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Is God capible of sin?


Sin is a violation of " Gods Law " And his law was not a carefully thought out plan, it is who he is. It reveals him. His law is summed up in this -love your neighbor as yourself.
And if he is the sheperd of the sheep and one of the sheep starts killing the other sheep, what do you think he will do? Just stand by and let it happen?


Well-Known Member
the creator of a law will still be able to break it. only diffrence is that if god sins there is no hell for him to go to (or maby he alredy has gone to hell and thats why he isnt answering any prayers


Its only a Label
friend starrazor,
Your question needs more clarity as to what you mean by SIN and whom do you call god.
If you know and understand these terms, kindly enlighten us as am sure the answere lies in the question itself.
Love & rgds


The voice of one crying
After great thought and some remembering of some acts in the old testement I have come to think that maybe God is capable of sin. We are told he is a jelous God and while some dont see jealousy as a sin some do see it as part of ones sinful nature. We are told not to kill as deamed by the 10 commandments and yet look at what God did to Sodam and Gahmora, or all the people that missed the ark. God has shown his anger and wrath through out the bible.. are these not weaknesses that we face in our sinful nature? I dont want to hear God is allowed to be that way because he is God. I feel like that is a major cop out for those that cant explain things.

We are created in the image of God. Is it not impossible then that the sinful nature came from him also. Possibly traits from himself that he doesnt particularly like that he wanted us to choose not to have. I dont know the answer but I know how I am feeling about things. I know there are many things in the bible we cant explain but I dont believe we werent ment to try and find it out. I am interested in hearing what others might have to say about this topic. Thanks for reading.

i see allot of people saying that God breaks His own law and is thus a sinner, and to think that since He is loving God that would never send anyone to Hell is pure human reasoning and not scriptural. The bible says that returning to sin is like a dog returning to his own vomit, that is a detestable thing to picture but shows how much God hates sin. I would agree that in the old testament there are allot of very violent acts that would make anyone ask "why, for what reason did they have to die?", Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God eternal if is in Christ Jesus our Lord", we are all guilty of sin and are deserving of death. we only don't see it that way when we view this from our perspective because it comes so naturally to us. God doesn't want anyone to go to Hell but so often people dont want to look at their sin that they commit against God. Look at God and His glory, He does not sin nor is there any evil in Him, there is none like Him. He is called Judge, should anyone ever get away with a crime once they've been charged and stand before the Judge? the Judge would be unfair if even one person was not sentenced according to His Law. Jesus provided this substitution for us that
1.He might receive the glory
2.we would be saved from our sins
3.No one would have to go to hell
because He said "if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" He knows how we cannot save ourselves and will only produce evil, He came to pay that price so we can know Him, that is a Loving God.....He kept His commandment and showed His wonderful mercy all at once. so in conclusion to your ultimate question, no God does not sin by killing us, we transgressed and received the well deserving wrath. and for your other question of jealousy, when God is jealous it is usually when His children have followed after other gods, thus this is also not a sin for God because it is yet again transgression on our part. i hope this has been helpful.
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Its only a Label
Friend Hema states:
No God is not capable of sin. In the physical universe there is the law of cause and effect (which I call karma), there are dualities, pleasure and pain, right and wrong. God is not limited to the physical universe and is not bound by these rules. God cannot be tempted by negativities which can result in sin. God is above all of this.
Personally the understanding differs as God and Satan are the two poles of that very duality which means that if we think of any god then satan comes by default.
Basically there is nothing as sin it is the an act that gives rise to guilt that is termed as sin.
Finally there is no god or sin as such as its all illusionary/maya.
Love & rgds


