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Is executing someone for Idolatry or defending Atheism Evil?

Executing someone for apostasy is evil

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • No

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
So you are saying God, Mosss and Jesus were all evil?

If i remember correctly punishment for apostasy in bible is death. Jesus followed the mosaic law without changing. Even saying u must kill if someone insults his parents! Then what about apostasy, which indeed is bigger than insulting ur parents.

Matthew u just called Bible, God, Moses and Jesus "evil". Do u realize that or are u apostate?

The reality of today is that kuffar left the ruling of God as mentioned in Bible. If they did rule by God's law as according to Bible then the future for apostates would be dark in West. Many killed, and many hiding themselves out of fear.


Veteran Member
By this logic, all Catholics lie about the church too, of course they drink actual blood of unbaptized infants, they wouldn't want the truth to get out, so they lie.

You judge 1 billion by the actions of how many? Even God did not do that in Sodom. Moses did some really crappy things. Abraham was willing to kill his son for God so Christianity must kill children if God asks. Telling me otherwise is just lying to me to make your religion appear better.
My Church justifies no violence against others for apostacy or adultery or homosexuality in any of the Catechism which is the the official summary of the most important teachings of the Church.

The founder of my religion said the most important commandment is to love God and do unto others what you would have them do unto you.

When did I lie about my faith? By the way, I don't consider myself Catholic in the sense that I haven't reconciled with every teaching of the Church and I often go to protestant services more often.

Muhammad, the founder of Islam, commanded people to be beaten, mutilated, and executed for not obeying the precepts of his Religion. Jesus is a cuddly teddy bear in comparison to Muhammad (figuratively speaking).


Relentlessly Rational
Well, if he never existed, that is odd because time is dated (B.C. and A.D. are commonly used to count years in time. Jesus Christ’s birth is used as a starting point to count years that existed before (B.C.) and after (A.D.) He was born. For example, the year 532 B.C. refers to the time 532 years before A.D. 1, when Christ was assumed to have been born.) over a fictional charactar.

I would say there is more evidence indicating Jesus existed than there is indicating that Confucius existed. Jesus may not have preached against slavery but he did preach against mistreating other human beings. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That is the law...he made that Extremely clear

None of that proves Jesus ever existed, only that people are marking time based on an assumption. Marking time is arbitrary anyhow, there are many different methods extant in the world. And since there is ZERO evidence for Jesus, outside of a book that was written long after he was supposedly dead, what difference does it make? We know that none of the books of the Bible were written by eyewitnesses and that there isn't a single contemporary eyewitness account of Jesus. We have no demonstrable recording of Jesus ever having said anything. I'd say that there's no reason to think that the Jesus, as recorded in the Bible, ever really existed at all. It's a fairy tale, nothing more.


Veteran Member
There are early writings outside the Bible that speak of him. There are also historical accounts of the execution of some of the Apostles.

Whether it was a fairy tale or not I cannot say. What I do know is there is something powerful in praying to God in his name that I have experienced in a change of heart and change of lifestyle where I went from having no empathy for others to becoming extremely compassionate maybe even to a fault.

But that is no proof, I know.


Relentlessly Rational
There are early writings outside the Bible that speak of him. There are also historical accounts of the execution of some of the Apostles.

Whether it was a fairy tale or not I cannot say. What I do know is there is something powerful in praying to God in his name that I have experienced in a change of heart and change of lifestyle where I went from having no empathy for others to becoming extremely compassionate maybe even to a fault.

But that is no proof, I know.

Not a single one by anyone who actually saw Jesus. Not one.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
So you are saying God, Mosss and Jesus were all evil?

If i remember correctly punishment for apostasy in bible is death. Jesus followed the mosaic law without changing. Even saying u must kill if someone insults his parents! Then what about apostasy, which indeed is bigger than insulting ur parents.

Matthew u just called Bible, God, Moses and Jesus "evil". Do u realize that or are u apostate?

