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Infinite universe = everything exists.


Question Everything
Awhile ago, many who lived on the earth thought that if they rowed their boat out far enough, they would eventually fall off an edge of sorts….

Tell me, if you fly your spaceship out far enough, where will you end up? Does the universe have a boundary? If you think it does, what lies beyond that boundary? Something lies beyond whatever boundaries we might construct, which means there are no ultimate boundaries.

No boundaries = infinite universe = everything exists.

There, I just proved God exists ;). :angel2:

Took the kids to the planetarium awhile back, had a show on deep field... They looked around until they found the darkest part of the sky, and then focused their telescope on it. We have all seen the picts of what they found - we have seen them, but do we realize the full magnitude of what we are looking at?
YouTube - Hubble Deep Field
Those specks of light aren't stars - they're galaxies.

Do you ever feel dizzy when you look up into the night sky?
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Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
I'm pretty sure the current theory is that the universe does indeed have a boundary, but it is expanding. Not quite infinite.

Besides, by the standards of your own proof, you also proved that the toothfairy, Bolrogs, and the purple-sock-eating-monster-that-lives-in-my-dryer exists.


Question Everything
I'm pretty sure the current theory is that the universe does indeed have a boundary, but it is expanding. Not quite infinite.

expanding into what? There is something out there that we are expanding into. No ultimate boundary.

Besides, by the standards of your own proof, you also proved that the toothfairy, Bolrogs, and the purple-sock-eating-monster-that-lives-in-my-dryer exists.

Not just one, many toothfairies exist. Just ask my kids, and their friends. :yes: (PS - I know they exist, because I am one of them ;) ).

yea, that purple-sock-eating-monster-that-lives-in--dryeriers is a real problem at our house. Oh well, I much prefer to go around barefoot anyways :namaste

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
I'm pretty sure the current theory is that the universe does indeed have a boundary, but it is expanding. Not quite infinite.

Besides, by the standards of your own proof, you also proved that the toothfairy, Bolrogs, and the purple-sock-eating-monster-that-lives-in-my-dryer exists.

"Haaaauuurrgghhh ..." said Arthur as he felt his body softening and bending in unusual directions. "Southend seems to be melting away ... the stars are swirling ... a dustbowl ... my legs are drifting off into the sunset ... my left arm's come off too." A frightening thought struck him: "Hell," he said, "how am I going to operate my digital watch now?" He wound his eyes desperately around in Ford's direction.
"Ford," he said, "you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
Again came the voice. "Two to the power of seventy-five thousand to one against and falling."
-- HGG


expanding into what? There is something out there that we are expanding into. No ultimate boundary.

No, there is not. Just because you can't imagine it, it doesn't mean that it is not so. We can't understand the concept of "nothing" because we've never experienced it, but it still exists. There's a parable about a tadpole asking a frog "what is dry?" and the frog says "it's not wet". The tadpole has no concept of dry, because s/he hasn't experienced it. That doesn't mean that "dry" doesn't exist, it only means the tadpole doesn't know how to imagine it. Humans are tadpoles with respect to the edge of the universe.


Just me
Premium Member
It depends on how fast you travel. If your space ship goes faster than light, you proceed back in time until you are crushed by the singularity.

That could be considered a boundary.


Well-Known Member
Awhile ago, many who lived on the earth thought that if they rowed their boat out far enough, they would eventually fall off an edge of sorts….

Tell me, if you fly your spaceship out far enough, where will you end up? Does the universe have a boundary? If you think it does, what lies beyond that boundary? Something lies beyond whatever boundaries we might construct, which means there are no ultimate boundaries.

The common theory among physicists is that the universe is finite and unbounded. This can be explained by taking the Earth's surface as an example. We can measure the surface area of the Earth, so it is finite. Also, if you walk/swim in one direction along the surface forever, you will repeatedly pass right where you started, so it is unbounded. The universe is similar, except that it is a three-dimensional volume, "wrapped" around a finite radius in a fourth dimension. If you travel in one direction, you will never find an end, much like the Earth's surface, and if you could travel long enough in that direction fast enough you would eventually pass your starting point.

If the universe is everything that exists, then it's incorrect to think of anything "outside" the universe. It's not as if the universe is expanding "into" anything, but rather space itself is stretching.

No boundaries = infinite universe = everything exists.

There, I just proved God exists ;). :angel2:
As I explained above, no boundaries =/= infinite universe. Also, even if the universe were infinite, it would not follow to say that everything you can imagine must exist in such a universe.


Well-Known Member
expanding into what? There is something out there that we are expanding into. No ultimate boundary.
It is not expanding into anything, it itself is expanding.


Active Member
Also, even if the universe were infinite, it would not follow to say that everything you can imagine must exist in such a universe.

Technically, if the universe were infinite then everything that could possibly be should be. If something can't exist within the laws of the universe then it wouldn't appear no matter how infinite the universe was. If a God were able to exist, then it also follows that a God could not exist. Since both states are possible both states would have to occur.

Once you combine the absolute God with the absolute absence of God a massive amount of energy will be released as they nullify each other. This massive release of energy created what we now refer to as the Big Bang.

At first there was chaos. Then, God exploded.


Well-Known Member
Awhile ago, many who lived on the earth thought that if they rowed their boat out far enough, they would eventually fall off an edge of sorts….

Tell me, if you fly your spaceship out far enough, where will you end up? Does the universe have a boundary? If you think it does, what lies beyond that boundary? Something lies beyond whatever boundaries we might construct, which means there are no ultimate boundaries.

No boundaries = infinite universe = everything exists.

There, I just proved God exists ;). :angel2:

Took the kids to the planetarium awhile back, had a show on deep field... They looked around until they found the darkest part of the sky, and then focused their telescope on it. We have all seen the picts of what they found - we have seen them, but do we realize the full magnitude of what we are looking at?
YouTube - Hubble Deep Field
Those specks of light aren't stars - they're galaxies.

Do you ever feel dizzy when you look up into the night sky?

There is loads and loads of knowledge of physics that say you are completely wrong.

The only thing you have proven is that you have no understanding of reality.


Active Member
Infinite universe makes us pointless. You did not prove god exists, you proved that you are a nihilist. It is a common misconception that Big Bang = Ultimate beginning, but this is not the case. This theory was derived from taking observations, and forming hypotheses to explain those results. Science as we understand it is a highway of that understanding, traveling that road backwards leads to the end of the highway, not to an ultimate beginning. There are plenty of alternate theories. String theory, M-theory, plasma state... the only certainty is Uncertainty.


Question Everything
That is not what they mean.

Did you watch the entire vid? See what they say at the end :)

LOL - scientists believing in dark, invisible, undetectable, hypothetical substance to try and explain why theories don’t match what they see :)

That's OK - I have no problems dealing with the seemingly invisible :)