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Is Harris Really Worth Voting For?


Well-Known Member
Oh its a mistake? If so why are the ads still running?
Probably because they don't think there is a problem.
The point is that the accusation of lying every day isn't credible without some solid facts - which the TDS crew apparently can not supply.


Well-Known Member
Probably because they don't think there is a problem.
The point is that the accusation of lying every day isn't credible without some solid facts - which the TDS crew apparently can not supply.
Lying isn't a problem? Well maybe not for Trump.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
I spoke more generally....& you knew that.

Does this mean that you generally approve of cops
taking cash when they discover people have it?
And that carrying cash requires notifying government
in advance?

I ask because objections in your posts
suggest these beliefs are possible.
The rule is $10,000 dollars is it not?
And if you're off enough to need to do a cash deal for more then why not declare the journey to a relevant authority? Then you're covered.

Tax dodgers, drug runners and thieves beware! ;)


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The rule is $10,000 dollars is it not?
What do you believe is a rule?
And if you're off enough to need to do a cash deal for more then why not declare the journey to a relevant authority? Then you're covered.
You're serious?
We should notify authorities if we carry cash?
Tax dodgers, drug runners and thieves beware! ;)
Innocent people beware.
Just checking...
Do you really approve of cops taking people's
cash even with no RAS? And keeping it even
after no crime has ever been found?


Skanky Old Mongrel!
But cops are stealing cash with no
knowledge of any cheating?
Are you saying that RAS (reasonable
articulable suspicion) isn't necessary
to arrest & confiscate?
I've seen money held with no arrest in USA (on telly).

It's probably the same in USA as UK. The police have to report seizures for court judgements. The few bent cops out there are not a whole police force.
Has your brain gone all Trumpie?
Read carefully. I give Biden most of
the blame, as the policy's creator.
I judge Harris for going along.
Well done Biden, then.
I guess that Americans are fed up with tax cheats and crime cash.

No doubt that some folks will rage against such a power.

Where I live if you pay more than about £5000 in cash for any business then the transaction has to be reported. Similar idea.......stop villains!
How much did you steal from civilians
when you were a rent-a-cop?
More elitist snobbery, eh?

When I was a commercial detective I didn't even take stolen property from a detained person. Either the store representative or police needed to do that. But I did take hold of weapons if I found them.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
What do you believe is a rule?

You're serious?
We should notify authorities if we carry cash?

Innocent people beware.
Just checking...
Do you really approve of cops taking people's
cash even with no RAS? And keeping it even
after no crime has ever been found?
It's common sense!
Notify police or relevant authority if you're needing to carry cash to a cash deal.

Innocent people won't mind.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I've seen money held with no arrest in USA (on telly).

It's probably the same in USA as UK. The police have to report seizures for court judgements. The few bent cops out there are not a whole police force.

Well done Biden, then.
I guess that Americans are fed up with tax cheats and crime cash.
Does this mean that you believe that anyone
carrying a lot of cash should lose it, unless
they've previously notified government?
No doubt that some folks will rage against such a power.
Only civil liberty fans, & innocent
people who are robbed by cops.
No one else cares.
Where I live if you pay more than about £5000 in cash for any business then the transaction has to be reported. Similar idea.......stop villains!
Here, if you deposit more than $10,000,
the bank must report it to government.
If you make small deposits that add up
to $10,000 in a year, this is a crime
called "structuring".
It's committed by many small businesses,
who discover they were criminals when
the IRS seized all their assets, & shut down
their business.
To play it safe, I never deposit cash until I
accumulate over $10,000. That seldom happens.
Fortunately, I have a 6 ton Corliss cannonball
safe. Ain't nobody breaking into that.

I imagine that this really pleases
you law'n order "badge bunnies".
When I was a commercial detective I didn't even take stolen property from a detained person. Either the store representative or police needed to do that. But I did take hold of weapons if I found them.
Rent-a-cops here also don't get to steal
under color of law. That power is reserved
only for real cops.


Premium Member
Probably because they don't think there is a problem.
The point is that the accusation of lying every day isn't credible without some solid facts - which the TDS crew apparently can not supply.
There is overwhelming evidence that Trump and his gang lies repeatedly


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It's common sense!
Notify police or relevant authority if you're needing to carry cash to a cash deal.

