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Intellectual Men vs "Manly" Men


Obstructor of justice
The playing cards thread actually got me thinking how few men I know that are what you would consider "typical": My husband and most of the men I know/that my friends are dating are intellectual and philisophical types. They go hiking and read books instead of watching sports and having poker nights. I also find that most men that I know who I would consider "typical" men are quick to write off the more intellectual members of their gender as being sissy or less of a man, and I truthfully don't get that (though, sometimes I do long for a man who likes his power drill and jigsaw as much as I do..)

But, that also got me thinking: is the "typical" male real, or just a stereotype?


Veteran Member
What is the definition of the typical male? Other than one who loves sex, I don't know who the typical male is.


Obstructor of justice
The common idea of a "typical" man seems to involve a love of sports, beer, women, cards, and possibly power tools.

Is it a stereotype, or are most men actually like that?


Well-Known Member
I consider myself manly... beer? sure, a good strong stout to finish off a meal. sports? hate 'em, only reason i joined football was for the violence. I LOVE women, so long as they love me *wink* and uhh.. what sort of cards? like playing cards? eh, i guess i like a game of poker if there is nothing else to do... at all.. but i'd rather sleep or just think to myself. and i find no attraction to power tools, at all. so ja, thats a big stereotype if you ask me. i'm a brutal, caring, aggressive, protective, physical, and a hopeless romantic. and honor-bound to the death. ladies, i'm open.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
The common idea of a "typical" man seems to involve a love of sports, beer, women, cards, and possibly power tools.

Is it a stereotype, or are most men actually like that?
I think it's a stereotype, but probably a reasonably accurate one. Fortunately, my husband doesn't fit it.


Veteran Member
The common idea of a "typical" man seems to involve a love of sports, beer, women, cards, and possibly power tools.

Is it a stereotype, or are most men actually like that?
Well, my husband fits in that stereotype but he's so much more than that too. He reads the paper from front to back every morning along with anything else of interest daily online, he's a very curious person. He grows delicious vegetables, can fix almost anything, and is an amazing listener as well.

So, I don't know....is anyone really a 'typical' anything?


Obstructor of justice
I think it's a stereotype, but probably a reasonably accurate one. Fortunately, my husband doesn't fit it.

I predict that most people will feel the same way. I'm reasonably certain that most intellectual women don't go for the "man cave" types. :)

I do have one friend who married a guy like that, and most of us don't really care for him. But that's because he's a racist pig, not because he likes football :cover:


Well-Known Member
But, that also got me thinking: is the "typical" male real, or just a stereotype?
I think it's a sterotype... I've been in combat three times... fought for several years in mixed martial arts.... baseball in college... all the typical "guy" stuff.

....but everyone who meets me thinks I'm a "nerd" because of the Catholic stuff, carry a Play Station Portable everywhere I go etc etc..... I wish people would stop trying to push men into a category... I think the "typical" guy stuff is why men find it so hard to express their emotions and almost force themselves to act what they believe to be 'manly".....



Obstructor of justice
I think it's a sterotype... I've been in combat three times... fought for several years in mixed martial arts.... baseball in college... all the typical "guy" stuff.

....but everyone who meets me thinks I'm a "nerd" because of the Catholic stuff, carry a Play Station Portable everywhere I go etc etc..... I wish people would stop trying to push men into a category... I think the "typical" guy stuff is why men find it so hard to express their emotions and almost force themselves to act what they believe to be 'manly".....


I definately agree with you on that last bit.

And, I don't think you're a nerd :D At least, not in a bad way. Nerds, geeks, and dorks these days are "taking it back".


Veteran Member
I can't imagine anyone thinking an interest in sports (from either sex) is a bad thing.....I don't get it. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Hehe....thanks ML.... I wish I was a nerd... maybe I could get a decent job in computers or something!

Now... back off woman... I'm gonna go watch porn and shine my Harley.

Love ya,

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
I'm a "Mainely" man. I drink Moxie, eat lobstah, and give horrible directions that end with "Ya can't get from heah to theah!"


