simply, it's just too convenient that you can claim these ridiculous ideas because they fit what you believe, and somehow aliens actually told you these things. yet, you can't proved a single thread of evidence to even suggest that maybe it is true.

You should try ascending the need to believe something or disbelieve something. Try out consider something. Sorry I dont have evidence other than my word. My word is evidence, albeit not very concrete.


Agnostic Theist
You should try ascending the need to believe something or disbelieve something. Try out consider something. Sorry I dont have evidence other than my word. My word is evidence, albeit not very concrete.
I did try out considering that maybe what you were saying was the truth. I then considered that you were suffering from delusions. Then putting together the evidence that you've presented, the latter seems closer to the truth.


I did try out considering that maybe what you were saying was the truth. I then considered that you were suffering from delusions. Then putting together the evidence that you've presented, the latter seems closer to the truth.

Well I dont get very far when peoples mindset is im dellusional when it comes to what I know or relaying my story. Other threads I have made were much more fruitful in terms of evidence in terms of a first hand account.


Agnostic Theist
Well I dont get very far when peoples mindset is im dellusional when it comes to what I know or relaying my story. Other threads I have made were much more fruitful in terms of evidence in terms of a first hand account.

Maybe you should have provided that evidence in the first place then. I asked quite a few times if you could provide some evidence. Each time, I stated that I was open to the idea that you may be on to something. Yet, you never provided evidence. The only evidence you provided was that you were delusional.


Agnostic Theist
After reading some of what you said on each site, I have to say that you have all of the signs of being delusional. However, as you said they have given you prophecies that have happened, why not post one that is suppose to happen relatively soon?

Oh, and I think it is funny that you can flat out lie, as in saying that everything you said is fake, and then saying it's not, and defend it by saying that aliens are making you do so.


After reading some of what you said on each site, I have to say that you have all of the signs of being delusional. However, as you said they have given you prophecies that have happened, why not post one that is suppose to happen relatively soon?

Oh, and I think it is funny that you can flat out lie, as in saying that everything you said is fake, and then saying it's not, and defend it by saying that aliens are making you do so.

They had all happened by the time I got to the internet. And each one of them was closely guarded in my mind. They wouldnt let me remember it until it happened most of the time. Then they would unlock that memory of the channel after it occured so I could not tell people it beforehand. It was safeguarded.

You will probably just say 'more BS and claims' but whatever. Its true. I'm just relaying my story.


Alien Hybrid
Hi Cosmos. just a quick question.

What do you hope to accomplish by posting this, here. If it were mufon's forum maybe, even their they'll treat this thread with suspicion..

From experience I can say that when something like being abducted by Aliens, Or ghost, or anything paranormal happens to a person, one tries to hide it because people will say that your mentally ill. That is what is being taught in some universities, and church.

Governments will go to great lengths to hide it, if one can get proof. I've heard of governments in Africa which pay people to keep quite.

Project Bluebook is being used at some institutes here to teach people how to do good PR by making up facts even if one never saw something, and there is better solutions.


Agnostic Theist
They had all happened by the time I got to the internet. And each one of them was closely guarded in my mind. They wouldnt let me remember it until it happened most of the time. Then they would unlock that memory of the channel after it occured so I could not tell people it beforehand. It was safeguarded.

You will probably just say 'more BS and claims' but whatever. Its true. I'm just relaying my story.
Of course I am as your claims are just ridiculous. Prophecy, that you remember after the fact, is useless and not prophecy. That is called reciting history. There is nothing special about that. I can do it whenever I want.

I believe what you're saying is possible, just not your case. The reason I believe is because I've been in contact with the Anunnaki for millennia. I was one of their first attempts of genetically engineering the human race. That is how I get my sign in name as well, because a rough English translation of the project code they used for myself, as well as 12 other individuals was called Falling Blood. It was their first attempt of creating the human race.

As you can see, that I'm still alive after all of this time, their trait of virtual immortality (by Earth standards. Those who created us are said to be able to live 500,000 years.) was passed on to the first batch of genetically engineered individuals. The Bible attests to this fact in Genesis 6:1-4.

The planet that they come from, Nibiru, is slowly approaching Earth, and should be visible within the next year. I've been in telepathic communication with the Anunnaki who inhabit Nibiru since their last encounter with Earth some 3,600 years ago, which time they placed me on Earth to help oversee the mining of gold (which is the main reason they have an interest in us). The actual mining operation is quite extensive, reaching from the Americas to Asia. Their is a very large mine also in Antarctica, which the Anunnaki purposely manipulated to be nearly inhospitable.

Soon though, in the year 2012, they should make themselves more apparent though. Nibiru should be reaching it's closest point to Earth (it's approaching being apparent from the rash of disasters being seen (tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, even global warming). It is during that time that their covenant with the humans is over, and are allowed once again to interfere with their every day lives. The international galactic federation has also agreed to this, and one of the stipulations is that any other alien race will have a period of 30 days to vacate Earth, and the surrounding space as the Anunnaki, being the creators of humans, and having a massive amount of influence on the beginning of Earth, will have a sole authority on this planet.

At that time, I've been made aware that I will be promoted to general of their elite squad, which will be in charge of destroying any alien races that resist the vacation orders.