The reality of today is that kuffar left the ruling of God as mentioned in Bible. If they did rule by God's law as according to Bible then the future for apostates would be dark in West. Many killed, and many hiding themselves out of fear.

So, you think that taking away freedom of religion and making people hide themselves out of fear is what the West should do?


My Church justifies no violence against others for apostacy or adultery or homosexuality in any of the Catechism which is the the official summary of the most important teachings of the Church.

The founder of my religion said the most important commandment is to love God and do unto others what you would have them do unto you.

When did I lie about my faith? By the way, I don't consider myself Catholic in the sense that I haven't reconciled with every teaching of the Church and I often go to protestant services more often.

Muhammad, the founder of Islam, commanded people to be beaten, mutilated, and executed for not obeying the precepts of his Religion. Jesus is a cuddly teddy bear in comparison to Muhammad (figuratively speaking).
That sound you heard was the point whooshing over your head.


Veteran Member
So you are saying God, Mosss and Jesus were all evil?

If i remember correctly punishment for apostasy in bible is death. Jesus followed the mosaic law without changing. Even saying u must kill if someone insults his parents! Then what about apostasy, which indeed is bigger than insulting ur parents.

Matthew u just called Bible, God, Moses and Jesus "evil". Do u realize that or are u apostate?

The reality of today is that kuffar left the ruling of God as mentioned in Bible. If they did rule by God's law as according to Bible then the future for apostates would be dark in West. Many killed, and many hiding themselves out of fear.
Actually Jesus made it very clear that people were not to follow the Mosaic law. They brought a woman to him and demanded that she be stoned. He said let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

He said you have heard "eye for an eye tooth for a tooth" I tell you love your enemies and do not return violence for violence."

Where did Jesus on one occasion assault another person or command people to assault others. When peter defended Christ with the sword when people were trying to arrest him he told him to put the sword away and said those who live by the sword will die by the sword.

Jesus said the most important commandment is to love others, and love your enemies, and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Jesus never once ordered anybody to kill anyone.

Sorry, you are clearly mistaken in your assertion. Please read the Bible and get back to me.


Veteran Member
That sound you heard was the point whooshing over your head.
I doubt it.

My Islamic bias is a bias against evil behavior whether it comes from Muslims, Christians, Jews, or atheists. If there was a group of people today who belonged to a Religion that claimed Hitler as their founder and their Religion subjected millions of people throughout the world to Hitlers policies, I would be speaking against that Religion even more fiercely.


I doubt it.

My Islamic bias is a bias against evil behavior whether it comes from Muslims, Christians, Jews, or atheists. If there was a group of people today who belonged to a Religion that claimed Hitler as their founder and their Religion subjected millions of people throughout the world to Hitlers policies, I would be speaking against that Religion even more fiercely.
Your accusation that every Muslim who DISAGREES with your interpretation of their religion must be a liar on the other hand goes unnoticed.

As did your willingness to judge more than a billion people for the actions of a few. As I said, even your God didn't do that.


Veteran Member
Your accusation that every Muslim who DISAGREES with your interpretation of their religion must be a liar on the other hand goes unnoticed.

As did your willingness to judge more than a billion people for the actions of a few. As I said, even your God didn't do that.
I didn't say every muslim who disagrees with my interpretation of their Religion is a liar.

My point was there isn't a guarantee that every Muslim who says they disagree with their Holy Prophets violent or intolerant behavior are telling the truth.

Big difference.

Obviously what I said went way over your head!


I didn't say every muslim who disagrees with my interpretation of their Religion is a liar.

My point was there isn't a guarantee that every Muslim who says they disagree with their Holy Prophets violent or intolerant behavior are telling the truth.

Big difference.

Obviously what I said went way over your head!

No you're digging far too deep for that. Even with your self-admitted bias against Islam, your personal crusade to make all these ridiculous leading posts about it is not only transparent, it's highlighting your ignorance.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
My Islamic bias is a bias against evil behavior whether it comes from Muslims, Christians, Jews, or atheists.

