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Intellectual Men vs "Manly" Men


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Wow. I think my husband fits in with a lot of the "manly" man descriptions here.

He loves beer.

He watches porn.

He leaves the seat up on the toilet.

He leaves whiskers everywhere in the sink.

He loves sports.........baseball, football, hockey, and golf.

He used to watch the "Man Show" with much enjoyment (shoot, I'd watch it with him and laugh my tushie off).

He also would be called a "blue collar man." Never went to college - just graduated from high school and went to work practically the next day, and he's been at the same job field since.

He loves those old muscle cars of the late '60s and early '70s.

And he scratches himself and farts wherever and whenever he pleases.

At least he's hot. :drool:

In all seriousness, like Rhonda said before about her man, my husband is so much more than that. He's extraordinarily witty. He loves fine classical music along with his love for Van Halen, Jimi Hendrix, and the Beatles. Recently, he's really been getting into the theatre, but I admit that I'm part of the reason for that persuasion. :flirt:

He may also love a good, hearty chili, but he also will not deny how he's taken to tofu and appreciates how good it can taste.

But my biggest indicator that he was much more than the "manly man" stereotype was the discovery of his sense of humor. His love for Monty Python, for George Carlin, for Mystery Science Theater 3000.........the way he sees the world through his witty and sardonic (yet light-hearted) eyes.

Plus, he's so open-minded and so supportive of my spiritual walk. He'd never think to degrade it - question it, sure. But, never in a demeaning way.

As far as I'm concerned, he's the coolest guy in the world.



Well-Known Member
I can't imagine anyone thinking an interest in sports (from either sex) is a bad thing.....I don't get it. :confused:
Well, a lot of us think sports are boring and pointless. :shrug:

I've met the stereotype enough times to know it exists. The guys I spend my time with generally fit into a different stereotype though...comic books, video games, roleplaying sci-fi, fantasy, etc. I fit that male stereotype too...I just don't have a penis...lol.


Sweet n Spicy
I don't drink or smoke, but I like to cook.

My husband also doesn't drink or smoke. Both of us tend to avoid cooking and prefer to buy food but he might help if I'm cooking.

I love sex but I'm completely monogamous and have never been to a strip club.

Bravo...my hubby too. :)

The first ten years of my adult life was hard manual labor. I've been into computers for the past eight years and I'll be going into nursing next. I must be completely sissyfied to be considering nursing.

His first job also consisted of hard manual labour and now he works with computers. My mother's cousin is a nurse and he is definitely not sissy...I'm sure you're not either. If anyone calls you sissy, tell them at least you are helping sick people who need someone to take care care of them and you don't see them doing the same. :yes:


Sweet n Spicy
but he also will not deny how he's taken to tofu and appreciates how good it can taste.

My husband ordered tofu with his Chinese food over the weekend...I think he's beginning to like it although he might not admit it as yet. :D He never used to eat it much before.


Deviled Hen
The common idea of a "typical" man seems to involve a love of sports, beer, women, cards, and possibly power tools.

Is it a stereotype, or are most men actually like that?

Sports might *maybe* fit (I'd love to hear you guys' opinions on that) but the rest doesn't jibe for me. And I know a fair number of guys who really don't care about sports. My husband and my son would be the most obvious examples, but then, no one in our family pays any mind about sports except maybe the World Series and the Winter Olympics, but that's about it. On the other hand, my business partner (female) is a rabid sports fan, especially basketball and tennis, but honestly she'll watch anything and listens to sports shows all the time.

If anything those "typical" things might've been what was acceptable for men several decades ago, but things have loosened up a bit since, thankfully.

Anyway, I grew up in an environment where either your family didn't drink or drank very little of anything, or there were the neighbors where the men and women all drank. The relationship there seemed to be religious preference. It didn't seem much difference about the beer either way.

The women were as serious about cards as men, if not more so, because it's a very social game. We had couples from church who socialized by having card nights where everyone got together and played canasta or bridge. I love cards.

Women...hah, that reminds me of an old beau of mine in college who asked me once whether he "looked gay." When I asked him what that was all about, he said he'd go into a bar for a drink and get hit on by men all the time. I asked him if he ogled at the women at all and he said no, he really just dropped by for the drink. I suggested he at least make an effort to ogle the women a bit, and when he did, he stopped getting hit on. So "maybe" women.

Power tools. I dunno, I always looked forward to Christmas at my in-laws house because my mother-in-law would always give me some really neat power tool. I'm the one who uses them. For that matter, she was the one around the house who uses power tools. Power tool companies should probably look into that for marketing that they're missing. We aren't that unique.

