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INDISPUTABLE Rational Proof That God Exists (Or Existed)


Well-Known Member
My experience is not the arbiter of truth. I have not experienced Pluto, the core of the Earth, or a black hole yet everyone considers them all realities. I am not experiencing my house currently but that doe snot make my house any less of a reality. The fact that yesterday is not currently being experienced does nothing to make it any less of a reality hen this second. However I know what it is your trying to say and clarified a little it would be true. Time can be universally apprehended but all of time is not always currently available as a universal perception. Even that is pushing it. The thing I am trying to say is true or not it is one of those premises that exist as a technicality concerning language and have no governance over the actual existence of anything. If yu do not experience proper grammar in my posts it does not mean it does not exist, either.
Experience is the only arbiter of truth. We have experienced the effects of Pluto, Earth's core, black holes, and even your house, which is how we know they exist. We can reproduce those experiences which is how we know they continue to exist even when are not currently experiencing them. The idea of time makes it easy to write equations describing how our universe functions, but so does the square root of -1. While we can be reasonably sure that the sun continues to exist, we cannot go back and experience yesterday any more than we can experience tomorrow.


Rogue Theologian
Experience is the only arbiter of truth. We have experienced the effects of Pluto, Earth's core, black holes, and even your house, which is how we know they exist. We can reproduce those experiences which is how we know they continue to exist even when are not currently experiencing them. The idea of time makes it easy to write equations describing how our universe functions, but so does the square root of -1. While we can be reasonably sure that the sun continues to exist, we cannot go back and experience yesterday any more than we can experience tomorrow.

Hawking has recently recanted his belief in black holes.

Seems nothing is certain for any longer than any one man's belief.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Whether God is an all-knowing being, or a thoughtless being non-existent anymore, something had to start the first thing, the first science, and science cannot and will not ever explain the start of science, just as something cannot create itself. Before anything, there was nothing. Something transcendent, existent before anything, had to create the first something. That, we call God.
Hi kevin...why can't the sum total of infinite existence always have existed?

Of course there are transformations, transmutations, etc., going on eternally, but God is immanent in all that exists, known not known, and simultaneously transcendent to all that. Nothing exists that is not God.

ps..see my sig. line..


Well-Known Member
Hawking has recently recanted his belief in black holes.

Seems nothing is certain for any longer than any one man's belief.
Not true. It's event horizons, not the black hole concept in its entirety, that he is reevaluating. He's basically just modified the event horizon to an "apparent" horizon. This new idea has not gained widespread acceptance at this point in time, as it still has its own problems.


Rogue Theologian
Not true. It's event horizons, not the black hole concept in its entirety, that he is reevaluating. He's basically just modified the event horizon to an "apparent" horizon. This new idea has not gained widespread acceptance at this point in time, as it still has its own problems.

Oh...had not heard that detail....news can be too brief.

But that seems odd.
An event without it's horizon?
A massive gravitational field without that 'point' of no return?

But maybe that helps to explain the 'big bang'.
A place of origin...immense density.....and still....
"Let there be light!"


Experience is the only arbiter of truth. We have experienced the effects of Pluto, Earth's core, black holes, and even your house, which is how we know they exist. We can reproduce those experiences which is how we know they continue to exist even when are not currently experiencing them. The idea of time makes it easy to write equations describing how our universe functions, but so does the square root of -1. While we can be reasonably sure that the sun continues to exist, we cannot go back and experience yesterday any more than we can experience tomorrow.

I have not experienced anything I can directly attribute to Pluto. Exactly what kind of experiences do you have. If not told of their existence your experiences would never conclude they did exist. They can't even agree what a black hole is exactly.

No one in the history of man can prove we are not brains in a vat. If you based on faith assume we are not then faith in God is just as rational for the same reasons.

Is a picture of yesterdays sun not reasonable evidence to justify faith. I do not care which you do. Hyperbolically deny experience or include all reasonable claims to faith. Just do not inconsistently do both.


