Have you actually read the bible, the OT where it teaches death and genocide, rape and slavery?
After renunciating my Christian faith and belief in God, I reread the Bible, and I feel like I was gullible to ever believe that the God of the Bible was loving and merciful, let alone morally righteous. I used to hold humanity and the devil accountable for all the evil in the world, as many Christians do, and I refused to accept that God was morally responsible for the world going to hell in a handbasket.
In my opinion, the biblical God is the polar opposite of the term "holy." For instance,
1 Samuel 15:3 states that God commanded the Israelites to attack and not spare the Amalekites (killing every man, woman, child, newborn, and animal and destroying everything that belonged to them). And
Psalm 137:9 states, "Happy is the one who seizes your children and smashes them against the rocks." And this article, "
Violence in the Bible: Greatest Hits," has several other instances of severe violence in the Bible. So much for "Thou shalt not kill." In my opinion, the God of the Bible has a sadistic and psychopathic mentality of "Do as I say, not as I do," making him the most hypocritical (detestable and barbarous) figure known to mankind. As an ex-Christian, I no longer consider the Bible to be the infallible and inerrant "Word of God." Now I believe that it is riddled with contradictions and that the stories about Jesus were either embellished by his devout followers or copied from Greek mythology and other pagan religions to make him appear to be a god.