New Member


Beligerence and Ruthlessness of Jehovah:
Gen. 35:5, Ex. 14:14, 14:25-28, 15:3 and 17.16; Deut. 4:33-35, 7:21-24, 10:17-21, 11:25, 20:1-4, 20:16-17, 31:3, 32:21-26 and 32:39-42; Josh. 5:13-14, 10:25; 1st Sam. 2:25, 17:45-47; 2nd Sam. 22:25; 2nd Chr. 20:15-17; Neh 4:20; Psalms 18:34-40, 24:8 and 144:1; Isaiah 13:4, 31:4, 42:13 and 66:15-17; Jer 1:19, 21:5-12, 48:10, 50:25 and 51:11; Joel 2:10-11 and 3:10; Zech 8:10, 9:14-16 and 14:3; 2nd Cor. 5:11; and Heb. 10:31

Cannibalism - Threatened, Predicted, or Carried out by Jehovah
Lev. 26:29; 2nd Kings 6:27; Is. 49:26; Jer. 19:9; Lam. 2:20; Lam. 4:10; and Ezek. 5:10

Infants or Children killed, Suggested or Carried out by Jehovah
Lev. 26:22; Num 31:17; Deut. 3:6; 1 Sam. 15:3; 2nd Sam. 12:15-18; Ps. 137:8-9; Isa. 14:21, 13:18; Jer. 2:30, 15:7 and 18:21; Lam. 4:10; Ezek. 9:6; Hos. 2:4, 9:12 and 13:16

Innocent People Punished by Jehovah
Gen. 9:20-25, 20:18; Ex. 12:29-30, 20:5; Lev. 21:17-21; Deut. 5:9; 1st Sam. 3:11-14; 2nd Sam. 5:8; Job 1:1-19, 2:1-7, 30:20-31; and Isa. 14:21

Vindictiveness of Jehovah
Num. 11:31-34; Ps. 94:1; Isa. 34:1-15; Jer. 5:29-31, 9:9, 46:10, 50:13-15 and 51:36; Rom 12:19; Heb. 10:30-31

Commandments given, with extreme punishment for breaking by Jehovah
Ex. 31:14-15; Lev. 20:10-21, 21:9 and 24:10-16; Num. 5:12-27, 15:32-36; Deut 13:6-10, 13:12-16,17:2-6,21:18-21, 22:21; and Zech. 13:3

Hostility of Jehovah
Ps. 2:12, 6:1, 7:6, 7:11, 21:9, 27:9, 38:3, 47:2, 56:7, 59:13, 68:35, 69:24, 74:1-2, 76:12, 77:12, 77:9, 78:21, 78:31, 78:49-50, 78:58-66, 79:5, 80:4-6, 106:29, 106:32 and 106:40

Mercilessness of Jehovah
Deut. 7:2, 7:16 and 20:12-17; Ps. 1:4-9; Isa. 9:17-20; Jer. 20:16

Deception by Jehovah
1st Kings 22:23; 2nd Chr. 18-22; Is. 19:14, 66:4; Jer. 4:10, 18:11, 20:7, and 51:11; Ezek. 14:9 and 20:25-26

Dishonesty - Cheating, Stealing, and more, Often at Jehovah’s Orders
Gen. 17:8, 25:29-34, 27:6-26, 30:37-43 and 34:6-31; Ex. 3:18-22; Deut. 3:7, 14:21 and 20:10-15; Josh. 24:13; Jud. 11:21-24; 1st Kings 22:20-23; 2nd Kings 8:10; 1st Chr. 5:21, 26:27; and 2nd Chr. 20:25

Evil Carried Out or Threatened by Jehovah
Jud. 2:15, 9:23; 1st Sam. 16:14-15, 18:10; 2nd Sam. 21:11, 24:15-16; 1st kings 14:10, 22:23; 2nd Kings 21:12-15; 2nd Chr. 18:22; Isa. 19:14, 31:2 and 45:7; Jer. 1:14-16, 11;11, 11:17, 11:23, 18:7. 18:11, 19:15, 21:9-12. 25:29, 32:42, 35:17, 36:3, 44:2, 44:11, 44:27-29, 45:5, and Amos 3:6

Slavery Ordered, Upheld, or practiced per Jehovah
Deut. 20:10-11 (enslavement ordered on large scale); Ex. 21:1-7, 21:20-21; Deut. 15:12, 15:16 and 15:17; 2nd Chr. 12:5-8