Well-Known Member
I have not experienced anything I can directly attribute to Pluto.
Astronomers over 100 years ago were able to detect the gravitational effect of Pluto on the orbits of Uranus and Neptune and in 1915 were able to record images of Pluto. You could do the same if you were so inclined.

Exactly what kind of experiences do you have. If not told of their existence your experiences would never conclude they did exist.
What personal experience do you have that the world is an oblate spheroid? If we didn't rely on the experiences of others, most people would be flat-Earthers.

No one in the history of man can prove we are not brains in a vat. If you based on faith assume we are not then faith in God is just as rational for the same reasons.
As much as I enjoyed The Matrix, it's still just science fiction. I can't prove that you're not a figment of my consciousness, but just try living your life based on that assumption. I find the assumption that my experiences accurately represent reality to be quite useful. All you need to do is demonstrate a reproducible experience for what you call God.

Is a picture of yesterdays sun not reasonable evidence to justify faith. I do not care which you do. Hyperbolically deny experience or include all reasonable claims to faith. Just do not inconsistently do both.
A picture of yesterday's sun is reasonable evidence that the sun existed yesterday, but while I can continue to experience the picture, I cannot say the same about the yesterday it depicts.


Astronomers over 100 years ago were able to detect the gravitational effect of Pluto on the orbits of Uranus and Neptune and in 1915 were able to record images of Pluto. You could do the same if you were so inclined.
Well this would include a terribly small percentage of people who lived in he last 1% of human history. Pluto was still as real long before it was experienced in a recognizable form of any kind.

What personal experience do you have that the world is an oblate spheroid? If we didn't rely on the experiences of others, most people would be flat-Earthers.
I do not think you understand my position. My position relies on experienced based claims. I make them all the time. The problem is that your side denies inconvenient experiential claims but will allow them if convenient. There are a relative handful that have any direct experience with Pluto. There are hundreds of millions (probably billions) of claims to the supernatural. I am consistent and include both as evidence for each. You select which are acceptable by arbitrary means.

As much as I enjoyed The Matrix, it's still just science fiction. I can't prove that you're not a figment of my consciousness, but just try living your life based on that assumption. I find the assumption that my experiences accurately represent reality to be quite useful. All you need to do is demonstrate a reproducible experience for what you call God.
I have experienced reproduced experiences with God. Others by the millions have and they are almost all of the same character. If a handful of peoples word is enough for dark matter, black holes, and the dark side of the moon mine exceed them all thousands of times over. BTW I assume perception is generally reality, because my world view includes reasonable faith deductions. Yours does but officially denies that it does. So far I have no problem with any of your claims except the double standards that accept certain experiences and deny others that are for more numerous.

A picture of yesterday's sun is reasonable evidence that the sun existed yesterday, but while I can continue to experience the picture, I cannot say the same about the yesterday it depicts.

It would be pretty hard for a sun to exist yesterday if yesterday is denied to have existed or dismissed because it is not currently being experienced. The point is (and pay attention to these words, I think you missed them before) current experience is not the sole arbiter of truth. Just as you use faith and assumption to grant what your five sense are telling you this second is true, we could also grant memory (if rational and or consistent with others, etc...) is also a reasonable arbiter of reality. There are many means to detect truth. You must either deny all but that you think or allow all that have reasonable substantiation.

In summary to accept a few hundred claims about Pluto or black holes but deny a billion or two claims to the supernatural is unjustifiable.



Where do your many posits(questions) fall, in an existence where we are not merely expected but whether we like it or not are REQUIRED to be:

- self-directed - you don't understand that beyond the shallowest meaning, YOUR CHOICES MATTER
- self-aware - THINK THEREFORE I AM, impossibly more in continuity What about over time I perceive how I grew better, and horrible struggle it was, and REMEMBER.
- self-affirming - not a child, not an emulator nor imitator. Children grow as they grow, and it's joy to share it, if carried into adulthood it is a HORRIBLE WRONG!
- self correction - (if you have friends and family close to you... I have both, NEITHER has aided me in this regard, but they should have. They where INADEQUATE.
- Reality and the uncertainty always ARE, and when understanding can not accommodate them, my BEING and understand must deal and change as REALITY IS WHAT IT IS- no matter how hard nor cruel it may be, REALITY IS WHAT IT IS. I DEAL in my understanding with this and all things. My understanding is the best I can do, and grows better over time.


