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Is a special relationship with God possible?


Well-Known Member
Can we build a special relationship with God even if in afterlife , I mean when we love someone we like to see , to
talk and even to touch and smell the loved one , is this possible if the loved one is God himself . I know it's look a
little sensual , or romantic but I know there are some believes support such idea like Sufism , and some formed
Judaism .How different believes handle this concept ?if there's not such idea in a religion what is the form of the
relationship with God

Our relationship with our gods are intimate, but not necessarily the same as human relationships. The emotional responses involved in invoking a deity are powerful indeed and at the height of an invocation (regardless of the form it takes) it's possible to experience the gods on a sensual level. With appropriate focus and emotion we can see, hear, feel, smell and taste the presence of a god, but this experience is fleeting and highly draining.

The whole thing is simply different to human relationships in a way that's difficult to explain. Astaroth to me is gentle and soothing (if a little sarcastic) first and foremost, with a certain ethereal beauty to her. It's odd really considering she started off as a Goddess of fertility and war, but I guess that's just my relationship with her, I see the loving side more than the destructive side. It's possible I suppose that her sarcasm hints toward her warlike aspect.
Lilith to me appears as an incredibly idealised female partner. I imagine a lot of men who invoke her find this to be the case while a lot of women will see a potent feminist figure.
One spirit I'm not going to name tends to appear as a wraith-like figure with a bovine skull and a mass of shadowy tendrils. Its entire appearance and presence is one designed to inspire horror, misery and hopelessness. This isn't a god mind you, though I do have an intimate relationship with it. If you want something or somebody brought to ruin you could do worse than invoking this spirit.

All of these and more besides are entities I've developed fairly multi-faceted relationships with. At the same time though, they aren't quite like the relationships I have with other people.

Many Sages One Truth

Active Member
Because the death that Genesis talks about isn't a physical death. The death warned about in Genesis is complete separation from God and it's the state Christians believe we are all born into.

Uh huh, that's your opinion. To me this idea of separation from God is what it means to spiritually die.


Not your average Mormon
Can we build a special relationship with God even if in afterlife , I mean when we love someone we like to see , to
talk and even to touch and smell the loved one , is this possible if the loved one is God himself .
The kind of relationship you've described is possible if you believe, as I do, that God has a human-like form and is corporeal. I see Him as a loving parent whom I lived with prior to my birth and whom I will return to after I die. I believe He'll be as happy to see me as my mortal parents will.
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Heretic Knight
Because the death that Genesis talks about isn't a physical death. The death warned about in Genesis is complete separation from God and it's the state Christians believe we are all born into.

Similar concept can be found in several scriptures , like the old testaments , and the Quran which many religion scholars interpret it as a God-side attribute of the relationship . and I understand it as an evidence of God's desire to build a relationship with us


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I believe that God's love is sometimes surprisingly tender - and I also believe that God has a sense of humor and often shares a laugh with us.

The key is being AWARE of His tenderness and humor.


Heretic Knight
Our relationship with our gods are intimate, but not necessarily the same as human relationships. The emotional responses involved in invoking a deity are powerful indeed and at the height of an invocation (regardless of the form it takes) it's possible to experience the gods on a sensual level. With appropriate focus and emotion we can see, hear, feel, smell and taste the presence of a god, but this experience is fleeting and highly draining.

I agree , I believe building a strong relationship with someone starts by knowing , the more knowledge you have about someone the stronger the relationship you have with , that why we see many persons enlighted with high spiritual maturity .

now as we human beings have specific chunnels for capturing knowledge which are our physical senses (seeing, hearing, smelling,touching) ,our spiritual and emotional senses , and intellectual abilities , I think here we have the difference between the relationship with a person and that with God , in relation with a person we can experience all the above except that spiritual desire for God presence ,but with God I think the spiritual is highly focused , and when God presence is envoked to a very high degree , all human senses and abilities are united and concentrated to it .
this what makes it more difficult , fleeting and highly draining but sure it's beautifully purifying the human soul

The whole thing is simply different to human relationships in a way that's difficult to explain. Astaroth to me is gentle and soothing (if a little sarcastic) first and foremost, with a certain ethereal beauty to her. It's odd really considering she started off as a Goddess of fertility and war, but I guess that's just my relationship with her, I see the loving side more than the destructive side. It's possible I suppose that her sarcasm hints toward her warlike aspect.
Lilith to me appears as an incredibly idealised female partner. I imagine a lot of men who invoke her find this to be the case while a lot of women will see a potent feminist figure.
One spirit I'm not going to name tends to appear as a wraith-like figure with a bovine skull and a mass of shadowy tendrils. Its entire appearance and presence is one designed to inspire horror, misery and hopelessness. This isn't a god mind you, though I do have an intimate relationship with it. If you want something or somebody brought to ruin you could do worse than invoking this spirit.

All of these and more besides are entities I've developed fairly multi-faceted relationships with. At the same time though, they aren't quite like the relationships I have with other people.

do you mean here relationship with human or with gods , I didn't experience relationship with my God in the way you mentioned , but I think it's a humanization of the relationship with God , which looks to me filling some needs but not all , specially the spiritual .

I'm glad with your post , as I thought of relationship with God in more specific way


Heretic Knight
Our relationship with our gods are intimate, but not necessarily the same as human relationships. The emotional responses involved in invoking a deity are powerful indeed and at the height of an invocation (regardless of the form it takes) it's possible to experience the gods on a sensual level. With appropriate focus and emotion we can see, hear, feel, smell and taste the presence of a god, but this experience is fleeting and highly draining.

