fullyveiled muslimah
Evil incarnate!
Well, with this we can eliminate sex for fun. No one should have sex unless they are trying to conceive? And if they are horny any other time, it's masturbation or nothing?
That's the dumbest thing ever. Did I say that sex had to be no fun? Did I say sex could only be for conceiving children? I didn't think so, and if you're so unimaginative as to think you either must masturbate for an orgasm or do nothing that's your problem. Since when did human/human sex not be able to result in orgasms?
Only a tiny minority of animals who are abused accept it. Most fight back or escape, and that's if the abusers aren't reported first. I won't deny that there are some animals like this, but I don't see how you can justify using the plight of a tiny minority of animals to make your point. It's like banning peanuts in order to protect those few who have peanut allergies
I beg to differ that it is a tiny amount. Check out the treament of animals in all types of captivity and you'll see many of them mistreated. Even animals being raised for food are treated horribly prior to slaughter. Humans do a whole lot of abuse of authority against other animals who can't/won't protest.
Your own logic is the same as saying that it's okay for a husband to beat her wife as long as she does nothing to resist.
Firstly we aren't talking about human relations. Since you brought it up though I'll use a personal example. My mother was beaten by my father for over 20 years. At any one time she could have left him and didn't. There were so many times that opportunity after opportunity was presented to her to make a better life for herself and us, but she declined them all and took the beatings. Know what I think of that? I think she was being stupid. Why would you stay with a man who is beating you? I think any woman who stays with a man who beats her despite the opportunity to make an escape to places and people who will help her, is being stupid. I don't advocate wife beating at all. I equally don't advocate wives staying to get beaten.
This POV is coming from me not so much as a wife, but as a former child growing up in a household like that. It was very traumatic and not something to be gotten over easily. Women especially with children should make a getaway as soon as the chance comes along. If they don't they doom themselves and their children to a horrible lifestyle.
A master/lesser relationship does not eliminate the possibility of sex between the parties involved.
Why would it be necessary to have such a relationship? It's ultimately pointless other than the gross sex one would have. There could never be a relationship beyond that. You can't marry your dog. You can't rent a hotel room with it and spend a romantic getaway. You can't share your day with it in anyway that it will comprehend. It isn't the same as being with another person at all. What if a person is accustomed to doing their dog but then wants a human partner. You think that dog after having that attachment is going to let that be? Animals can be more possessive than a person over their girl/boyfriends.
Anyway what is it about an animal that would even arouse a person sexually? That in itself needs to be checked out. A person that has that much difficulty and lack of life coping skills that they can't relate to any other human that way, and therefore must relate to animals needs to be evaluated point blank.
Furthermore this is an opinion poll so my opinion isn't any less valid then yours. You prove to me the benefits of having a sexual relationship with an animal beyond having an orgasm. Having sex with an animal is both pointless and gross and I'm not budging off that opinion...... point blank.
Legally around the United States there is an age below which it is considered impossible for a human being to give consent. usually it is around 13-16 years old. This is the point where the law considers a human being as mentally capable of understanding enough about the situation to knowingly give consent.
Can anyone show me an animal with the mental faculties of a normal 13 year old child?
Thank you. I agree. Also what's not being thoguht about is the animals eventual wish to become pregnant or sire offspring. Humans can't facilitate that through sexual intercourse with that animal. The animal might get mad at you because you haven't been able to impregnate it or become pregnant by it. They might start disliking you then.
A dog humping your leg is indicating a desire for sex.
Maybe maybe not. DOgs hump poles outside too you think they wanna have sex with the pole. Another function of that supposed humping is marking territory. So what you percieve as sexual the dog doesn't necessarily see it that way. Dogs know that your leg and that pole outside is not another dog. It doesn't really attemp to mount it nor engage it's knot. Its just a motion. A dog might sniff between your legs too, I shouldn't take that as an attempt at oral sex.