I do not believe Hell is fire in a real sense for a few reasons the first being our nervous system is what allows us to feel the agony of pain. Souls are without body therefore without the physiology needed to feel pain. HOWEVER....the soul is where one feels LOVE. As far too few know there is no feeling like being in love. You cannot describe it in physiological terms yet it does affect our physiology. We cannot create that! WE CANNOT CREATE LOVE WE CANNOT DISMISS IT. It can only come from one place...LOVE. God is LOVE That is our existence in heaven......simply perpetual love. Now all of us can remember a time of the LOSS of LOVE. The separation of LOVE from your life though death or just permanent separation. That deep pain and personal agony is not physical and cannot be extinguished with any application to the physical body. All kinds of Substances can Cover it up awhile, one can sleep but upon the light of day it returns, it still there. The pain of separation.
That in my opinion is what Hell will be. Living in the pain of immediate separation from love.........which is God. A pain that cannot cease but though God's interference. Much deeper and painful than fire....
That in my opinion is what Hell will be. Living in the pain of immediate separation from love.........which is God. A pain that cannot cease but though God's interference. Much deeper and painful than fire....