In my experience, those who have a problem with "evil" behavior will focus on pointing out that behavior, not how it does or does not manifest within a specific group. Your continuous harping upon the "evil" in Islam strongly suggests a problem with Islam, specifically, regardless of whether or not you have a problem with "evil" behavior as a whole. If you do not wish for people to interpret this as a negative slant against a specific religion or cultural group, you may wish to revise your approach to discussing "evil."


Veteran Member
No you're digging far too deep for that. Even with your self-admitted bias against Islam, your personal crusade to make all these ridiculous leading posts about it is not only transparent, it's highlighting your ignorance.

Which of my statements were false and therefore ignorant? It is ridiculous for me to present you with facts?


Veteran Member
In my experience, those who have a problem with "evil" behavior will focus on pointing out that behavior, not how it does or does not manifest within a specific group. Your continuous harping upon the "evil" in Islam strongly suggests a problem with Islam, specifically, regardless of whether or not you have a problem with "evil" behavior as a whole. If you do not wish for people to interpret this as a negative slant against a specific religion or cultural group, you may wish to revise your approach to discussing "evil."
Yes...because that evil behavior is commanded by Islamic law and commanded by the founder of Islam. The founder of Christianity did not command such evil behavior or such laws.


Well-Known Member
Matthew get back to bible and read where Jesus said the law of Moses will not be forsaken.
But u follow Paul so it doesnt matter what i say. U do exactly the opposite of Jesus.
He didnt eat pork, but u do. He kept sabbath, but u dont.
He worshipped God, u worship him.
He kept the law, u left the law.

Goodnight with ur failed crusade on islam.


  1. 1.
    profoundly immoral and malevolent.
    "his evil deeds"
    synonyms: wicked, bad, wrong, immoral, sinful, foul, vile, dishonorable, corrupt,iniquitous, depraved, reprobate, villainous, nefarious, vicious,malicious; More
  2. noun
  1. 1.
    profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force.
    "the world is stalked by relentless evil"
    synonyms: wickedness, bad, badness, wrongdoing, sin, ill, immorality, vice,iniquity, degeneracy, corruption, depravity, villainy, nefariousness,malevolence;
it would depend. a lot would depend on if that is the law of the land or not, as well as what was generally considered to be right/wrong.

Within the sphere of Christianity i'd find such to be wrong, as the new covenant Christ gives focuses a lot on mercy and grace..... But if that is the law of the land and the action of apostasy was to such an extent that it itself would involve the murder of other people or destruction of property then i suppose that an execution could be justifiable.



Which of my statements were false and therefore ignorant? It is ridiculous for me to present you with facts?
If I told you that you're Christian and must take the bible - all of it -literally, you'd disagree right?

Why do you do the same for Islam. Also you allow yourself to be selective for Christianity, you ignore all of the scriptures prior to Jesus where you do not allow the same selectivity for Islam. This is your ignorance and your bias.

And yes you did accuse those who were non-extremists of lying to make their religion look better.


Veteran Member
If I told you that you're Christian and must take the bible - all of it -literally, you'd disagree right?

Why do you do the same for Islam. Also you allow yourself to be selective for Christianity, you ignore all of the scriptures prior to Jesus where you do not allow the same selectivity for Islam. This is your ignorance and your bias.

And yes you did accuse those who were non-extremists of lying to make their religion look better.

No I'm not ignorant at all of what the Old Testament said. The Old Testament law was for a nation of Jews not for Christians. That is obvious if you know what Christ and his Apostles and the New Testament taught.

Learn the Bible before you call me ignorant.


Well-Known Member
SaintMatthew...if by 'founder' of 'your religion,' you are referring to Jesus...you'd be wrong. Jesus was against organized religion (or so the story goes). Jesus isn't the 'founder' of Christianity.