Understanding has no end, there are always other perspectives/nuances.


NEVER SEEK. So many grow sick and mad in seeking.

PERCEIVE, the wrong in YOU. STRIVE/STRUGGLE to change for better over time, KNOWING you will fail but LEARN from the effort.

We don't ever die to our wrongs... we only grow BETTER ABLE to OVERCOME.

This is LIFE. This is HARD. This easy to say in a few words, and impossibly complicated to realize in life.
Theism contains everything you mentioned and adds everything that is superior. Without God moral foundations do not exist, without God humans are not equal, without God life has no actual sanctity or any objective value. Non-theism is a huge net loss. I would also suggest using only the faculties possessed by a race so fallible it includes 300 years of peace in they last 5000 of history, is currently killing off innocent human lives in the womb on an industrial scale for the acts of others, and has invented enough weapons to wipe all known life out and the moral insanity to almost have done so at least twice, is a wolf guarding the sheep scenario. To claim you are the ultimate captain of your own ship (or should be) is to make as irrational a mistake as claiming I am from the government and am here to help.


Well-Known Member
I do not think you understand my position. My position relies on experienced based claims. I make them all the time. The problem is that your side denies inconvenient experiential claims but will allow them if convenient. There are a relative handful that have any direct experience with Pluto. There are hundreds of millions (probably billions) of claims to the supernatural. I am consistent and include both as evidence for each. You select which are acceptable by arbitrary means.
I don't think you understand what "reproducible" means in this context. While only a handful of people have taken the time to experience Pluto themselves, the processes through which they can are documented and can be experienced by anyone. Millions may share supernatural experiences similar to yours, but every time someone else tries to reproduce the process, they fail to reproduce the experience.

It would be pretty hard for a sun to exist yesterday if yesterday is denied to have existed or dismissed because it is not currently being experienced. The point is (and pay attention to these words, I think you missed them before) current experience is not the sole arbiter of truth. Just as you use faith and assumption to grant what your five sense are telling you this second is true, we could also grant memory (if rational and or consistent with others, etc...) is also a reasonable arbiter of reality. There are many means to detect truth. You must either deny all but that you think or allow all that have reasonable substantiation.
I am by no means denying memory, in fact it is because I can remember yesterday's experiences that I know today's experiences are not the same. Just because I can still remember something is not proof that that thing still exists.


I don't think you understand what "reproducible" means in this context. While only a handful of people have taken the time to experience Pluto themselves, the processes through which they can are documented and can be experienced by anyone. Millions may share supernatural experiences similar to yours, but every time someone else tries to reproduce the process, they fail to reproduce the experience.
Reproducible is not the sole arbiter of truth either. It is not even a scientific standard science is wiling to obey.

In summary faith is justifiably held in God. Your standards are not the objective criteria for justification. They are at best human contrivances that improve the probability that faith is true. Sometimes they are inconsistent and many times not observed.

I am by no means denying memory, in fact it is because I can remember yesterday's experiences that I know today's experiences are not the same. Just because I can still remember something is not proof that that thing still exists.

The continual existence of a thing was not the issue nor relevant. I no longer even know what your conclusion is. Time is reasonably believed to exist by many methods, and is claimed to be such by even the most rigorous methods. Your criteria do not negate that.


You are BLIND to the obvious material matter, YOU SEEK EXTERNAL DIRECTION AND AFFIRMATION, and become a stagnant, regurgitating, reinterpreting pet, not a WHOLE, STRUGGLING, FUMBING HUMAN BEING, dealing with what LIFE throws your way. Your words FLOW and sound sweet, but upon reflection, REEK!)
Why are non-theists so hostile all the time? I would hate to walk around this frustrated. Since this is a subjective diatribe and did not mention any evidence there is nothing to do but dismiss your tirade.

