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Is demonic possession real ?


Active Member
In the end, "it seems to work" is as much of the truth as we're going to get. :)

After all, isn't that the result being sought by any scientific experiment? Or by any logical course of reasoning?
What about people who died from doing something out of ignorance to see if it works ?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Secularism believes that people are evil because of psychological reasons. But some religious people believe that evil people are evil because they are controlled by Satan and his demons I am wondering witch one is true and makes more sense ? I know most people don't like to hear about Demonic possession because it invalidates free will.

You raise some interesting points. I have 2 comments and a follow-up question:

1) The "demonic possession" model predates modern psychology. In some ways, it is part of the foundation for modern psychology. I think there is a great deal of value adopting this model in certain circumstances, if, BIG IF, I keep in mind that it is only a model, and all models break down sooner or later when compared to the actual phenomena being observed.

2) My personal experiences and investigation has lead to a conclusion that none are evil; their actions are evil. The individual, themself, who is committing an evil deed or deeds is ill or ignorant, or some combination of the two.

3) How do you understand the concept of a "demon"? How much do you know about "demons"?


Active Member
You raise some interesting points. I have 2 comments and a follow-up question:

1) The "demonic possession" model predates modern psychology. In some ways, it is part of the foundation for modern psychology. I think there is a great deal of value adopting this model in certain circumstances, if, BIG IF, I keep in mind that it is only a model, and all models break down sooner or later when compared to the actual phenomena being observed.

2) My personal experiences and investigation has lead to a conclusion that none are evil; their actions are evil. The individual, themself, who is committing an evil deed or deeds is ill or ignorant, or some combination of the two.

3) How do you understand the concept of a "demon"? How much do you know about "demons"?
Indeed on the first part you are correct the idea of demon possion predates psychology. As for your second point I think that is used as a cop out by evil people saying that they are mentally ill. 3 I think a demon is an evil spiritual being.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Secularism believes that people are evil because of psychological reasons. But some religious people believe that evil people are evil because they are controlled by Satan and his demons I am wondering witch one is true and makes more sense ? I know most people don't like to hear about Demonic possession because it invalidates free will.
Yes, I believe possesion is real. There's all sorts of entities that can possess people. Sometimes it's even beneficial or fulfills a purpose, such as being possessed by a deity or one's totem spirit (like a spirit animal). There are also malicious spirits that seek to harm, and they can possess people and inspire them to depraved acts. I actually believe this is what's going on with a number of these sick atrocities you see in the headlines. Usually there is a period of spiritual and psychological decline before it gets to that point. Nasty drugs like meth can open you up to it, as well.


Active Member
Yes, I believe possesion is real. There's all sorts of entities that can possess people. Sometimes it's even beneficial or fulfills a purpose, such as being possessed by a deity or one's totem spirit (like a spirit animal). There are also malicious spirits that seek to harm, and they can possess people and inspire them to depraved acts. I actually believe this is what's going on with a number of these sick atrocities you see in the headlines. Usually there is a period of spiritual and psychological decline before it gets to that point. Nasty drugs like meth can open you up to it, as well.
I like your view on this.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Secularism believes that people are evil because of psychological reasons. But some religious people believe that evil people are evil because they are controlled by Satan and his demons I am wondering witch one is true and makes more sense ? I know most people don't like to hear about Demonic possession because it invalidates free will.
Good/evil is not binary. Some are both depending on circumstances.

I also don't believe in satan. My belief is that there are lower astral entities that some identify as demons that look for opportunities to magnify negative impulses and habits. There is a small section in C. S. Lewis' book "The Great Divorce" Reflections: May I Kill It? - C.S. Lewis Institute that illustrates what I'm thinking of without being literally true.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Indeed on the first part you are correct the idea of demon possion predates psychology. As for your second point I think that is used as a cop out by evil people saying that they are mentally ill. 3 I think a demon is an evil spiritual being.

Before getting into a discussion regarding the concept of a "demon":

Those whom you are referring to as evil, have you ever met one? When you met them, did they, do they, honestly justify their evil deeds using the "insanity defense"? Those who acknowledge their illness, from my experiences, are the ones who have regret and remorse. If they have regret and remorse are they an evil person?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Secularism believes that people are evil because of psychological reasons. But some religious people believe that evil people are evil because they are controlled by Satan and his demons I am wondering witch one is true and makes more sense ? I know most people don't like to hear about Demonic possession because it invalidates free will.
I'm actually a highly religious Jew. There are many things that contribute to someone being evil: genes, epigenetics, womb environment, trauma and other environmental factors, etc. etc. Don't get me wrong. Evil people do exist. We call them psychopaths. They MUST be removed from society to keep people safe from harm. But this is more of a quarantine than a punishment.

If your car has bad brakes, you take it off the street. You either repair it, or you junk it. But what you do NOT do is wag your finger at the car and say, "You are naughty!"

As far as demon possession goes, it is classified as a mental illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, fifth edition. The exact diagnosis is Dissociative Identity Disorder, subtype possession.

Dissociation is when your mind gets so compartmentalized, that part of your self awareness is split off. Other forms of dissociation include hysterical blindness, fragmentation of identity (DID), fugue states, automatic writing and ouija board movement, psychological amnesia, etc. Even daydreaming while driving on the freeway and coming to and realizing you have no idea where you are is a mild form of dissociation.


