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Iran: We'll put Israel in 'eternal coma'


Well-Known Member
Were Israel to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, Iran would respond so strongly that it would put the Jewish state into "an eternal coma" like Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's, the Iranian defense minister said Wednesday.

Jerusalem Post
I just don`t see how Iran could even muster a direct attack against Israel militarily.
First they`d have to go through Iraq to get to Israel and I don`t think the US, Brits, and Iraqi military are just going to step aside and allow that to happen.

If they did manage to get through Iraq what would be left of their military would be somewhat of a joke for the Israeli army and IDF to deal with.

Anyone have a clue what this idiot is talking about?


Religious Zionist
well maybe the US and brits might put up a block...but i don't think the Iraqis are all about defending Israel.


User of Aspercreme
Iran currently has missiles that can reach Israel. Perhaps he is threatening to use them. More likely though, he is a big talker and jst blowing steam. Seems their defense minister and our secretary of defense have something in common on that point.


Well-Known Member
jewscout said:
well maybe the US and brits might put up a block...but i don't think the Iraqis are all about defending Israel.
Understandable but Iran and Iraq have their own animosities with the 10 year war and all.
It seems unlikely the Iraqi military would allow Iranian forces to just cruise through their country for any reason.

I could be wrong though, there is more than a little I don`t understand about the cultures involved.

As far as the US and Brits and the point that they "might" put up a block I think you`re being more than a little unrealistic.
It`s a given fact that Iranian forces would indeed first have to battle through British and US forces in Iraq just to get to Israel.
The USA may be alot of things but one thing it isn`t is an entity that would allow the Iranian military free passage through US occupied territory on a genocidal mission to Israel.
It ain`t gonna happen.

BUDDY said:
Iran currently has missiles that can reach Israel. Perhaps he is threatening to use them. More likely though, he is a big talker and jst blowing steam. Seems their defense minister and our secretary of defense have something in common on that point.
Thats true but the first Gulf war is evidence enough to show that Israel doesn`t fear missles enough to "Put them in a coma".
In fact I believe the first thing Israel would do is request passage through Iraqi airspace to destroy those missle sites and then some.
If they didn`t get the passage it`s likely Israel would find a way regardless.

I believe this guy is just blowing steam but thats the point of my OP.
It`s stupid, anyone with half a brain can see that Iran has no real hope of harming Israel with anything less than a nuclear warhead let alone putting them in a coma.
The difference between this Iranian blowing steam and Rumsfield blowing steam is that shortly after Rumsfield blows steam he launches an airstrike somewhere and people die.

It seems to me Iran is takinga page from Kim Jong Il`s book.
I don`t think it`ll work the same for the Iranians for a few reasons.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
I can only hope you are right; we are not dealing with the kind of mentality that you and I understand.;)


Well-Known Member
michel said:
I can only hope you are right; we are not dealing with the kind of mentality that you and I understand.;)
True, very true.
It`s just so damn senseless.


User of Aspercreme
I don't think that they would send a missile with anuclear warhead to Israel. The collateral damage to surrounding muslim communities would be disastrous, which would give them pause for concern. Also, I don't think they would be able to justify the damage caused to their holy places within Israel by such an attack.

If Israel were to strike pre-emptively, they would probably fly there throught international waters,i.e. the Red Sea, and then turn north. They would get there using in flight refueling and never have to ask anyone for any kind of permission. But, that is just a shot in the dark hypothesis. I have no educated idea of what they may actually do. Just keep in mind the way they struck Iraq's nuclear facility.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
BUDDY said:
I don't think that they would send a missile with anuclear warhead to Israel. The collateral damage to surrounding muslim communities would be disastrous, which would give them pause for concern.
What the rabidly antisemitic Arab leadership has done to the Palestinians speaks volumes about how little they care about "collateral damage to surrounding muslim communities".


BUDDY said:
I don't think that they would send a missile with anuclear warhead to Israel. The collateral damage to surrounding muslim communities would be disastrous, which would give them pause for concern.
Does a suicide bomber count as caring?


Well-Known Member
Any nation foolish enough to attack Israel as a nation will find be dealt with harshly. Israel herself is quite formidable, and if push comes to shove, Israel will not hesitate to call on the U.S., G.B., Australia, and the like, who will willingly come to their aid.

If the Iranians want to commit mass genocide on Israel, and actually tries to do something about it, they may find themselves committing mass suicide in the process. When a terrorist group, or a terrorist ideology attacks you, it is difficult to find a target to vent your frustration on, and exact retribution upon.

If a Nation attacks you. . . well, you know where to find them.



User of Aspercreme
Jayhawker Soule said:
What the rabidly antisemitic Arab leadership has done to the Palestinians speaks volumes about how little they care about "collateral damage to surrounding muslim communities".
While that is true and I agree with you on all points, when it comes to discussing nuclear options in this matter, I would assume that this would be an issue for the Iranian leadership. If it is not, then Iran is definitely the biggest threat to world peace, not just the security of Israel.


Active Member
michel said:
I can only hope you are right; we are not dealing with the kind of mentality that you and I understand.;)
You got that right. I woke up today thinkin that some nukes will be used soon. Iran is on a suicide mission.


Active Member
I still believe that at this point it is just bold talk on the part of the Iranians-- it would be foolish to confront the military might of Israel and her allies head on. But that said, Iran perhaps has some reason to act bold, because if there is a winner of the US/Iraq war, it is Iran, and such striking victories can lead to arrogance and ambitious plans for the future.


Well-Known Member
"Israel is a solid ally of the United States, we will rise to Israel's defense if need be. So this kind of menacing talk is disturbing. It's not only disturbing to the United States, it's disturbing for other countries in the world as well," he added.

Asked if he meant the United States would rise to Israel's defense militarily, Bush said: "You bet, we'll defend Israel."

Reuters Article


A fool
Any nation foolish enough to attack Israel as a nation will find be dealt with harshly. Israel herself is quite formidable, and if push comes to shove, Israel will not hesitate to call on the U.S., G.B., Australia, and the like, who will willingly come to their aid.
You can say that again. The defence of Israel is one of the few causes I would be willing to fight for. And I think there will be plenty of people like me willing to stand up and stop any attempted invasion of that country.
israel will be cleared from the world as time passes
whole world will understand islam meanings and will break down whatever is against gods rules.