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Is feminism still needed in the U.S.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
No idea what that is and too afraid to google xD

It's an old softcore porn Sierra adventure game, along the same lines as King's Quest, Police Quest, Quest For Glory, etc.

BTW, Do you know ...?

I'm not entirely familiar with the violence against women act, because I direct my feminism elsewhere.

Me Myself

Back to my username
It's a different form. Some people find being less sexy more empowering.

I'm certainly not in favor of getting rid of sexy characters altogether. It'd just be nice to see more than a small handful of alternatives, you know?

I dont really.

I admit I am not much of a gamer, but when I play I play say metroid prime, supersmash, nintendo stuff.

They dont seem bad on it.

The new supersmash introduces Yoga Gal O_O


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I dont really.

I admit I am not much of a gamer, but when I play I play say metroid prime, supersmash, nintendo stuff.

They dont seem bad on it.

The new supersmash introduces Yoga Gal O_O

Nintendo has generally not been too bad, except for Metroid Other M, but they were only peripherally involved in that one; it was primarily developed by Team Ninja... the guys who gave us the Dead Or Alive Beach Volleyball games.

Curious George

Veteran Member
It's an old softcore porn Sierra adventure game, along the same lines as King's Quest, Police Quest, Quest For Glory, etc.

I'm not entirely familiar with the violence against women act, because I direct my feminism elsewhere.

You could input "pee" and he would urinate. They sold the originals on floppies for the b drive.... Real floppies :)
If you have a lot of power and you are sexy, you have even more power because you are sexy. Either sex.

I must be the most powerful guy in the world.

Sexual appeal is an effective advertisement technique. In my opinion, movies can get away with a lot more fanservice for females than males. For example, during summer camp we all watched the movie Thor. It was a bad movie, but girls kept getting excited whenever Thor went shirtless (which was more often than necessary). Eventually a male counselor who had gotten tired of it remarked on a female character's chest, and he started getting yelled at by the same girls who had half-jokingly (but only half) shouted and applauded at Thor.

Also, take most comic strips or TV sitcoms. The husband is always a bumbling fat guy who can't open a door, and any other males who have an attraction to somebody are portrayed as "clueless" because they don't understand an elitist, secret "girl code." Personally, I'm (platonic) friends with a number of girls, and I can assure worried males that no such "code" exists; in my humble opinion, the vast majority of females use the same languages as the males in the reigon, and, unless overly emotional, are usually pretty frank. It just seems to me that in this society, people are so afraid of offending women, they go out and trample on men.

TL;DR-I'd personally rather not see the cute females on my video games, movies, and whatnot get terrible plastic surgery. I'm fine the way things are, and I'm not seeing any problems so far.

Well, at least for girls.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
To define feminism i would just go by the standard dictionary definition of it being a political and social movement fighting for equal treatment of women

As for those who claim it should be given a more gender nuetral name, why should it when the primary focus of the movement is WOMEN'S rights and making sure that women are given the same treatment and opportunities that men already receive?


1. I highlighted your dictionary definition. Are you happy with this? You don't want to add anything else?
2. In your 2nd para you write that the primary focus is women's rights and (precis) 'equality' to men. Would you like to mention any secondary focus list for us?.


Well-Known Member
I think that some of feminism's achievements should never have been brought about such as the legalization of abortion. However, I do think that one more thing they could achieve which would be good would be wage equality for women and men. Its a well known fact that a woman just as skilled as a man often makes less than a man. I think that is unjust.


Active Member
I am not sure the non christians and non catholics of hte country would agree with you. And was it founded on god or founded on christianity.

We used to read the Bible in schools. The statue of liberty is holding the 10 commandments, we have a picture of Moses on our Supreme Court building.

Whether they agree or not doesn't matter because it's the truth.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God indivisible, for liberty and justice for all".