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Is atheism a religion?

If you go by the broadest definition of the word religion, the answer is in fact, yes. Here are some of the definitions i got after looking it up in several places.

Wikipedia - Religion, a set of beliefs generally about life, meaning the ultimate purpose in the universe.

allaboutreligion - The sum total of answers given to explain humankind’s relationship with the universe.

thefreedictionary - A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

Now, i'm fully aware that atheists tend to have different beliefs, and yes i know i didn't put in all the other definitions of religion in there as well. i just didn't think that was necessary. So of course, we would have different sects, right? Essentially, i don't think there are any gods, but i'm not sure, cause i don't know for certain. there is no proof either way.

I'm pretty sure that there are others with the same general belief as me. But honestly, that doesn't matter. If you have any kind of belief that has to do with our existence, you have a religion, if nothing but your own unique one. So, yeah, atheism is a religion. We just don't do anything normally associated with religion.

So, next time some theist says atheism is a religion, say "Yeah, so?" that'll really throw them for a loop.

Okay, this is in the debate thread, so come at me full guns a blazing. I'm ready for it.

Points well made. However, Atheism's literal translation is A(without) Theism (a set of indoctrinated belief systems) so you are correct to a certain point. While as an atheist I do have certain beliefs, I subscribe to no set system of CORE beliefs. Therefore it does not constitute a religion as a religion is a dogma or set system of beliefs.
Just my view on it though.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Theism means to have a set of indoctrinated beliefs?
That's a terrible definition.


Points well made. However, Atheism's literal translation is A(without) Theism (a set of indoctrinated belief systems) so you are correct to a certain point. While as an atheist I do have certain beliefs, I subscribe to no set system of CORE beliefs. Therefore it does not constitute a religion as a religion is a dogma or set system of beliefs.
Just my view on it though.

Then I guess I cannot possibly be a theist.

You learn something new about yourself every day. :cover:

*UV wonders what she was thinking*


Is that how religion behaves?

My point is that you have to do something with it, or (IMO) you're not really meeting the definition of "religion". Not for me, anyway. Whether it's a little Buddhist shrine in your sitting room or church on Sunday, there has to be some ritual or custom associated with a "religion". Otherwise the word is meaningless.
It's safe to say though, that in practice, I don't do any of the things you've listed here Alceste.

Then maybe you're not religious. :)


New Member
They may be considered informed opinions based on objective data, but to conclude that there is no God period-- to rule out any possibility that there could be one?-- requires either powerful faith or willful ignorance of alternate possibilities. Both of which are qualities you find among hardcore followers of a religion.
Willful ignorance? How do you figure? The only way you could claim this is if these "alternatives" are provable, unbiased, reliable, and repeatable but denied nonetheless.

Follow my logic here:

Let's say there is a metaphysical question for which we don't know the answer. Let's say it's the "Why are we here?" question. Which, by the way, to a freethinker/atheist, this is really a futile question. Life does not have to have a "purpose" in order to make it precious, worth living, and worthy of being kind and decent to your fellow humans. I don't need a "silly man in the sky" to conclude my "purpose" here.

But I digress. Let's say, for the sake of argument we are attempting an answer to this. We really don't know. For all we know the Flying Spaghetti Monster put us here. But according to the scientific evidence, there is no evidence of an intelligent creator. It just isn't there in any field of science. As a matter of fact, if you look at what's going on in the field of Cosmology (I can't link it yet, but take a look at the work of Lawrence Krauss), Embryology, History (Bart Ehrman, for example) and Biology, there is more and more evidence that there is no "Prime Mover" at all, of any kind. To make a claim that "it's possible" that a God put us here is wishful thinking.

Let's stop and think about Evolution for a second. Evolution is a fact. Arguing over that is just stupid. It's like arguing over Santa Claus. If you want to take the middle ground and say "Well, that's just the way God does creation, then." If you really took a good, long look at how evolution works, then to say that "evolution is God's way", you are forced to say in the same breath that he's not very good at it.

The mind of Faith says, "To say that there's no creator is depressing. The conclusion I WANT to come to, is that there is a grand purpose put forth by a God." That is arguing from ignorance. I'll side with the evidence that we have and make the inference that the evidence for a creator just isn't there.

If you have this provable, unbiased, reliable, and repeatable evidence for an intelligent creator, I'm all ears. But after looking at the answers science is giving me, I'll stick with the facts for now.

If you want to call that "willfull ignorance", or faith on my part, then so be it. But I don't see how an educated deduction of the facts really makes it willful ignorance, especially since I am open to that as a possible conclusion. I just don't make conclusions on pure speculation or on the "need to have" a God.


