And once again, NOT an unknown material with unknown properties.
as we established, if it were written on unobtainium ,rocks on a beach, felt tip, clouds in the sky, this would make no difference to the evidence for ID, which is the information specified, not the medium it is specified with
No, but we *know* humans write messages like that, that humans can get lost on islands, that local conditions are unlikely to form that arrangement of sticks, etc. It is based on the fact that we know that the 'natural' explanation is less likely than the explanation using a human intelligence. It also helps that we recognize the language. A similar message in Chinese may be more difficult to spot for English speakers.
precisely, we know creative intelligence can produce lots of specified information, we have no verified examples of nature doing likewise- not to say it's not impossible, just which is 'simpler' in terms of better established, concluding ID is an inference to known mechanisms rather than unknown ones.
It's very interesting though, that you complain the analogy is unfair because it allows the remote
possibility of an intelligent agent getting lost on the island...
Yet you have no complaint being granted 100% a fully functional natural mechanism, fully capable of producing the exact same result. We have absolutely no evidence of any such exo-cosmic creation device in reality.
So the analogy is actually heavily biased towards a naturalistic explanation, yet you still choose ID. We would have to utterly rule out ID to an impossible degree to resort to the wave action as the best answer right? How do you go about ruling out God to anything like this extent?
And more and more about the dynamics and self-organization of systems far from equilibrium.
And once again, with no knowledge of possible mechanisms, NO probability calculation is remotely likely to be accurate. The conditional probabilities will all be unknown, but crucial for the calculation.
if you assume an unguided unintelligent information generator, of course we can't give an exact figure for the odds, we just know it is astronomically low, again hence multiverse theory-
The larger problem is like the waves, you'd also have to rule out any intelligent agent to allow chance to win out, and we have no basis to do that other than personal preference