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Is God pro-abortion?


Admiral Obvious
I thought Planned Parenthood was all about women’s health.
It is.
Abortion is a part of women's health.

Even science shows shows life starts at conception.
Life began a long long time ago and is a continuous ongoing process.
For example, both the sperm and egg have to be alive in order for conception to even take place.
If either the sperm or egg is dead, there is no conception.

This is 16 weeks and about 56,000 deaths last year in the US at this stage of pregnancy

For what purpose other than to elicit an emotional reaction is there to present a pic?


Admiral Obvious
By you being pro-abortion and a woman’s right to
choose you aren’t considering the consequences of the death of an innocent life or considering the voice of the innocent. I’m not anti-sex like you falsely say, it’s wrong to use abortion as a means of birth control and then try to justify it by falsely portraying the current view of abortion as something that God approves of.
What makes you think he has not considered it?

And no, merely being pro choice/abortion does not mean it was never considered.
So you will have to do much better than you current knee jerk emotional reactions.
What makes you think he has not considered it?

And no, merely being pro choice/abortion does not mean it was never considered.
So you will have to do much better than you current knee jerk emotional reactions.
Not a knee jerk reaction, the innocent life isn’t mentioned or fought for in our society by pro-abortion (for any reason) advocates. And by the original assumption and satire that God is somehow in favor of abortion is absurd. Does He allow it as a consequence for unfaithfulness, rebellion and sin? Yes and No, the only abortion as you put it Numbers 5 would have happened if the woman was unfaithful,pregnant and if her husband was jealous and brought her to the priest. Otherwise, no pregnancy would have been terminated. If unfaithful, pregnant and the husband didn’t bring her to the priest to prove it then no abortion.


Admiral Obvious
Not a knee jerk reaction, the innocent life isn’t mentioned or fought for in our society by pro-abortion (for any reason) advocates. And by the original assumption and satire that God is somehow in favor of abortion is absurd. Does He allow it as a consequence for unfaithfulness, rebellion and sin? Yes and No, the only abortion as you put it Numbers 5 would have happened if the woman was unfaithful,pregnant and if her husband was jealous and brought her to the priest. Otherwise, no pregnancy would have been terminated. If unfaithful, pregnant and the husband didn’t bring her to the priest to prove it then no abortion.
Which shows that god has no problem with abortion and does not share your "innocent child" sentiment.
For if god agreed with your "innocent child" rhetoric, he would not have set up a 'trial' which concludes with the death of an "innocent child".

Basically what Numbers 5 is saying is that god is fine with punishing an unborn baby for the sin of the mother...
So I fail to see where you get this idea that an "innocent child" matters one iota to god.


Well-Known Member
Since one of our Christian members has been posting DarkMatter2525 videos recently I thought that I would beat him to the punch with this one:

Though very satirical it does lay out a good case that if anything the Bible is pro-abortion. Anyone care to watch the video and comment?
If he is refering to the test for a cheating wife to my knowledge on one Bible translation says abortion, the actual word if I remember correctly refers so the abdomain so it could have been something like a mark etc. It doesn't specify it was aborting the fetus and if that was the case why not straight up say the fetus is killed? I mean it's not like the Bible shys away from god putting people to death in any other area of the Bible.
Which shows that god has no problem with abortion and does not share your "innocent child" sentiment.
For if god agreed with your "innocent child" rhetoric, he would not have set up a 'trial' which concludes with the death of an "innocent child".

Basically what Numbers 5 is saying is that god is fine with punishing an unborn baby for the sin of the mother...
So I fail to see where you get this idea that an "innocent child" matters one iota to god.
False bro

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
If he is refering to the test for a cheating wife to my knowledge on one Bible translation says abortion, the actual word if I remember correctly refers so the abdomain so it could have been something like a mark etc. It doesn't specify it was aborting the fetus and if that was the case why not straight up say the fetus is killed? I mean it's not like the Bible shys away from god putting people to death in any other area of the Bible.
The understanding of that passage is clear from the context. Why make the error of demanding that specific words were used especially since the Bible regularly uses euphemisms for sex organs?
The understanding of that passage is clear from the context. Why make the error of demanding that specific words were used especially since the Bible regularly uses euphemisms for sex organs?
If you read the passage in context and assume it’s abortion 100% when the unfaithful woman’s stomach swells and her thigh rots then you’re wrong. Why? Because she may not have been pregnant, just unfaithful.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
If you read the passage in context and assume it’s abortion 100% when the unfaithful woman’s stomach swells and her thigh rots then you’re wrong. Why? Because she may not have been pregnant, just unfaithful.

When her "stomach wells" that is a reference to her womb. When her thigh rots that is a reference to her genitals. And of course you have to ignore the verses referring to the loss of the fetus.

Do you remember how you continually dodged answering the question of how the husband knew that she cheated. None of your explanations that you eventually gave were sufficient for him to have know. There is one sure way to know that his wife cheated on him even if there were no witnesses. If she was pregnant when he had not had "normal" intercourse with her if she showed up pregnant that would be an awfully clear indicator.
When her "stomach wells" that is a reference to her womb. When her thigh rots that is a reference to her genitals. And of course you have to ignore the verses referring to the loss of the fetus.

Do you remember how you continually dodged answering the question of how the husband knew that she cheated. None of your explanations that you eventually gave were sufficient for him to have know. There is one sure way to know that his wife cheated on him even if there were no witnesses. If she was pregnant when he had not had "normal" intercourse with her if she showed up pregnant that would be an awfully clear indicator.
“And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.””
‭‭Luke‬ ‭1:41-45‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
And the Bible calls the pre-born a babe.

That’s the problem with your interpretation, the subject is jealous husband with an unfaithful wife and the consequence, she didn’t have to be pregnant, scripture doesn’t say when your wife is pregnant and you suspect she was unfaithful.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
“And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.””
‭‭Luke‬ ‭1:41-45‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
And the Bible calls the pre-born a babe.

That’s the problem with your interpretation, the subject is jealous husband with an unfaithful wife and the consequence, she didn’t have to be pregnant, scripture doesn’t say when your wife is pregnant and you suspect she was unfaithful.
We already went over that misuse of the term. When the intent is to carry a pregnancy to completion one often refers to a fetus as a baby or in this case a "babe". Be careful of equivocation fallacies, that is severe error since we all know that "babe" means this:


Or this:


Or this:


Perhaps the argument is best for the last one since he was "The Babe".
We already went over that misuse of the term. When the intent is to carry a pregnancy to completion one often refers to a fetus as a baby or in this case a "babe". Be careful of equivocation fallacies, that is severe error since we all know that "babe" means this:


Or this:


Or this:


Perhaps the argument is best for the last one since he was "The Babe".
If you look at the Greek word it means child, infant, that’s how God views the baby in the womb, sorry bro. And seen as the subject is about God you should use the proper terms, (babe) not fetus.
If you look at the Greek word it means child, infant, that’s how God views the baby in the womb, sorry bro. And seen as the subject is about God you should use the proper terms, (babe) not fetus.
If babe is confusing to you then use child or infant, fetus isn’t accurate according to God.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I will check it out, thanks but I am busy tonight and will have to get back with you.
I can post other scholastic articles as well.

There was an article that I should have bookmarked a long time ago that showed how modern, that is post Roe v Wade interpretations changed the interpretation of Exodus 21 22 was changed to make it look as if it opposes abortion. But I already did post a link that went back to the original Hebrew to show how that modern translation is in error.