I collaborate, I DO NOT COMGLOMERATE into a FOOLISH HERD, which it appears you adore. Adore your back-slapping happy HERD, and remain AFFIRMED by others, adored by others, and stagnant over time, a stagnant being adored by many and NOT STRUGGLING to change for BETTER, only meeting the expectations of others, who are likely more ignorant than you.
What the heck are you talking about? What herd? How do you know this? What are you doing in a debate format instead of yelling at cars on the freeway? This is nothing but inner frustration aimed at others and has nothing whatever to do with Christianity.

"Without God moral foundations do not exist" -- Really, you don't have your own HEART, you can't relate to others and LONG for them to know a BETTER struggle than you've known (or have you known the struggle for better, its sounds like you KNOW NOTHING about change and growth, only empty words--Adore your empty words. Let them fill you empty heart, MINE IS FULL
I guess I should be thankful a coherent point occurred here.

The human heart has produced 300 years of peace in the last 5000. It has justified the "sacred right" to kill human lives in the womb based on non-existent rights that are deprived to the life being taken, and then denies that same right to take the life of a murderer. It has produced enough weapons to destroy all life known several times over and has almost done so at least twice. That is not the source for moral truth in general at least but moral insanity. The fact the human heart has produced an absurd array of self contradicting rules that appear to have no link to even sanity, over the years and has routinely changed over time into every aberration possible you have selected the worst possible source for morality. However this is not what I was discussing.

I was discussing moral ontology (foundations). Your heart has no ability what so ever to create moral truth and only with God does it even have the theoretical capacity to access moral truth. You can invent out of thin air a series of ethics that has no relationship to moral truth at all unless God exists and you get lucky, but that is it. Without God moral truth does not even exist to access, get right, or get wrong. Instead you invent acceptable behavior based on preference and opinion and is usually self serving. It is also unjustifiable as no unique value exist for human bags of atoms that cow bags of atoms do not posses. It is a speciesm as wrong as racism within your narrow world view. I have a rational basis to declare men equal under God, that human life has sanctity, that human life is unique among the animal world, and that actual moral objective facts exist. You have none of these because you deny the only foundation for any of them possible.

Get off the ranting soap box and debate using reason or I can't justify continuing this. How do you walk around that mad all the time?

Enai de a lukal

Well-Known Member
The human heart has produced 300 years of peace in the last 5000. It has justified the "sacred right" to kill human lives in the womb based on non-existent rights that are deprived to the life being taken, and then denies that same right to take the life of a murderer. It has produced enough weapons to destroy all life known several times over and has almost done so at least twice. That is not the source for moral truth in general at least but moral insanity.
And yet, the other side of the coin here is that it is also responsible for altruism, compassion, humanitarian work, equality and tolerance, and other such goods.

I was discussing moral ontology (foundations).
No, not really. You were discussing metaethics. Well, not even that- you're making a metaethical claim; one you never bother to adequately substantiate.

Your heart has no ability what so ever to create moral truth and only with God does it even have the theoretical capacity to access moral truth. You can invent out of thin air a series of ethics that has no relationship to moral truth at all unless God exists and you get lucky, but that is it. Without God moral truth does not even exist to access, get right, or get wrong. Instead you invent acceptable behavior based on preference and opinion and is usually self serving. It is also unjustifiable as no unique value exist for human bags of atoms that cow bags of atoms do not posses. It is a speciesm as wrong as racism within your narrow world view. I have a rational basis to declare men equal under God, that human life has sanctity, that human life is unique among the animal world, and that actual moral objective facts exist. You have none of these because you deny the only foundation for any of them possible.
If consequentialism is an adequate ethical theory, then your claim here is false. If deontology is an adequate ethical theory, then your claim here is false. If any form of moral anti-realism is an adequate metaethical theory, then your claim here is necessarily false. And yet, you've never attempted to rule any of these out. Worse, you're ignoring all of the work in biology and anthropology that suggests that morality is nothing more than adaptive behavior consisting in mutually beneficial cooperative strategies. So this is what you're left with- IF moral anti-realism is false AND IF consequentialism is false AND IF deontology is false AND IF virtue ethics is false AND IF every other secular theory of ethics and every POSSIBLE secular theory of ethics is false... THEN your claim may follow and not otherwise- but that's a rather long string of rather big "if's"!