Innocent people won't mind.
Perhaps you Brits are house trained to let
government track your every tooth brushed
or bowel moved.
Here, we believe that government's power
has limits. Our privacy shouldn't be sacrificed
as evidence of innocence.

Badge bunny!


Well-Known Member
There is overwhelming evidence that Trump and his gang lies repeatedly
Can you compare and show me which Trump lies were worse than the Russian Collusion Lie? The Russian collusion scam was when the DNC divided the country, due to an entire political party and all of main stream media lying like a chorus. The rank and file Democrats may not have intentionally lied, but they naively believed their leadership was telling the truth. They lack critical thinking skills. You accuse one person of lying and I show you an entire Political party who lies together. Nothing has changed other than the same party lying to themselves about something new. Action speak louder than words. Words are way over rated.

I watched an interview where a Republican Senator was on a left wing Sunday talk show. The Republican started to list Harris role in the disasters like immigration and the economy as part of the Biden and Harris administration. The talk show host tried to deflect by speaking for Harris. But the Republican kept repeating, she has yet to tell us her new and improve ideas, so how do you know, how can you can speak for her? The fake news is trying to lie for Harris, since she is not forth coming, and they cannot just let her record speak for itself but need to sugar coat. They try to lie on her behalf to avoid the consequences of reality; words to deflect reality. This is common to their rank and file; team con job, on her behalf.

Trump exaggerates because he is part, an entertainer, and plays to the crowd. But if you look at his record; reality check, and not just words, and compare to that to the lack of words and the reality record of Harris, not twisted by fake news lies, Trump benefited the America people more and not just the rich like the DNC. The Stock market is doing well and the Military industries are have a bumper year, but groceries are inflated, implying the little guy; middle class voter, is worse off under Harris. There are more middle class voters than rich voters and if you are in touch with reality and middle class than vote for Trump, unless serving the rich and carrying their water is your thing; lie on their behalf.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Can you compare and show me which Trump lies were worse than the Russian Collusion Lie?
The Russian collusion lie by Democrats had no
real deleterious effect, other than distraction.
Trump's lie about a stolen election is different.
It led to violence, deaths, & current fomenting
of more discord if Trump loses again.


Premium Member
Can you compare and show me which Trump lies were worse than the Russian Collusion Lie? The Russian collusion scam was when the DNC divided the country, due to an entire political party and all of main stream media lying like a chorus. The rank and file Democrats may not have intentionally lied, but they naively believed their leadership was telling the truth. They lack critical thinking skills. You accuse one person of lying and I show you an entire Political party who lies together. Nothing has changed other than the same party lying to themselves about something new. Action speak louder than words. Words are way over rated.
Simply the Russian collusion is not a lie, needs a factual explanation you cannot provide,

Trumps support of Putin and failure to support a Christian country be raped Hitler/Stalin style is demonstrated by the actual evidence.
I watched an interview where a Republican Senator was on a left wing Sunday talk show. The Republican started to list Harris role in the disasters like immigration and the economy as part of the Biden and Harris administration. The talk show host tried to deflect by speaking for Harris. But the Republican kept repeating, she has yet to tell us her new and improve ideas, so how do you know, how can you can speak for her? The fake news is trying to lie for Harris, since she is not forth coming, and they cannot just let her record speak for itself but need to sugar coat. They try to lie on her behalf to avoid the consequences of reality; words to deflect reality. This is common to their rank and file; team con job, on her behalf.

Harris's record is impressive convicting and getting large judgements against corporations in California and supporting the rights of women and minorities in the courts and as a Senator. You need to be more specific in your accusations given your extreme radical Conservative views.

More extreme lies from the Conservative Right. The economic state of the country is very good coming out of the COVID pandemic.

