What? How is that three parts? You keep on saying "we". But apart from being a spirit, what you say is
1) possession: we have a soul
2) location: we live in our body
Hardly a non-circular definition of why "we" are triune.
I didn't say you had to agree... and, in reality, for so many it doesn't matter how you explain it, it won't be enough... but the three parts are spirit, soul and body.
Well, if theists are ready to accept a Universe which is 6,000 years old, that wafers can literally turn into the body of a two thousand years God if you are male, dress funny and whisper some latin words, that women originated from a rib, and all that, then the trinity is a piece of cake, in comparison.
- viole
I'm not sure where this fits in to the subject matter or how this relates. But it was funny.