So SETI is unscientific because it looks for intelligence that is not human?
Looking for life and intelligent life outside our planet is very scientific, but claiming visitation of aliens and UFOs without objective verifiable evidence is not science,
You are just arbitrarily singling out a particular conclusion for restriction, forbidding it to be considered, just as Hoyle did for the BB- and many others who considered the entire concept inherently unscientific.
Individual scientist, like Hoyle, do not determine that change and advancing knowledge of science. Einstein held on to the view of a static universe too long, but that did not change the fact that based on the objective verifiable evidence the concept of the static universe has been dropped, and at present a number of universe models are under consideration as research continues, There are at least several version of BB, black Hole possible origins and cyclic universe models.
Why not allow science to follow the evidence where it leads, and let that inform us what is real and what is not?
The history of science clearly is a witness as to how this is the reality of actually happens, The Piltdown man, Static universe, geocentric universe models, Lamarkian evolution, and Literal Creationist models of our universe and life, have all been considered no longer viable evidence or explanations as science,
They would conclude ID, whether or not someone goes on to label that 'supernatural' based on the source makes no difference to the objective conclusion of ID.
There is no present falsifiable hypothesis to support the science of ID. If the Discovery Institute comes up with a falsifiable hypothesis, than okay, but it does not look promising.
Some believe life on earth was designed and put here by ET, that's one form of ID, is that 'supernatural'? Some consider intelligence itself 'supernatural' as we cannot explain it by natural laws, and it has a creative capacity, can achieve things that nature alone never can, that's what gives it the power of explanation. This is why when we look at the Rosetta stone we know it was not created by natural processes.- so if that's a 'supernatural' explanation, fine, that does not rule it our being true.
Some believe or some consider . . . does not represent criteria for objective scientific methods to falsify hypothesis.
IF you are seriously considering alien conspiracies without objective verifiable evidence. Let's break out the aluminum foil helmets with magnetic sparkly antenna.
So then If naturalism is true, then there are no non-natural objects to compare with the evidence.
True. Science is only able to falsify natural objects, and natural cause and effect outcomes. It is possible that what is considered non-natural becomes falsifiable as natural in the future, but conjecture and speculation of the non-natural is not the way to go.
That one works just as well both ways, it's odd that people like Dawkins never thought to try that out.
As above individual scientist like Hoyle, Dawkins, and even Einstein do not determine the ultimate outcome of the progressive evolving body of scientific knowledge. Individuals contribute information and knowledge, but science is a vast cooperative coordinated effort involving tens of thousands scientists world wide.
Of course neither really work beyond a word game,
We know there are natural forces AND creative intelligence here in this universe working hand in hand, we know that some objects are created by each. The difference is that you exclude one from being considered as even part of the answer, I don't. I have no need to banish natural forces to let ID win out by default.
True natural forces and
human creative intelligence are here in this universe working hand in hand. We do not know of any other creative intelligence here in this universe unless of course, if we discover alien creative intelligence at work in our universe. If you can provide objective verifiable evidence of 'other' creative intelligence at work, please do so,
ID is not arbitrarily being excluded scientists and groups of scientists are free to research a scientific basis for ID all they want, but at present there is nothing to support ID. The discovery Institute has devoted millions of dollars to research? and manged to produce nothing.