Your belief and attitude illustrates the negative influence of evangelical Christianity and it's creationism. You do realize that no one else in the world believes in creationism except these conservative Christians and some Muslims. There is no intellectual or educational basis for your negative beliefs about evolution. I'm always curious how creationists got duped, and who they believed when they were indoctrinated into a false belief like creationism. Was it family members, was it a church? It isn't learned in public schools or universities.
The problem began by Atheism fixating on the first chapter of the Bible, while ignoring the rest. As the mirror religion, they saw evolution as their political reflection. The effect is similar to a sports fan, insulting a fan from the other team. This insulting will cause the once calm fan, to get emotional and make a line in the sand, where they will not budge in terms who is better Then the first insulting fan, sees the line and he will not budge. This is not even rational, from either side, but it is a battle of the reflected clans; rivals.
I have suggested looking at Genesis, as connected to the evolution of human consciousness; ego will and choice, but neither clan will move the line. It is not about seeking solution, but irrationally towing the original line.
I can accept the conceptual foundation of evolution; Darwin's natural selection. Where I differ is the casino math approach used by science, which is the statistical modeling still used by all the life sciences. This is that same math assumptions used by a mafia run casino. Reason is not needed, if you accept the house of cards always wins. This is too irrational for me. The weatherman who uses the same math and is never accountability for mistakes, if he faithfully uses this system.
Evolution based on dice and cards, cannot be called rational, since it is not based exclusively on reason. That explains the emotional clan fight. It is hard to transition to rational discussions, if your base arguments are not based on reason, but who will win the lottery.
I made the point that science can show that parts of the DNA rarely mutate, while other aspects of the DNA are much move active to change. How can use casino math when you known you are playing with loaded dice, or will be dealing from the bottom of the deck, using marked cards? Is this how the house always wins?
Again I believe in the process of change we call evolution, but not a theory that gets to cheat common sense.