That is why I know you're not being truthful. Having been in contact with the Anunnaki for millennia, and having observed their interaction with humans, as well as other alien races that have no right to be on this planet, and in my opinion, should be destroyed, know that what you're saying simply is not logical.


Well-Known Member
Of course I am as your claims are just ridiculous. Prophecy, that you remember after the fact, is useless and not prophecy. That is called reciting history. There is nothing special about that. I can do it whenever I want.

I believe what you're saying is possible, just not your case. The reason I believe is because I've been in contact with the Anunnaki for millennia. I was one of their first attempts of genetically engineering the human race. That is how I get my sign in name as well, because a rough English translation of the project code they used for myself, as well as 12 other individuals was called Falling Blood. It was their first attempt of creating the human race.

As you can see, that I'm still alive after all of this time, their trait of virtual immortality (by Earth standards. Those who created us are said to be able to live 500,000 years.) was passed on to the first batch of genetically engineered individuals. The Bible attests to this fact in Genesis 6:1-4.

The planet that they come from, Nibiru, is slowly approaching Earth, and should be visible within the next year. I've been in telepathic communication with the Anunnaki who inhabit Nibiru since their last encounter with Earth some 3,600 years ago, which time they placed me on Earth to help oversee the mining of gold (which is the main reason they have an interest in us). The actual mining operation is quite extensive, reaching from the Americas to Asia. Their is a very large mine also in Antarctica, which the Anunnaki purposely manipulated to be nearly inhospitable.

Soon though, in the year 2012, they should make themselves more apparent though. Nibiru should be reaching it's closest point to Earth (it's approaching being apparent from the rash of disasters being seen (tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, even global warming). It is during that time that their covenant with the humans is over, and are allowed once again to interfere with their every day lives. The international galactic federation has also agreed to this, and one of the stipulations is that any other alien race will have a period of 30 days to vacate Earth, and the surrounding space as the Anunnaki, being the creators of humans, and having a massive amount of influence on the beginning of Earth, will have a sole authority on this planet.

At that time, I've been made aware that I will be promoted to general of their elite squad, which will be in charge of destroying any alien races that resist the vacation orders.

That is why I know you're not being truthful. Having been in contact with the Anunnaki for millennia, and having observed their interaction with humans, as well as other alien races that have no right to be on this planet, and in my opinion, should be destroyed, know that what you're saying simply is not logical.

makes sense ;)


Hi Cosmos. just a quick question.

What do you hope to accomplish by posting this, here. If it were mufon's forum maybe, even their they'll treat this thread with suspicion..

From experience I can say that when something like being abducted by Aliens, Or ghost, or anything paranormal happens to a person, one tries to hide it because people will say that your mentally ill. That is what is being taught in some universities, and church.

Governments will go to great lengths to hide it, if one can get proof. I've heard of governments in Africa which pay people to keep quite.

Project Bluebook is being used at some institutes here to teach people how to do good PR by making up facts even if one never saw something, and there is better solutions.
Thats a good question as I seem to be accomplishing nothing talking to fallen. The ETs had me post here. Probably for me to get flamed and called crazy(religious forums o.o). The original purpose was to convey history in terms of my story and contact. But here I wouldnt be suprised is the purpose was to be flamed.


Of course I am as your claims are just ridiculous. Prophecy, that you remember after the fact, is useless and not prophecy. That is called reciting history. There is nothing special about that. I can do it whenever I want.

I believe what you're saying is possible, just not your case. The reason I believe is because I've been in contact with the Anunnaki for millennia. I was one of their first attempts of genetically engineering the human race. That is how I get my sign in name as well, because a rough English translation of the project code they used for myself, as well as 12 other individuals was called Falling Blood. It was their first attempt of creating the human race.

As you can see, that I'm still alive after all of this time, their trait of virtual immortality (by Earth standards. Those who created us are said to be able to live 500,000 years.) was passed on to the first batch of genetically engineered individuals. The Bible attests to this fact in Genesis 6:1-4.

The planet that they come from, Nibiru, is slowly approaching Earth, and should be visible within the next year. I've been in telepathic communication with the Anunnaki who inhabit Nibiru since their last encounter with Earth some 3,600 years ago, which time they placed me on Earth to help oversee the mining of gold (which is the main reason they have an interest in us). The actual mining operation is quite extensive, reaching from the Americas to Asia. Their is a very large mine also in Antarctica, which the Anunnaki purposely manipulated to be nearly inhospitable.

Soon though, in the year 2012, they should make themselves more apparent though. Nibiru should be reaching it's closest point to Earth (it's approaching being apparent from the rash of disasters being seen (tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, even global warming). It is during that time that their covenant with the humans is over, and are allowed once again to interfere with their every day lives. The international galactic federation has also agreed to this, and one of the stipulations is that any other alien race will have a period of 30 days to vacate Earth, and the surrounding space as the Anunnaki, being the creators of humans, and having a massive amount of influence on the beginning of Earth, will have a sole authority on this planet.

At that time, I've been made aware that I will be promoted to general of their elite squad, which will be in charge of destroying any alien races that resist the vacation orders.

That is why I know you're not being truthful. Having been in contact with the Anunnaki for millennia, and having observed their interaction with humans, as well as other alien races that have no right to be on this planet, and in my opinion, should be destroyed, know that what you're saying simply is not logical.

lol. Destroying alien races with what? A big mac? rofl