And yet, the other side of the coin here is that it is also responsible for altruism, compassion, humanitarian work, equality and tolerance, and other such goods.
Not in my world view. In my view it is the God given conscience that produces these things. I do agree they exist but I will relist a few examples that show they are not persuasive as a naturalistic explanation.

The most generous demographic on Earth are conservative Christians. It is almost always a nation with a strong Christian tradition that shows up first on the scene of international tragedy. It has built more school systems and hospitals than any other cultural group.

The heart regardless of reason does produce good as well as evil. That certainly does not make it a dependable source for moral foundations. For example it has produced 300 years of peace in 5000. The good it produces is in many ways swamped by it's immorality. It may save a few thousand lives for profit and also take a million in the womb for convenience.

The greatest form of government possible is a good dictatorship. The reason it is also the worst form is that you will get far more bad dictators once adopted than good ones.

No, not really. You were discussing metaethics. Well, not even that- you're making a metaethical claim; one you never bother to adequately substantiate.
We are neither technically correct. My claim was simply a denouncement of an absurdity. It however comes from a moral ontological position that has existed for thousands of years. Moral truths and foundations require a transcendent standard that only exists if God does. Evolution, the heart, the mind, preference, opinion, whatever natural source you give will never ever produce moral truth unless God exists. It is at best a system of contrived ethics agreed to be beneficial given certain arbitrary valuations. BY arbitrary I mean derived independent of truth.

If consequentialism is an adequate ethical theory, then your claim here is false. If deontology is an adequate ethical theory, then your claim here is false. If any form of moral anti-realism is an adequate metaethical theory, then your claim here is necessarily false. And yet, you've never attempted to rule any of these out. Worse, you're ignoring all of the work in biology and anthropology that suggests that morality is nothing more than adaptive behavior consisting in mutually beneficial cooperative strategies. So this is what you're left with- IF moral anti-realism is false AND IF consequentialism is false AND IF deontology is false AND IF virtue ethics is false AND IF every other secular theory of ethics and every POSSIBLE secular theory of ethics is false... THEN your claim may follow and not otherwise- but that's a rather long string of rather big "if's"!
Pick you favorite semantic term and lay out what it means and I will review it. I am not looking up every aberration coughed up in a philosophical think tank. I am not ignoring any work done by biologists or anyone else. I did not get into all of their vagaries because they can't possibly produce objective moral foundations.

There are only two viable positions, and almost all scholars consistently pick the one their world view validates.

Almost everyone intuitively believes objective moral truths exist and they comprehend a moral realm that transcends human opinion.

1. This is true and can only be true given a transcendent moral agent.
2. There are no objective moral truths because no transcendent moral agent exists. We still value an ethical system of law and so invent one independently from moral truth.

I have only seen one professional claim a third and completely unsustainable option (but I am sure there are many more but a small percentage over all).
Harris claimed objective morality exists but God does not. Craig backed him into a corner so airtight he finally gave up and admitted he only assumed objective moral exist and then spent a hour excusing his assumption.

Enai de a lukal

Well-Known Member
There are only two viable positions
Sure, but you did not correctly identify them. There is either moral realism- the view that there are such things as objective moral truths/facts/duties/whatever, and moral anti-realism-the view that there are not.

However, there are quite a few forms of moral realism, and divine command theory- the view that moral truths/facts/duties are "given by a transcendent moral agent" is only one.

Almost everyone intuitively believes objective moral truths exist and they comprehend a moral realm that transcends human opinion.
What everyone believes is not relevant, and what everyone believes intuitively even less so.

