Thank you for the question. I hope I do it justice as you know my english sucks
I see this is how Jesus explained his connection with God and all other Messengers. Muhammad has confirmed the connection, the Bab and Baha'u'llah have also confirmed the teaching and also explained it in greater detail. It is the sun in the mirror explanation of all God's Messengers. The Messengers are the mirror, born in each age and God is the Sun that shines from them, one and all. They are all born of the same Holy Spirit and it is this Spirit, which is all Gods Attributes, that are the rays reflected from the mirror.
Personally I can see no greater Atonement and this is why Christ can say I am the First Messenger and I am the Last Mesenger, the Beginning and the End, the Alhpa and Omega. Names become one of our veils to seeing the same One light shining from them, One and All.
The potential of this light can also shine from each of us to a certain level, but only after we Polish our mirror. We have been born of the human spirit, which means we are born at the end of darkness, yet to clean our mirror. This is also why many that have yet to accept God can shine with many attributes, even if they do not know of the source shining from them.
You answered two of four of my questions. So Christ is the First and the Last? Who or what is the One? What is the Same Faith?
The rest of your answer made little sense to me. I just don't understand Baha'ispeak.