Just me
Premium Member
Points well made. However, Atheism's literal translation is A(without) Theism (a set of indoctrinated belief systems) so you are correct to a certain point. While as an atheist I do have certain beliefs, I subscribe to no set system of CORE beliefs. Therefore it does not constitute a religion as a religion is a dogma or set system of beliefs.
Just my view on it though.
It could also be argued that the etymology is athe- (no god/s) -ism (a practice or quality of). It could simply be the person "being, without God".


Well-Known Member
So, we get up early on Sundays to go listen to a big lecture on how to be a good atheist and sing some inspirational atheist songs, throw a few bucks in the atheist-preaching-funds-pan, then we drink tea and eat cakes together?

Why you left out the crackers which symbolize the body of Darwin and the wine which symbolizes his blood.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Name one.

Anyone can form a religion. Atheists can if htey want. ALl you need is to set up a community, add a lable and develop a set of doctrine about reality. Then you have a religion. Evolutionists could absolutely create a religion around their beliefs but that doesn't mean they have belief in the supernatural.


Well-Known Member
Anyone can form a religion. Atheists can if htey want. ALl you need is to set up a community, add a lable and develop a set of doctrine about reality. Then you have a religion. Evolutionists could absolutely create a religion around their beliefs but that doesn't mean they have belief in the supernatural.

OK, name one such religion.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
OK, name one such religion.

Christian Atheism
Some traditions of Buddhism

That's all that I can come up with atm. I predict there will be more to come in the next few generations.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Oops, I suppose that Confucianism has one element of the supernatural in ancestral worship. I don't think it is necessary in modern day to have this belief though.


Well-Known Member
Christian Atheism
Some traditions of Buddhism

That's all that I can come up with atm. I predict there will be more to come in the next few generations.

Are these actual practicing religions? What resembles an actual religion as it pertains to Christian Atheism outside followers of a CA Gospel wherein God dies? Is Confusianism and Buddhism a religion once the supernatural bits are removed such as karma and reincarnation? Is Discordance anything more than religious parody?

I think certain basic requirements have to be met in order for a religion to qualify as a religion, otherwise the definition of religion is rendered meaningless.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Are these actual practicing religions? What resembles an actual religion as it pertains to Christian Atheism outside followers of a CA Gospel wherein God dies? Is Confusianism and Buddhism a religion once the supernatural bits are removed such as karma and reincarnation? Is Discordance anything more than religious parody?

I think certain basic requirements have to be met in order for a religion to qualify as a religion, otherwise the definition of religion is rendered meaningless.

I dont know of any supernatural bits in Confusianism or some forms of Taoism. Are there supernatural parts of these faiths? Dawkins seems to think some types of Taoism is void of all need of the supernatual.
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Well-Known Member
Some of Jesus' teachings are secular in nature and may have simply been added to the collection of religious teachings assigned to a Jesus. Remove the religious teachings and are we left with anything to hang a religion on?

Much has been added to the sayings of Confucius, is there a religion revolving around just the secular teachings of Confucius? Same with Taoism.

How do we know what people practicing Taoism actually believe? How do we know what some atheists believe? Atheists don't believe gods exist but some atheists believe the supernatural and/or the paranormal exist.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I think an important point is that when these religions formed, for most of history our current scientific knoweldge was not accessible and so religions obviously had supernatural ideas whether they were real or not. That doesn't mean that a religion -has- to have supernatural ideas in order to be classified as a religion. Religions try to explain life and reality through the means they can or have had experience with. If people begin to do that using science, it could easily become a religion nd not have supernatural beliefs.


Well-Known Member
I think an important point is that when these religions formed, for most of history our current scientific knoweldge was not accessible and so religions obviously had supernatural ideas whether they were real or not. That doesn't mean that a religion -has- to have supernatural ideas in order to be classified as a religion. Religions try to explain life and reality through the means they can or have had experience with. If people begin to do that using science, it could easily become a religion nd not have supernatural beliefs.

Science based philosophies need not be confused with religion. A world view that does not conflict with the laws of physics has no basis for a religion to build on, it would be easier to herd cats.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Science based philosophies need not be confused with religion. A world view that does not conflict with the laws of physics has no basis for a religion to build on, it would be easier to herd cats.

Religions exist because people have a tendancy to form them. They get all high and mighty about their prescious superiority and so called 'truth' and form a institution around. People will begin to label themselves and create division. Religion does not mean belief in a god. It's something people create as part of self expression and identity development. It can easily happen in the scientific context. Heck, we've already been shown examples of it on this thread.