I will after you answer my question you skipped over in that post:
"So what do you say if science reveals the truth of something that demonstrates the prophet was wrong? Is science wrong, or the prophet? Or will you say one day they will find out they were wrong and the prophet was right all along, as you had believed?"
There are 5 views when it comes to scriptures :
1. Those who believe in literal interpretations of Scriptures, and when it contradicts the current science, they say, the science is false. For example young earth believers.
2. Those who believe in literal interpretations, but they see those verses representing miracles. For example, resurrection of dead people in bible.
3. Those who believe in literal interpretation, and when it contradicts science, they see it as an evidence for disproving religion and prophets.
4. Those who believe the scriptures contain both literal as well as symbolic, but the symbolic verses are fairly simple to recognize. Most Christians have this view. Miracles of prophets are seen as literal for them.
5. Those who believe the Book of God contain literal as well as Figurative verses. In this view there is a hidden meaning in Figurative verses, which is not possible to be known by ordinary people. Only a Prophet can reveal its true meaning. They are the secretes of God, which are not be revealed until it's appointed time according to the wisdom of God. In this view The miracles of prophets have a figurative meaning rather than literal facts. For example resurrection of dead, is not literal fact, but when God guides an unbeliever, a spiritually dead person, is resurrected spiritually.
Now going back to your question, my view is the category 5. If you see a verse which contradicts science, it means you are misinterpreting it. Such verses have a figurative meaning, which intentionally is made to appear literal, as to keep its hidden, and secret meaning, and ordinary people would be unable to recognize its figurative meaning. But your view is category 3.