Hitler called atomic fission "Jewish science," and opposed it. Then, Hitler realized its vast potential as as a bomb, and had his scientist almost develop it.
Einstein's famous letter to President FDR suggested that the US fund A-bomb research.
Einstein, Oppenheimer (father of the A-bomb), et al, were Jewish, and the world was embroiled in a war with Hitler's Nazis (attacked peaceful nations, and tortured and kills Gays, Blacks, freaks, and Jews). It's a miracle that the US (and allies) won. If it hadn't been for Hitler's mistake of attacking its ally, Russia, Hitler would have won (then, upon global domination, attack its allies, Japan. Italy, and Russia).
Some Manhatten Project (A-bomb) were Christian, like Enrico Fermi (who later made the first nuclear reactor for electric power). So lets not say that just the Jews are going to hell.
Many physicists knew the importance of defeating Hitler (tyrranical abuse of the world forever, torture camps, death camps, and bigotry). When the Manhatten Project (A-bomb) began, it didn't look like victory was even possible. Many physicists also knew that the A-bomb was going to be a curse on the world once it was invented. Some wanted to share it with the world in order to balance terror (Mutually Assured Destruction, MAD).
Ted and Ethyl Rosenburg were framed by the FBI and executed for leaking A-bomb plans to Russia. They were innocent, but his uncle confessed shortly before his death. This created the Cold War with Russia. SALT agreements were signed by President Reagan and Russia, which limited nukes only between their two nations. In the mean time, the world caught up, and we are now in negotiagions between Biden and Putin to limit nuclear arms, which is a horrible idea while the rest of the world is building nukes.
God gave Jews the message "eye for an eye," and the conflicting message "thou shalt not kill." Christians are supposed to abide by these Jewish laws, since the Old Testament must also be followed. Christians are in charge of the United States, and the US has awesome weapons of mass destruction. So, Christians must temper their anger or the world will suffer (nuke bombings, etc).
Christians are supposed to "turn the other cheek" but it takes a lot of faith in God to allow God to handle our enemies rather than let people build nukes. Do we trust that God can do it?
When the al Qaeda attacked the United States, we trusted that President W. Bush had our interests in mind when he declared war on the peaceful and inspected nation of Iraq. W. Bush had defied God's orders (in Revelation) not to attack Babylon, Iraq. W. Bush had defied God's orders to "turn the other cheek" and "not kill."
W. Bush lacked faith in God, and W. Bush was wrong and God was right. God knows the future, and God is all knowing. W. Bush should not have lied to the American people about Weapons of Mass Destruction, and shouldn't have pretended that he had CIA and FBI intel that we could not access regarding Iraq. W. Bush shouldn't have had his minions (Colin Powell) lie to us about WMD.
Satan's lies and fear motivated acceptance of war with peaceful Iraq. We may not approve of the various things that Iraq did (listed in the War Power Resolution of 1998, signed by President Clinton and Congress to stir up trouble to have Saddam assassinated), but they didn't deserve mass murder (roughly 1,000,000 killed, and General Tommy Franks said that we're not in the business of counting dead bodies).
While nuclear war and the cold war are terrible things, and contrary to the orders of God, many believe that the US must oppose dictators bent on global destruction. I think that we all can understand.