I am sociopathic, my conscience doesn't say much. So I live by the law of Moses. I am amused that Christians pick and choose what they keep out of the law of Moses.
Most Christians don't keep the Sabbath and many don't even know what day the Sabbath is, except Seventh-day Adventists, Seventh-day Baptists and some of the World Wide Church of God, Christians even pick and choose which of the Ten Commandments they keep. Many Christians pray to images. The law of Moses is a package deal.
Moses never condemned a man having sex with his daughter, he condemned a man having sex with his grand daughter. He implied sex with one's daughter is wrong. If it wasn't for the later rabbis, one could have broken an incest law without knowing it. The later rabbis had to make an implication of Moses explicit for all the sociopaths like me.
Leviticus 18:6 commands: "No man among you should approach any of his close relatives to have sexual relations." That certainly precludes father/daughter incest, IMO. Since the sabbath law was given exclusively to the nation of Israel, Christians are not required to observe weekly sabbaths. Nor are Christians under the Law of Moses, but rather under the Law of Christ. I believe Jehovah expects us to train and use our God-given conscience to act wisely and righteously.