I am saying that what is taken as evidence by some for the supposedly very slow process of mutations leading from fish to land animals is obviously not substantiated by any type of real time observations, only suppositions which hitherto cannot be supported by actual showing of fish, for example, slowly, very slowly developing (or evolving) to landlubbers.
Neither Genesis 1, nor 2, have “not substantiated by any type of real time observations, only suppositions…” of author or authors writing during the time of Babylonian Exile, post-586 BCE, where plants (Genesis 1:11-12 & 2:8-9), fishes (1:20-22) & birds (1:20-22 & 2:19-20), and land animals (1:24-25 & 2:19-20) - including humans (1:26-27), were all created from nothing…meaning, not by reproduction.
Supernaturally, non-living soil (or dust of the ground) have magically transformed into a living adult human male (Adam, 2:7). While woman was created from Adam’s rib, after land animals & birds). Again, no reproduction & no birth for any life in Genesis 2, just like that in Genesis 1, unnatural creation.
And no one observed any of these events as narrated in Genesis 1 & 2, just 2 different creation myths, most likely borrowed from Babylonian literature of much older Mesopotamian religion, which predated all known biblical writings.
The Jewish creation & flood myths actually show borrowing (or more precisely, “adapting“) Neo-Babylonian myths, except that these versions can be traced back to older Akkadian texts (2nd millennium BCE, eg Old Babylonian Epic of Atrahasis, Enūma Elis, Epic of Gilgamesh (where flood hero is known as Utnapishtim), etc), to even older clay tablets of Sumerian religion (3rd millennium BCE, eg Enki & Ninmah, Song of the Hoe, Eridu Genesis, Death of Bilgames (Sumerian name for Gilgamesh; this poem only mentioned Ziusudra & the Flood, with Ziusudra being a Sumerian name for Utnapishtim), and many more myths.
In the long history of Mesopotamian religion & storytelling, the soil type are usually of clay.
Even in Egypt, there are numbers of creation myths, in which humans were made from soil, including the myth of Khnum, a god who humans from clay & water, moulding them into shape on his pottery wheel:
There are no observations of god or designer…you cannot measure them…and you cannot test them.
And btw, fossils are evidence, regardless if you you accept them or not…you simply don’t have the “know-how” to determine if analyse the fossils…you are not biologist, and you are certainly not a paleontologist, so your rejection of Evolution, is based solely on your religion-agenda bias (in favour of Creationism), and your ignorance how they test fossils in the biological fields.
plus, fossils are not the only evidence, and certainly not the strongest evidence.
But with our current technology , you can test DNA of living organisms, you can find how they are related, species-wise, because through DNA testing, they can estimate roughly WHEN the divergence into two or more species.