I am a cripple. I started getting health problems(physical ones) about when I was 12-13 or so. Scoliosis, lymes disease, bone deterioration, on and on, and because of the incredible pain it causes in my right leg when I put weight on it, I've had to get around with a cane since I was 13."an incident" Really? What was the incident???????
That is not relevant persay to to what happened, just some back story to explain why I had one.
I was picked on at school, verbally, because from a young age I've been rather feminine. Long hair, long nails, a soft voice & mannerisms that one normally associates with the other sex, and despite normally being the tallest in my age-group those who didn't like me kept on with it. One day I there were two or three of them, and told them to stop and that if I didn't, I'd break one of their knees. They thought it was an empty threat, and continued to harass me, one of them pushing me over. When I got up, I delivered.
The cane I had at the time had a solid steel head, and when it hit the guy he collapsed because it swept his leg out from under him. Not broken yet though. So I hit him again, this time hearing a satisfying crush & pop, and then stepping on his knee to hear him scream.