Vaingloriousness of Jehovah (Excessive Power or Vanity)
Gen 22:9-12 (forces Abraham to almost murder his son, Isaac, just to see if Abraham fears him), Ex. 9:15-16 (Kills people with pestilence just to show his power), 10:1-2; Jud. 7:2; Ezek. 6:14

Killings by Jehovah, with his help or under his command

Gen. 5:24, 7:21-23, 19:24-25, 38:7 and 38:10, Ex. 12:29-30, 32:25-28 (3,000 killed); Lev. 10:1-2; Num. 11:1, (Many burned to death by Jehovah), 14:26-37, 16:32-35, 16:44-49 (14,700 killed), 21:5-6, 25:1-9 (24,000 killed), 31:7-18 and 33:4; Deut. 2:20-21, 2: 30-34 and 3:3-7 (people of 60 cities and other towns all killed); Josh. 6:21-24, 8:25-28 (12,000 killed), 10:10-13, 10:28-42 and 11:6:14; Jud. 1:4 (10,000 killed), 3:29 (10,000 killed), 8:10 (120,000 killed), 11:32-33, 12:6 (42,000 killed), 18:27, 20:23-25 (18,000 killed), 20:35 (25,000 killed) and 20:48; 1st Sam. 6:19 (Jehovah kills 50,070), 15:1-8 (all Amalekites), 23:1-5, 25:39 (Jehovah murders Nabal), 27:7-11 (all Amalekites again), 30:1-2 and 30:8 & 30:17 (all Amalekites except for 400); 2nd Sam. 5:19-25, 6:6-7 (Uzzah killed by jehovah for steading the Ark), 8:1-5, 8:13 (18,000 killed), 10:18 (more than 40,000 killed), 12:14-18 (David infant child murdered by Jehovah), 23:10-12 and 24:15,(70,000 killed); 1st King 18:19&40 (450 prophets killed), 20:28-30 (100,000 killed); 2nd kings 1:10-12, 2:23-24 (42 children killed), 10:17-30, 17:25 (lions sent by Jehovah to kill people) and 19:35 (Angel of the Lord Kills 185,000); 1st Chr. 5:19-22, 10:13-14 (the Lord kills King Saul); 2 Chr. 13:15-18 (500,000 killed), 13:20 (the Lord murders Jeroboam), 14:8-15 (One Million Killed), 20:22-25, 25:11-12 (10,000 killed on two occasions = 20,000 killed), 28:5-8 (120,000 killed) and 36:15-17; Esther 9:9-13 (510 killed); Jer. 33:5; Lam. 2:1-22, 5:43; Ezek 9:5-10

Jealousy of Jehovah
Ex. 20:5, 34:14; Deut. 4:24, 5:9, 6:14-15 and 29:20; Ps. 79:5; Ezek. 16:38, 36:5-6 and 38:19; Nah. 1:2; Hab. 3:8; and Zech. 8:2

Promises Broken by Jehovah
Num. 10:9, wich was clearly broken (see supporting text), 14:34, 26:65 (confirms this breach - only two Israelites entered the promised Land). See also Acts 7:1-5

Repentance by Jehovah - Promised or Accomplished
Jehovah repented so much that according to Jer. 15:6 he once got tired of doing it!
Gen. 6:6-7; Ex. 32:14; Jud 2:18; 1st Sam. 15:10, 15:11 and 15:35; 2nd Sam. 24:15-16; Ps. 106:45; Jer. 18:8, 26:3, 26:19 and 42:10; Joel 2:13; Amos 7:3, 7:6; Jonah 3:10

1 Samuel 15:2-3, 7-8
"This is what the Lord says: Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and *** ....' 
And Saul ... utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword."
All that amounts to an overuse of "utterly destroy". You would have thought that after Moses brought down the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20), with the explicit "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13), there would be some kind of objection to killing thousands of people, including women and children. Let's face it - if anyone here today got a vision from God telling him/her to go kill an entire race of people, it's far more likely the person would be declared insane rather than that becoming acceptable justification for utterly destroying cities and tribes.