The total condemnation of our judicial system by Trumpian ultra conservatives is demonstrated by their rejection of the election results when every judge in the country including Trump appointees rejected Trumps claims. ALL the cases of election interference convicted in the courts were Republican conservatives'

You are also neglecting the popularity of QAnon conspiracies and antisemitic attitudes among Republicans.
Trump exaggerates because he is part, an entertainer, and plays to the crowd.
Exaggeration?!?!?! You are neglecting the down right lies and manipulation of extreme right crowds.
But if you look at his record; reality check, and not just words, and compare to that to the lack of words and the reality record of Harris, not twisted by fake news lies, Trump benefited the America people more and not just the rich like the DNC. The Stock market is doing well and the Military industries are have a bumper year, but groceries are inflated, implying the little guy; middle class voter, is worse off under Harris. There are more middle class voters than rich voters and if you are in touch with reality and middle class than vote for Trump, unless serving the rich and carrying their water is your thing; lie on their behalf.

Records and reality check would reveal the career experience and qualifications of Harris and Walz. Nothing from the Trump/Vance, except for Vance's even more radical conservative Vance.

Your bitter pejorative condemnation of Harris and Vance and your biased blind support for the hideous Trump lacks substance and specific references to support your extreme radical bias.
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Well-Known Member
Can you compare and show me which Trump lies were worse than the Russian Collusion Lie? The Russian collusion scam was when the DNC divided the country, due to an entire political party and all of main stream media lying like a chorus. The rank and file Democrats may not have intentionally lied, but they naively believed their leadership was telling the truth. They lack critical thinking skills. You accuse one person of lying and I show you an entire Political party who lies together. Nothing has changed other than the same party lying to themselves about something new. Action speak louder than words. Words are way over rated.
the bipartisan report shows it was no hoax
I watched an interview where a Republican Senator was on a left wing Sunday talk show. The Republican started to list Harris role in the disasters like immigration and the economy as part of the Biden and Harris administration. The talk show host tried to deflect by speaking for Harris. But the Republican kept repeating, she has yet to tell us her new and improve ideas, so how do you know, how can you can speak for her? The fake news is trying to lie for Harris, since she is not forth coming, and they cannot just let her record speak for itself but need to sugar coat. They try to lie on her behalf to avoid the consequences of reality; words to deflect reality. This is common to their rank and file; team con job, on her behalf.
And what exactly was her role in this disaster of legislation?
Trump exaggerates because he is part, an entertainer, and plays to the crowd. But if you look at his record; reality check, and not just words, and compare to that to the lack of words and the reality record of Harris, not twisted by fake news lies,
Fox News Shuts Down Trump’s Deranged Lie About Harris
Fact checking Trump's claims during Harris' acceptance speech
Trump repeats lies and attacks Kamala Harris’s racial identity
162 lies and distortions in a news conference. NPR fact-checks former President Trump

and the list keeps going and going and going
Trump benefited the America people more and not just the rich like the DNC. The Stock market is doing well and the Military industries are have a bumper year, but groceries are inflated, implying the little guy; middle class voter, is worse off under Harris. There are more middle class voters than rich voters and if you are in touch with reality and middle class than vote for Trump, unless serving the rich and carrying their water is your thing; lie on their behalf.
WHen did Harris become president?


Well-Known Member
Fail. Extending the meaning of "lie" doesn't work for you. Contra proferentem.
You actually got your Latin backward, It refers to the idea that a ambiguous requirement when questioned is ruled in favor of subject of the ambiguity.
In this case your redefinition of a lie today as not including lies repeated on this day fails because of the doctrine of Contra proferentem. :)


Well-Known Member
A recording of a lie is not the same thing as a lie, and a mistake is not the same as a lie.

TDS to the max.
Since you did not include this caveat in your request for a lie today, Contra Proferentem is appropriate. LOL,

Contra proferentem is a Latin phrase that means "against the offeror" and is a doctrine used in contract interpretation. It states that when a contract term is ambiguous, the preferred interpretation should be the one that is unfavorable to the party that provided the wording. This doctrine is also known as "interpretation against the draftsman".

The purpose of contra proferentem is to discourage the inclusion of vague or ambiguous wording in contracts and to favor the party who was forced to agree to the contract. It can also be seen as a penalty or caveat for intentionally including an unclear clause.

Contra proferentem is especially important in insurance law because many of its terms are general in nature. For example, if an insurance company says they will ensure a car that doesn't carry an excess load, but the policyholder then puts six people in a five-seater and claims after an accident, the judge might rule in favor of the policyholder because the term "load" could have meant either people or weight.