My husband still gives me power tools for Ayyam-i-Ha and birthdays. Either that or books.


Deviled Hen
My husband ordered tofu with his Chinese food over the weekend...I think he's beginning to like it although he might not admit it as yet. :D He never used to eat it much before.

Haha! I just got off the phone with my girlfriend and I was telling her about the refrigerator available in my son's dorm, but you know, if you put something in the freezer it might get taken.

She suggested keeping his frozen fish in a white box and marking it "TOFU" and maybe that would keep people away from it. :biglaugh:


Done here.
The playing cards thread actually got me thinking how few men I know that are what you would consider "typical": My husband and most of the men I know/that my friends are dating are intellectual and philisophical types. They go hiking and read books instead of watching sports and having poker nights.
It sounds to me like your husband, who is physically and intellectually active, is more "manly" than somebody who prefers to watch sports or play poker.


Done here.
My husband ordered tofu with his Chinese food over the weekend...I think he's beginning to like it although he might not admit it as yet. :D
I don't believe anybody really likes tofu as such. It's all in what you add to it.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I have an older brother who's a fireman in a busy company (means they get alot of fires) in Chicago. He benchpresses like 450 lbs and he's been street fighting and bar-brawling since we were kids.

On top of that he has an IQ of 170+, doesn't like spectator sports and loves to cook.

One of the highlights of my visits to Chi is when we walk into a bar where they're watching "the game" and see my brother say , "How about you turn this crap off so me and my brother can watch Jeapardy".

...and they do :yes:


Oldest Heretic
I like to watch Rugby Union (I own a season ticket) (used to play.)
Many players of the game certainly come into the Intellectual and manly category.
Those who play as amateurs as well as many professionals. are also qualified in the professions. Doctors, solicitors surveyors scientists even clergymen, university academics. Blue collar and office workers are in the minority.

Most players fit in the 200 to 300 lbs bracket with not an ounce of fat.
They are also famous for their Drinking singing and having a good time.
They are Known as excellent family men....


Well-Known Member
One of the highlights of my visits to Chi is when we walk into a bar where they're watching "the game" and see my brother say , "How about you turn this crap off so me and my brother can watch Jeapardy".

...and they do :yes:
That's awesome! :D


Veteran Member
Ðanisty;924374 said:
I've met the stereotype enough times to know it exists. The guys I spend my time with generally fit into a different stereotype though...comic books, video games, roleplaying sci-fi, fantasy, etc. I fit that male stereotype too...I just don't have a penis...lol.
You play sports....they're just the sit down variety. :p I love sports...to watch and to play. Tennis, basketball, frisbee golf, foosball, football, pretty much anything with a ball involved. ( I don't play football however). Feels great to get out and sweat! :yes:


Well-Known Member
You play sports....they're just the sit down variety. :p I love sports...to watch and to play. Tennis, basketball, frisbee golf, foosball, football, pretty much anything with a ball involved. ( I don't play football however). Feels great to get out and sweat! :yes:
Um, no...I play games. Sports require being physical and there's only one physical activity I enjoy and it's not something I can comment about here. :p


Obstructor of justice
Ðanisty;925036 said:
Um, no...I play games. Sports require being physical and there's only one physical activity I enjoy and it's not something I can comment about here. :p

Hey, using those controllers takes great hand-eye coordination. :p

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
The only sport I watch is Nascar and I usually nap while it's on. There is something about the car engines that make me fall asleep. I love to watch the end of a race!

Power tools, oh yeah! Power tools save me time. I use tools every day.

Beer? There is nothing wrong with an occasional cold one. Drunkiness is a sin, not tipping a cold one. Jesus turned water to wine after all.

Cards? Playing cards can be fun, but I fail to see why people become so obsessed with sports or cards.

Does that make me an intellect? I prefer the learning Chanel to ESPN. I watch C-Span alot.

Does being an intellect make you a less of a manly man? I can bench press my weight and I am not short or skinny.


Deviled Hen
One of the highlights of my visits to Chi is when we walk into a bar where they're watching "the game" and see my brother say , "How about you turn this crap off so me and my brother can watch Jeapardy".

...and they do :yes:

Oh, let me know if your brother ever shows up in a sports bar/restaurant in Atlanta. I want to go there at the same time!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I enjoy reading, a few sports (mainly if I'm participating), hiking, poker, and beer. I do like power tools, but only because they are much faster and easier than hand tools.
I also have long hair, can bench 250, have tree trunk legs, know and use alot of words you will rarely hear, and have read many classic authors and novels. And do to my size, I have yet to meet anyone who will call me "sissy" and be serious about it.