I'm not in disagreement. I'm only saying that it was ahead of the curve in it's time and place. Did you miss that part?
But it goes further than "communing with nature." Much further. So far as to blur the lines of social identity and barriers. That's why he was killed.
"Miss that part" no.
And BTW, that is a touch o' snark on your part,
Mr. Kettle!
Ahead for his time and place, far behind the curve in
others. IF those were even his idea.
I am not seeing the divine here.
With all the legends that grew up around the
American revolution, in a primitive society of oral traditions
we'd probably find that G Washington wrote the
Declaration all by himself, his ideas.
AS I SAID, it is common for a single figure to
be represented as the father of great ideas
that are actually the product of many.
Why "Jesus" is supposed to be different,
esp as the ideas were ancient by the time
he showed up, is just not apparent.
He was killed for being a rebel, which t he
Romans did not like. Hence the disgraceful
means of execution, setting an example.
He provoked the Romans, and the magic he
was counting on didnt work out.