and your commitment to defend Pogo reveals that you are a fanatic atheist willing to defend your tribe even when they are obviously wrong
That you are flat out wrong more often that you are tight is no surprise that you even get this wrong.
But hey, at least you are consistent, right?
how can i have an honest discssion with
@Pogo if everytime i make a comment he responds with an unrelated claim? and even more important, why do you condone this behavior when it is clearly a dishonest tactic to evade diffucult questions and challneges?
How can
@Pogo or anyone else for that matter, have a honest conversation when the one they are trying to have a conversation with knows less than nothing about the topic trying to be discussed?
You have proven beyond doubt you do not know what you are talking about.
Even worse, you flat out refuse to learn anything.
Thus like all the creationists before you, you merely compound the problem.
But you're right, it has to be everyone else, not you...
Atheism might no be a religion, but some atheist act like fanatics in a cult.
I agree.
Though I have not seen one in this thread.
The only fanatical cult acting members in this thread are all creationists.