A) I guess no matter how much I say it is relatively wrong, that won't matter to some.
B) I'll remind you I was a child that was raped.
C) I think with post #389, I'm the only one to provide additional detail on 'children getting rape' beyond the blatant emotional appeal in that assertion. So far, I am playing softball on this issue. Addressing it intellectually. Most of me just assumes it be gone from this thread as a topic, because some adults get so ridiculously bent out of shape over the topic, it is challenging to hold reasonable discussions on it, specifically, or possibly anything else (as they seemingly can't let the emotional stuff go). Lemme know when you've worked through the 'touching a kid without their consent' problem I brought up. I honestly see adults try to dance around that all the time, and often concluding that it is perfectly okay in their mind, so therefore must be perfectly okay. To me, that is literally how that issue shows up 99% of the time. To me, the issue gets way deeper than most wish to ever discuss. Partially because they (children) are us, or all reading this were once them, and arguably still are, but pretend otherwise. And partially cause of how consent works, as if we adults have that worked out to perfection when the evidence is abundantly clear we do not. Which just goes back to how childish we show up when consent is being discussed at a level beyond the superficial considerations and implication without accurate representation.