No Mercy
Deuteronomy 7:2 
2 And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:
Deutenomomy 20:13-14,16
13 When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 
14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the LORD your God gives you from your enemies. 
16 However, in the cities of the nations the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes.
Judges 18:27
27 Then they took what Micah had made, and his priest, and went on to Laish, against a peaceful and unsuspecting people. They attacked them with the sword and burned down their city.

1 Corinthians 11:7 - 9
7 A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.
8 For man did not come from woman, but woman from man;
9 neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.
1 Corinthians 14:34 - 35
34 women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. 
35 If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

Joel 3:8 
8 And I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of the children of Judah, and they shall sell them to the Sabeans, to a people far off: for the LORD hath spoken (it).

God Atrocities in the Bible are such that they make Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot look like Mother Theresa of Calcutta.

I will have to say: YES, God is very capable of committing SIN according to the Holy Bible!

Maybe the God of the Bible is not the GOD that many of us has made him to be in our minds.

FOR many years I thought of GOD as incapable of any bad thing, but the Bible itself is a testimony that GOD is capable of pretty nasty things.

Maybe, just maybe, if this Good GOD that we have mad in our minds that eixst, is in fact ALL GOOD, then, it means that He is another type of God, but not the Bible ONE.

Can it be that the Old Testament God was (as some Christian Gnogstics, and People like Marcion, (condemned as Heretic by the Catholic Church) in the very early church had said:

THe God of the Old Testament was not really God, but a Demiurg, and Jesus was the Son of the real God, THe Most High GOD!, that came to earth to reveal the real father of all! a good, all benevolent father of Mercy!

I do not know that this will be the answer but it makes a whole lot of sense to me. At least much more than just plain regular classical christianity.

Is either this, or some other answer that I have not consider, or the whole thing is just all false, and God in fact do not exist!

Any input, comments and critics are welcomed. I myself will like to know the answer to this riddle. But, as for the evidence in the old Testament, for the most part, I will have to say YES! GOD is able to SIN, and SIN a lot.

I do not like the idea, and is very unfortunate, but do not take it with me! Take it with the Bible, if you want to defend it!

And NO! it does not make it right that God committed all this atrocities in the Old testament!

Might does not make RIGHT!!!!


Well-Known Member
G-d is not capable of sin because a sin is a violation of the will of G-d. How can G-d violate his own will?
Sin, from a Christian perspective, is "falling short of the glory of God." How does God fall short of Himself? It's logically backwards.

Yes God has taken life, but things like the Flood were in response to justice. He didn't just say "well, humans are boring now, time to drown!" He did it because no one would turn to Him, despite Him saying so. Murder with no reason and murder with justice are two separate things.

Not to mention that if He gives you life, what right do you have to say He can't take it away?

Really... I'm sorry but I do not understand this reasoning at all. So lets see, if I understand you right, then if I have a child and I say to my child to do what I say and he doesn't then I have the right to murder him? I gave life to him so I can take it away? Doesn't make much sense, right? Also I think that murder is murder... period
But wait... let me guess.. It's god so it's different?
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I don't want one.
SanctusEnigma40 what you said above is so sad, yet true. To me this makes the christian god look like nothing more than a hypocrite. This is one of the reasons why i am not a christian. The main reason is that the christian creation story doesnt correspond with science. but #2 reason is whats in the quote. God has killed and has done other horrible things, this God, whom is not godlike at all, does not exist and if he does, i would happliy go to hell instead of spending eternity with a hypocrite murderer. I wonder what the writers of the bible were thinkning. "hey guys i gots a great idea, lets create a murdering God who tells us what to do and doesnt follow his own rules. yeah that sounds AWESOME!"

i appologise if i have offended anyone.