Obstructor of justice
Hehe....thanks ML.... I wish I was a nerd... maybe I could get a decent job in computers or something!

Now... back off woman... I'm gonna go watch porn and shine my Harley.

Love ya,

Ok, I'll go bake you a pie and sew you a new shirt while you're busy :D

Hmm...I wonder if the meeting of the two is being a drunken Rhodes scholar? :angel2:


Obstructor of justice
I'm a "Mainely" man. I drink Moxie, eat lobstah, and give horrible directions that end with "Ya can't get from heah to theah!"


Wait...what's moxie? I feel so...uninitiated :cover:

Do the Vermonters get the directions thing from you Mainers, or the other way around? I swear I can't get directions there without someone saying "If I were trying to get there, I wouldn't start from here"

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan

Wait...what's moxie? I feel so...uninitiated :cover:

Do the Vermonters get the directions thing from you Mainers, or the other way around? I swear I can't get directions there without someone saying "If I were trying to get there, I wouldn't start from here"

Moxie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We hold a festival in its honor every year. Ignore the naysayers who say it tastes like cough syrup!

(Actually, it sort of does, but it's a tasty kind of cough syrup!)

Lol...I think most of New England isn't all that great at giving directions. I wonder how it is on the West Coast.


Lol...I think most of New England isn't all that great at giving directions.

In Rhode Island, we give you landmarks that used to be there. As in "Go down this road, and take a left where the old Star Market used to be."

(Greetings from Maine! I'm still on vacation, but as it turns out, they have wifi this year! Woo!)


Prince of Dorkness!
The common idea of a "typical" man seems to involve a love of sports, beer, women, cards, and possibly power tools.

Is it a stereotype, or are most men actually like that?
Well, now...... I love beer, women, and power tools. I can take or leave watching professional sports. I don't play team sports much. Cards are OK, but not something I worry about. I read a lot of sci-fi. I like muscle-powered participatory sports (bicycles and canoes/kayaks) rather than motor sports. Don't watch much TV at all. Love my dogs, don't much care for my daughter's cat. I DO NOT play golf. [Remember two things: 1) Golf spelled backwards is flog, and 2) the same people who came up with golf and called it a game (the Scots) also caem up with bagpipes and called it music.]

So I guess I am stereotypical in some ways and not in others. I suspect that is going to describe a lot of men.


Sweet n Spicy
I think it's a stereotype. My husband is a computer nerd who loves soccer, but he doesn't drink beer (or any alcohol). :D No power tools and no porn.


Student Nurse
Sports, at least here in the US, totally sucks. Baseball is like watching paint dry. Football is all hurry up and wait. Basketball has more action but too many rules and not rough enough, no blood no foul as far as I'm concerned. Once you've played basketball in a church you can't think of it as anything other than a gladiator sport ;). TV sports are boring to watch. Even boxing is boring, they just swing and miss the first five rounds until they just stand around hugging each other for the last five rounds. I'd rather watch the Science Channel or National Geographic or Discovery Health. I don't play sports anymore because I have no one to play with, so I exercise my mind instead. I don't drink or smoke, but I like to cook. I never ask for directions when I'm lost. I drive an economy car, but I love to speed. I love sex but I'm completely monogamous and have never been to a strip club. I do own a power drill and know how to use it. The first ten years of my adult life was hard manual labor. I've been into computers for the past eight years and I'll be going into nursing next. I must be completely sissyfied to be considering nursing.

The steryotypes I've seen are Jock = Jerk and Nerd = wishy washy pushover.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
In Rhode Island, we give you landmarks that used to be there. As in "Go down this road, and take a left where the old Star Market used to be."

(Greetings from Maine! I'm still on vacation, but as it turns out, they have wifi this year! Woo!)

Ha! We do that, too. We'll even give the local names for landmarks that no one else would even consider.

(There's another RFer in Maine?! Woo hoo! Where are you visiting?)