I was thinking about god and punishment. To my sons I am very much like God. I hand out punishments and tell them no when they want to hear yes. I also make them do things they don't want to do.
This is all for there betterment, so that they can be productive as adults. Currently they are adolescents.
When they become teenager's they are going to revolt. They will believe they know better than me(they will know somethings better I'm not god). They will want to leave my house. They will want to live there own way.
Then when they become adult's they will realize some truths. There will be a balancing of our lives. Although father and son we will be more compromising.
Now all people don't go through all stages. What I am equating this to is our religious beliefs.
Theist - Child State
Atheist - Teenage State
Agnostic - Adult State
What do you think
It's a fairly decent analogy.
However agnosticism isn't the middle of the ground between atheism and theism.
I guess i could call myself an agnostic atheist.
I believe that all god concepts (i include all religious concepts in this as well) are made for the purpose of explaining the world around us and assuaging the fear and uncertainty of death. My proof for this is the myriad and vastly differing religious and god concepts believed throughout history. This covers my atheism.
As far as my agnosticism goes this comes from the fact that i cannot in all good honesty say that i KNOW that there is no god out there, however i can, in all good honesty, say that i KNOW that none of the god concepts put forward to date are true/factual. The biggest mistake the theists have made is give their god characteristics that can then be disproved.
The thing is that theism and atheism is about belief and gnosticism and agnosticism is about knowledge.
So therefore i think the progression goes something like this:
Atheism - Because babies are not born with the ability to conceptualise anything outside of themselves.
Theism - As the individual's thought processes evolve to a point where they can see themselves as separate from the world around them and they try to make sense of the world. In the absence of an explanation the individual will resort to magical thinking.
Atheism - As the individual acquires explanations of the world around them the magical thinking is no longer required.
Of course i'm sure the religious members will get rather grumpy at this, however they cannot say that this process does not happen for other things than their religious beliefs. The difference between an atheist and a theist is that the atheist applies the progression to religious beliefs as well.