Yes Man

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
God: So what do you think? I laid out these 10 Commandments for...some guy in the future to preach. Soon I'll make them in pamphlet form.

Lucifer: But sir, weren't you just telling me yesterday about how Egypt had it coming....

God: I knew you were spying on me! That talk I had with Moses was private! I bet everyone knows about it now. Damn it.

Lucifer: Seriously, how can you be so hypocritical?

God: I don't have to answer to you. You're fired Satan. Gabriel will be my number two from now on. Get him out of here.

Lucifer: You can't do this to me God! I swear to you, I'll get you back for this!

God: Bah. Like he'll get any noteworthiness on Earth. *sigh* This has got me stressed. Where's my Slayer album? Ah yeah...wait NO! What the hell?! Gabe get my agent on the phone!

Gabriel: You haven't invented phones yet boss.

God: That's right. I knew that. Omniscient and all that jazz. What's that look Gabriel? Get back to work before I demote you picture straightener at the Sistine Chapel!


New Member
With some major life changing events in mylife I have taken a deeper look into my "religion" and belifes. I was asked by someone whos belifes are far different from mine if I thought God was cappable of sin. Their comment to me was if God is a loving God he is not capable of sin, of course this person doesnt believe there is a hell either because if God is a loving God why would he do something like that to us.

After great thought and some remembering of some acts in the old testement I have come to think that maybe God is capable of sin. We are told he is a jelous God and while some dont see jealousy as a sin some do see it as part of ones sinful nature. We are told not to kill as deamed by the 10 commandments and yet look at what God did to Sodam and Gahmora, or all the people that missed the ark. God has shown his anger and wrath through out the bible.. are these not weaknesses that we face in our sinful nature? I dont want to hear God is allowed to be that way because he is God. I feel like that is a major cop out for those that cant explain things.

We are created in the image of God. Is it not impossible then that the sinful nature came from him also. Possibly traits from himself that he doesnt particularly like that he wanted us to choose not to have. I dont know the answer but I know how I am feeling about things. I know there are many things in the bible we cant explain but I dont believe we werent ment to try and find it out. I am interested in hearing what others might have to say about this topic. Thanks for reading.

Hello starrazor,

I tell you the truth, my
Father knows no sin and judges no one.
sin abides in the one who has conceived it. And the one
whom has conceived it (sin)judges by his own
and not by what is

Truth, Life & Love


Temporally Challenged
I think it bears pointing out that Sin and Evil are not necessarily the same thing. Sin is by definition a religious transgression and Evil is a transgression against morality.

The only way I can think of in which God could "Sin" would be for God to destroy himself (thus acting against his own interests...).

Now can God act in a way which immoral? That's a very interesting question: one which asks us to determine the source of morality and how to determine the manner of its application. The problem here is: I'm not sure anyone is really qualified to answer...



A slave of Allah (swt)
The answer is no.
Allah (swt) says in many places in The Qur'an that he isn't unjust and that he likes not a very long list of immoral acts to be done .


A slave of Allah (swt)
He has a free will,and he doesn't do what he doesn't will,he doesn't will to do immoral acts.


With some major life changing events in mylife I have taken a deeper look into my "religion" and belifes. I was asked by someone whos belifes are far different from mine if I thought God was cappable of sin. Their comment to me was if God is a loving God he is not capable of sin, of course this person doesnt believe there is a hell either because if God is a loving God why would he do something like that to us.

After great thought and some remembering of some acts in the old testement I have come to think that maybe God is capable of sin. We are told he is a jelous God and while some dont see jealousy as a sin some do see it as part of ones sinful nature. We are told not to kill as deamed by the 10 commandments and yet look at what God did to Sodam and Gahmora, or all the people that missed the ark. God has shown his anger and wrath through out the bible.. are these not weaknesses that we face in our sinful nature? I dont want to hear God is allowed to be that way because he is God. I feel like that is a major cop out for those that cant explain things.