I agree , I believe building a strong relationship with someone starts by knowing , the more knowledge you have about someone the stronger the relationship you have with , that why we see many persons enlighted with high spiritual maturity .

now as we human beings have specific chunnels for capturing knowledge which are our physical senses (seeing, hearing, smelling,touching) ,our spiritual and emotional senses , and intellectual abilities , I think here we have the difference between the relationship with a person and that with God , in relation with a person we can experience all the above except that spiritual desire for God presence ,but with God I think the spiritual is highly focused , and when God presence is envoked to a very high degree , all human senses and abilities are united and concentrated to it .
this what makes it more difficult , fleeting and highly draining but sure it's beautifully purifying the human soul

The whole thing is simply different to human relationships in a way that's difficult to explain. Astaroth to me is gentle and soothing (if a little sarcastic) first and foremost, with a certain ethereal beauty to her. It's odd really considering she started off as a Goddess of fertility and war, but I guess that's just my relationship with her, I see the loving side more than the destructive side. It's possible I suppose that her sarcasm hints toward her warlike aspect.
Lilith to me appears as an incredibly idealised female partner. I imagine a lot of men who invoke her find this to be the case while a lot of women will see a potent feminist figure.
One spirit I'm not going to name tends to appear as a wraith-like figure with a bovine skull and a mass of shadowy tendrils. Its entire appearance and presence is one designed to inspire horror, misery and hopelessness. This isn't a god mind you, though I do have an intimate relationship with it. If you want something or somebody brought to ruin you could do worse than invoking this spirit.

All of these and more besides are entities I've developed fairly multi-faceted relationships with. At the same time though, they aren't quite like the relationships I have with other people.

I didn't experience relationship with my God in the way you mentioned , but I think it's a humanization of the relationship with God , which looks to me filling some needs but not all , specially the spiritual .

I'm glad with your post , as I thought of relationship with God in more specific way
In my religion, we can develop our relationship with God even further in the spiritual world after death, in the most personal, intimate way. :D


Well-Known Member
do you mean here relationship with human or with gods , I didn't experience relationship with my God in the way you mentioned , but I think it's a humanization of the relationship with God , which looks to me filling some needs but not all , specially the spiritual .

I'm glad with your post , as I thought of relationship with God in more specific way

Ok this could get a little complicated here so bear with me :)

The deities I described (with the exception of the last one) are personal gods, that is to say, they are an anthropomorphic and simplified version of a deity, designed to help maintain focus and understanding of what you're looking to invoke. It's somewhat similar to the Dharmic idea that you have aspects of God and that focusing on a particular aspect is sometimes all you're looking to do.
It's certainly a different experience from invoking the "All" instead it's looking to focus on a particular element of nature. So yes there is spiritual fulfilment, but as you're working with different archetypes the experiences you have will differ.

Now the last spirit I mentioned is something different entirely as it's not a deity or even a naturally occurring spirit, instead it's a servitor, a thought form created by myself. I created it unintentionally during a very dark time of my life, when I was too young to realise what I was actually doing. I poured enough of my own anger, hatred, fear and sadness into it over several years that I eventually created a personality for it.
The difference between its personality and that of a traditional servitor is that because I wasn't aware of what I was doing, I didn't give it a personality of it's own, instead I connected it to my own mind and my own psyche. In effect I'd created a servitor which was inextricably connected to me as a sort of shadow self.
It's taken me a long time to rid the servitor of some of the power I invested in it, but I know it's not completely gone. It's still lurking there in the back of my mind waiting for me to need it again. Although it's too potent a weapon to get rid of, I really do hope I never need to use it again.


Is a special relationship with God possible?
Can we build a special relationship with God even if in afterlife , I mean when we love someone we like to see , to
talk and even to touch and smell the loved one , is this possible if the loved one is God himself . I know it's look a
little sensual , or romantic but I know there are some believes support such idea like Sufism , and some formed
Judaism .How different believes handle this concept ?if there's not such idea in a religion what is the form of the
relationship with God
The form of relationship with "God" is --- fall in love with "Love" and finally to become the form of "Love" itself. :)



Heretic Knight
The deities I described (with the exception of the last one) are personal gods, that is to say, they are an anthropomorphic and simplified version of a deity, designed to help maintain focus and understanding of what you're looking to invoke. It's somewhat similar to the Dharmic idea that you have aspects of God and that focusing on a particular aspect is sometimes all you're looking to do.
It's certainly a different experience from invoking the "All" instead it's looking to focus on a particular element of nature. So yes there is spiritual fulfilment, but as you're working with different archetypes the experiences you have will differ.

OK , I got it , for me I beleive and prefer one God which presents all aspects , and yes I find it valid and practical to invoke diety and experience different aspects of him in a personalized way , as we are human , and it's our nature to build our knowledge and relationships in a personalized way , so why not , it makes God more intimate and lovable to us ;).
Can we build a special relationship with God even if in afterlife , I mean when we love someone we like to see , to
talk and even to touch and smell the loved one , is this possible if the loved one is God himself . I know it's look a
little sensual , or romantic but I know there are some believes support such idea like Sufism , and some formed
Judaism .How different believes handle this concept ?if there's not such idea in a religion what is the form of the
relationship with God
I definitely believe it's possible to build a relationship with God. If He is our father in heaven, then wouldn't it make sense that He would want to build relationships with His own children?