I have only seen one professional claim a third
Then take the word of someone with a degree in philosophy that many, many, many, many moral philosophers have argued that there are objective moral truths/facts/duties for reasons OTHER than there existing a supernatural entity who dictates morality.

and completely unsustainable option (but I am sure there are many more but a small percentage over all).
Harris claimed objective morality exists but God does not. Craig backed him into a corner so airtight he finally gave up and admitted he only assumed objective moral exist and then spent a hour excusing his assumption.
A terrible recap of the debate, if it is the one I'm thinking of. But given that you are an admitted WLC fanboy, and clearly quite unfamiliar with moral philosophy in general (since Harris is the only non-divine command theory moral realist you're aware of), your assessment here obviously doesn't count for a whole lot.

In any case, since moral realism is false, this is sort of a moot point; but one that still needed to be made, given how frequently you make this patently false assertion about divine command theory being the only viable form of moral realism (its also ironic that, objectively speaking, its quite possibly the least compelling form of moral realism).

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
I suggest that since conceptual language is merely a symbolic representation of the real, and not real, throwing mental constructs around will never prove or disprove the real...just firing brain neurons.

Those people sincerely interested in actual reality will need to develop a mind that is free from using mental concepts...and then you may actually find out what actually really exists.


Well-Known Member
1robin said:
Almost everyone intuitively believes objective moral truths exist and they comprehend a moral realm that transcends human opinion.

I do not know whether or not naturalism is true, but if it is true, obviously. morality is a human invention. If a God exists, no one knows exactly what his morals all, and Christians often disagree about moral issues such as abortion, the death penalty, same-sex marriage, and physician assisted suicide.

Common sense, logic, and reason indicate that the truth does not depend upon what anyone believes, and exists independent of what anyone believes. A large percentage of Christians used to believe that colonization, slavery, and the subjugation of women were right, and they were wrong. In 1890, practically all Christians believed that wearing skimpy bathing suits at beaches was immoral, and they were wrong.

How many people believe something does not have anything to do with the truth, largely because humans are fallible, and are not perfect, and often have poor cognitive abilities. If you had been born 500 years ago, and had become a Christian, you would surely be arguing some moral issues much differently than you do now.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
No one in the history of man can prove we are not brains in a vat. If you based on faith assume we are not then faith in God is just as rational for the same reasons.

We can conclude from the evidence that we are not brains in a vat. Its possible that our senses are all wrong and that we are in the matrix but it is pointless to do so. It boils down to a moot issue otherwise.

However belief in god is not the same thing. It is not a moot point to be skeptical of god or to simply have a baseline assumption that it is false till evidence is provided otherwise. In your example not believing in god is the rational equivalent. Not belief.

Theism contains everything you mentioned and adds everything that is superior. Without God moral foundations do not exist, without God humans are not equal, without God life has no actual sanctity or any objective value. Non-theism is a huge net loss. I would also suggest using only the faculties possessed by a race so fallible it includes 300 years of peace in they last 5000 of history, is currently killing off innocent human lives in the womb on an industrial scale for the acts of others, and has invented enough weapons to wipe all known life out and the moral insanity to almost have done so at least twice, is a wolf guarding the sheep scenario. To claim you are the ultimate captain of your own ship (or should be) is to make as irrational a mistake as claiming I am from the government and am here to help.

Moral foundations can exist without god. Saying they can't is like saying economics can't exist without god. It doesn't make sense when you learn what morals are. Value is something that is assigned rather than inherent. We can assign and inherent value within parameters or criteria. For example we can conclude that all life has value so from our perspective life has inherent value. However from another perspective, say from that of a rock, life itself has no inherent value.

The last statement made no sense on a few levels. First you are the captain of your own ship even if you are religious. Or at least you choose to follow what someone else came up with. Thinking for yourself rather than herd mentality is what prevents disasters from happening in many cases. And obvious political bias aside the government's function is to help and nothing about it is innately incapable of helping.

So yeah actually upon retrospective your sentence is correct. Saying we should pilot our own live makes as much logical sense as the government coming to help. I'll make good decisions based on my own sense of justice and rational thinking and the government will continue to give disaster relief next time a hurricane rips up hundreds of thousands of homes.

Why are non-theists so hostile all the time? I would hate to walk around this frustrated. Since this is a subjective diatribe and did not mention any evidence there is nothing to do but dismiss your tirade.