Well-Known Member
Secularism believes that people are evil because of psychological reasons. But some religious people believe that evil people are evil because they are controlled by Satan and his demons I am wondering witch one is true and makes more sense ? I know most people don't like to hear about Demonic possession because it invalidates free will.
Why would demonic possession invalidate free will? I think it does not necessary do so and it can be what a person chooses. I believe demonic possession can be real, but it does not mean people are evil because of that. People are evil by their own choice.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Secularism believes that people are evil because of psychological reasons. But some religious people believe that evil people are evil because they are controlled by Satan and his demons I am wondering which one is true and makes more sense ? I know most people don't like to hear about Demonic possession because it invalidates free will.
My belief is that there is no such being as Satan or demons . It is language used to describe the worst traits of people but not actual beings.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Secularism believes that people are evil because of psychological reasons. But some religious people believe that evil people are evil because they are controlled by Satan and his demons I am wondering witch one is true and makes more sense ? I know most people don't like to hear about Demonic possession because it invalidates free will.
"Demon" isn't really an explanation for anything

It is an absence of an explanation

"A demon did it" explains nothing


It was on fire when I laid down on it.

OK so I was a realtor and listed a house but due to a really out of control teenaged boy, it needed every single light fixture replaced and every single door replaced and many walls patched. His room, which was filled to the brim with quotes by Marilyn Manson and God only knows who else, written legibly on every single wall and the ceiling in a sharpie pen, had to be painted. OK so above his bed or where his bed had been was a pentagram, also written or drawn in a sharpie. So I left the painting crew there and took off. They called me and said "Bring a priest over here - we've painted the ceiling six times with Kills and the pentagram keeps bleeding through. Now the crew won't go in there anymore." So I called a priest to meet him over there but I got there first. The house was in a great location and I was mad, because doggone it, I needed this room painted and I needed the sale! So I marched up the walk way, past the crew who was standing outside, and I marched into the room and hung a crucifix in the window, and said "In the name of Jesus, I command you to leave this property!" Then I marched back outside and said to the crew, "You painted the ceiling six times? Paint it seven times - it should be fine." And it was. And then the priest got there but I had already taken care of business. By the way, the crew went back in and painted the ceiling again and everything was fine. We got everything replaced and repainted and I sold the house with no issues at all.


Veteran Member

OK so I was a realtor and listed a house but due to a really out of control teenaged boy, it needed every single light fixture replaced and every single door replaced and many walls patched. His room, which was filled to the brim with quotes by Marilyn Manson and God only knows who else, written legibly on every single wall and the ceiling in a sharpie pen, had to be painted. OK so above his bed or where his bed had been was a pentagram, also written or drawn in a sharpie. So I left the painting crew there and took off. They called me and said "Bring a priest over here - we've painted the ceiling six times with Kills and the pentagram keeps bleeding through. Now the crew won't go in there anymore." So I called a priest to meet him over there but I got there first. The house was in a great location and I was mad, because doggone it, I needed this room painted and I needed the sale! So I marched up the walk way, past the crew who was standing outside, and I marched into the room and hung a crucifix in the window, and said "In the name of Jesus, I command you to leave this property!" Then I marched back outside and said to the crew, "You painted the ceiling six times? Paint it seven times - it should be fine." And it was. And then the priest got there but I had already taken care of business. By the way, the crew went back in and painted the ceiling again and everything was fine. We got everything replaced and repainted and I sold the house with no issues at all.
Nothing like that ever happened to me and or my family, my kith and kin and or my friends, so I cannot comment on one's experience, right, please?



It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Nothing like that ever happened to me and or my family, my kith and kin and or my friends, so I cannot comment on one's experience, right, please?

I'm just sharing what happened to me personally. It was really weird, I'll tell you that much. And I have a mentally ill brother and had a mentally ill mother.


Well-Known Member
Secularism believes that people are evil because of psychological reasons.
Secularism doesn't believe anything because it is an abstract concept. It is also the concept of treating people equally regardless of their religious identity (or lack thereof) and so is largely irrelevant to your core question.

The evidence doesn't really support the idea of any person being fundamentally evil at all and the causal factors for behaviour which might be considered "evil" are typically recognised as many and varied, within the context of psychology and beyond.

But some religious people believe that evil people are evil because they are controlled by Satan and his demons I am wondering witch one is true and makes more sense ?
Well, if you want to properly assess the validity of any claim, you first need a coherent and detailed hypothesis. As far as I'm aware, none of the vast range of different beliefs, claims and assertions about the existence of evil, Satan, demons or possession have anything close to that. Indeed, many of the believers explicitly refuse to provide such hypothesis.

What you conclude makes most sense ore is more likely to be true is down to you, but I personally don't think anyone has come anywhere close to supporting anything close to the latter claim.


Active Member
Premium Member
Secularism believes that people are evil because of psychological reasons. But some religious people believe that evil people are evil because they are controlled by Satan and his demons I am wondering witch one is true and makes more sense ? I know most people don't like to hear about Demonic possession because it invalidates free will.
Demonic possession is possible but it is very, very rare. It can only happen to people who are already sort of evil, but are also very weak-willed. So their own will is not strong enough to resist the possession by some external non-human entity. People who are addicted to drugs or alcohol are also susceptible to such acts of possession.

This means that most people (99.99999%) who are evil are not in anyway possessed but are inherently evil themselves.