We are created in the image of God. Is it not impossible then that the sinful nature came from him also. Possibly traits from himself that he doesnt particularly like that he wanted us to choose not to have. I dont know the answer but I know how I am feeling about things. I know there are many things in the bible we cant explain but I dont believe we werent ment to try and find it out. I am interested in hearing what others might have to say about this topic. Thanks for reading.

I also believe God is capable of sins.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
With some major life changing events in mylife I have taken a deeper look into my "religion" and belifes. I was asked by someone whos belifes are far different from mine if I thought God was cappable of sin. Their comment to me was if God is a loving God he is not capable of sin, of course this person doesnt believe there is a hell either because if God is a loving God why would he do something like that to us.

After great thought and some remembering of some acts in the old testement I have come to think that maybe God is capable of sin. We are told he is a jelous God and while some dont see jealousy as a sin some do see it as part of ones sinful nature. We are told not to kill as deamed by the 10 commandments and yet look at what God did to Sodam and Gahmora, or all the people that missed the ark. God has shown his anger and wrath through out the bible.. are these not weaknesses that we face in our sinful nature? I dont want to hear God is allowed to be that way because he is God. I feel like that is a major cop out for those that cant explain things.

We are created in the image of God. Is it not impossible then that the sinful nature came from him also. Possibly traits from himself that he doesnt particularly like that he wanted us to choose not to have. I dont know the answer but I know how I am feeling about things. I know there are many things in the bible we cant explain but I dont believe we werent ment to try and find it out. I am interested in hearing what others might have to say about this topic. Thanks for reading.
Thinking that God must be like us because He created us in His image is not a correct concept of what being created in his image means.

The question of whether God is able to sin is valid though. There concept surrounds Jesus and those who believe Him to be God. The center of the question concerns the verse from Hebrews 15 that Jesus was "was inall points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." The question is whether He could not sin because He was God or whether He could be tempted to sin only because He was able to sin. It's an old question.


Active Member

Baltimore Catechism said:
11. What do we mean when we say that God is infinitely perfect?

When we say that God is infinitely perfect we mean that He has all perfections without limit.
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and of his greatness there is no end. (Psalm 144:3)
12. What are some of the perfections of God?

Some of the perfections of God are: God is eternal, all-good, all-knowing, all-present, and almighty.

Baltimore Catechism said:
14. What do we mean when we say that God is all-good?

When we say that God is all-good we mean that He is infinitely lovable in Himself, and that from His fatherly love every good comes to us.
For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done with faithfulness. He loveth mercy and judgment: the earth is full of the mercy of the Lord. (Psalm 32:4-5)

Catechism of the Catholic Church said:
467 The Monophysites affirmed that the human nature had ceased to exist as such in Christ when the divine person of God's Son assumed it. Faced with this heresy, the fourth ecumenical council, at Chalcedon in 451, confessed: Following the holy Fathers, we unanimously teach and confess one and the same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: the same perfect in divinity and perfect in humanity, the same truly God and truly man, composed of rational soul and body; consubstantial with the Father as to his divinity and consubstantial with us as to his humanity; "like us in all things but sin". He was begotten from the Father before all ages as to his divinity and in these last days, for us and for our salvation, was born as to his humanity of the virgin Mary, the Mother of God. We confess that one and the same Christ, Lord, and only-begotten Son, is to be acknowledged in two natures without confusion, change, division or separation. The distinction between the natures was never abolished by their union, but rather the character proper to each of the two natures was preserved as they came together in one person (prosopon) and one hypostasis.
Catechism of the Catholic Church said:
1 God, infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in his own blessed life. For this reason, at every time and in every place, God draws close to man. He calls man to seek him, to know him, to love him with all his strength. He calls together all men, scattered and divided by sin, into the unity of his family, the Church. To accomplish this, when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son as Redeemer and Savior. In his Son and through him, he invites men to become, in the Holy Spirit, his adopted children and thus heirs of his blessed life.

(Hebrews 4:15 NAB-A) For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has similarly been tested in every way, yet without sin.