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Is atheism a religion?


RF Addict

Atheism may be considered quasi-religions in that, while not a religion itself, it often reflects the same attributes as religions, including both assertions of objectively unproveable statements and in some cases, active proselytization!



I've always wondered what atheists were proselytizing, myself.


Somewhere Around Nothing
If you go by the broadest definition of the word religion, the answer is in fact, yes. Here are some of the definitions i got after looking it up in several places.

Wikipedia - Religion, a set of beliefs generally about life, meaning the ultimate purpose in the universe.

allaboutreligion - The sum total of answers given to explain humankind’s relationship with the universe.

thefreedictionary - A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

Now, i'm fully aware that atheists tend to have different beliefs, and yes i know i didn't put in all the other definitions of religion in there as well. i just didn't think that was necessary. So of course, we would have different sects, right? Essentially, i don't think there are any gods, but i'm not sure, cause i don't know for certain. there is no proof either way.

I'm pretty sure that there are others with the same general belief as me. But honestly, that doesn't matter. If you have any kind of belief that has to do with our existence, you have a religion, if nothing but your own unique one. So, yeah, atheism is a religion. We just don't do anything normally associated with religion.

So, next time some theist says atheism is a religion, say "Yeah, so?" that'll really throw them for a loop.

Okay, this is in the debate thread, so come at me full guns a blazing. I'm ready for it.
Ideally, I would say atheism is not a religion. Rather, atheists all have their own particular beliefs that could be defined their own individual religion.

Realistically, I think there are atheists who are turning a particular brand of atheism into a religion.


Ideally, I would say atheism is not a religion. Rather, atheists all have their own particular beliefs that could be defined their own individual religion.

Realistically, I think there are atheists who are turning a particular brand of atheism into a religion.

I think that might be right. Chris Hedges criticizes the "new atheists" movement and says that it's similar to fundamental religious people. While I don't necessarily agree with too many of his claims, I think he is right that fundamentalism is fundamentalism, and whether you're a christian or an atheist wound up in all the hype about the new enlightenment and age of science, you can fail to see the forest from the trees.

Atheism on it's own I don't think is a religion.


Just me
Premium Member
Whether atheism is made a religion or not is entirely dependent on the individual who pushes it.

A religion is a way of life.


Well-Known Member
Friend rageoftrael,

Yes it is.
They too follow their religion very religiously, don't they; so they are religious.
Besides, Religion is a way or path to understand the *SELF*, which they do in their own way which is intellectual.

Love & rgds

Is any worldview NOT a religion?

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
Wikipedia - Religion, a set of beliefs generally about life, meaning the ultimate purpose in the universe.

allaboutreligion - The sum total of answers given to explain humankind’s relationship with the universe.

thefreedictionary - A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

Atheism doesn't fit any of these definitions. It's a lack of a set of beliefs about life, the universe, or cause. Following your logic we could conclude that denying the existence of unicorns is a religion. Or denying that the big bang occurred is a religion.

That being said, there are atheist religions (buddhism), but atheism is not a religion. Similarly, there are theist religions (christianity), but theism is not a religion.

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
Realistically, I think there are atheists who are turning a particular brand of atheism into a religion.

I assume you mean Dawkins and the like... On that, I would first say that it's nothing new. Second, it seems to me that they are simply trying to convince people to let go of their super natural world view, and since a god is generally the center of that world view, they attack that concept most. That doesn't mean that they are asking you to adopt their particular world view as a religion would, but rather to just let go of your old one and re-evaluate your beliefs. That's why I would say they aren't turning any "brand of not believing in god" into a religion. But that's just how I see it... :)


Well-Known Member
I think that might be right. Chris Hedges criticizes the "new atheists" movement and says that it's similar to fundamental religious people. While I don't necessarily agree with too many of his claims, I think he is right that fundamentalism is fundamentalism, and whether you're a christian or an atheist wound up in all the hype about the new enlightenment and age of science, you can fail to see the forest from the trees.

Atheism on it's own I don't think is a religion.
Atheists are heard loud and clear when they fight back fundamentalists for blocking biology from being taught in science class. Dawkins is one. This makes atheists fundamentalists? Some Christians also fight for rights that fundamentalists deny, are they fundamentalists too? There's nothing new going on here. It's an age old struggle, and the only reason atheists aren't being burned at the stake or hung by the neck has more to do with separation of church and state than anything else.


i can tell when i've been beaten. and when i look, i pretty much agree with your assessments. though, rojse, coming in and calling my thread a joke, when i am not treating it as such is neither pertinent, nor productive. i was told by someone that atheism is a religion, so i started actually looking at definitions, and i started reading too much into it, i guess. either way, i concede to all of your overwhelming logic. I can't argue with you guys when i find myself agreeing with you. I was just trying to play devil's advocate. You know, figure out the truth?


i can tell when i've been beaten. and when i look, i pretty much agree with your assessments. though, rojse, coming in and calling my thread a joke, when i am not treating it as such is neither pertinent, nor productive. i was told by someone that atheism is a religion, so i started actually looking at definitions, and i started reading too much into it, i guess. either way, i concede to all of your overwhelming logic. I can't argue with you guys when i find myself agreeing with you. I was just trying to play devil's advocate. You know, figure out the truth?
I think it is worth playing devil's advocate from time to time. Helps us organize our thoughs. From the response you got I'd say it was worth the effort. Creationists don't back down quite so quickly and I did, I think, pick up one new defense because of your thread. Thanks for giving it a shot. :)


I think that the atheistic view of the Universe can be a characterization of a religion, but isn't a religion itself. Atheists can believe that the Universe came to be through the ways revealed by scientific evidence, or they can believe that the earth and everything is eternal, or they can believe that this isn't real, ect. Can all these ideas and beliefs be of the same religion? No, that's why atheism can't be a specific religion. I would say that it is just a description of whatever worldview you may hold. A religion can be atheistic, but I don't think atheism can be a religion itself.

That being said, I could really care less if people call atheism a religion or belief or whatever. It doesn't change my opinion or my beliefs. I believe what I believe, I came to my beliefs through my experiences in life. Labeling atheism as a religion isn't going to affect how I think about the Universe.
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RF Addict
though, rojse, coming in and calling my thread a joke, when i am not treating it as such is neither pertinent, nor productive.

I wasn't calling your thread a joke at all. I said that I found the logic behind the assertation that atheism was a religion humorous.


Well-Known Member
i can tell when i've been beaten. and when i look, i pretty much agree with your assessments. though, rojse, coming in and calling my thread a joke, when i am not treating it as such is neither pertinent, nor productive. i was told by someone that atheism is a religion, so i started actually looking at definitions, and i started reading too much into it, i guess. either way, i concede to all of your overwhelming logic. I can't argue with you guys when i find myself agreeing with you. I was just trying to play devil's advocate. You know, figure out the truth?

You have the ability to change your mind. I appreciate that. Frubals!


funnily enough, rojse, i actually thought about what you had posted after i wrote that, and it occurred to me that by saying it was funny, that you were in fact giving your opinion of my post. it wasn't productive, but i will allow for the fact that it was pertinent to the subject at hand.

makes sense to me!:D