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Is Hell permenant?


Well-Known Member
Katzpur said:
I don't know which flavor of Christianity you're referring to, but I've never thought that salvation meant escaping damnation. The God I worship isn't even going to send atheists to hell. Of course, I've been told on more than one occasion that I'm not a real Christian, but a fake, so that may explain my perspective.

I'm referring the the one that many millons of Americans (the big majority) believe. I heard many hell-fire, brimstone sermons in my youth.


Well-Known Member
There is only one "Eternal", when he sets something ablaze it is "Eternal Fire"
When that "Eternal Fire" consumes all the fuel it goes out, ergo, Sodom and G'mmorah. Death and hell are thrown into the lake of fire, when it burns out the earth is koshered and the Heavens and Earth are renewed and the Messiah and those who are with him tread the ashes, and the New Jerusalem comes down from heaven. There is NO MORE HELL! Ever.


Not your average Mormon
wanderer085 said:
I'm referring the the one that many millons of Americans (the big majority) believe. I heard many hell-fire, brimstone sermons in my youth.
No wonder you're so turned off by Christianity! In 58 years, I've never heard one of those. Seriously.


Not your average Mormon
Kcnorwood said:
I've heard tons of fire & brimstone sermons myself. But thats not why I don't buy into christiany...
I'm sure there are a lot of reasons why people don't buy into Christianity. All I was saying is that being constantly threatened with an eternity in hell would be a pretty big turn-off.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony

I am a new member but not new to questions like this. i believe that all of the questions about religion are futile. if "GOD" is this all knowing, all seeing, all hearing yada yada yada then GOD would have no need for man to prove anything to him--her what ever.

Hell is just something told to kids to scare them. I say unto you ALL. I AM GOD. Now before you get all testy, my statement is justified by this simple concept. if GOD created all and all of it is from GOD then I am GOD.

As far as good and evil heaven and hell, Was it not GOD that created it ALL? YES IT WAS God created evil. Now I know that some will say DreGod07 you are crazy but their own bibles back me up. Isaiah 45:7 confirms this.

So listen. Hell is what you make it. One can experience a type of hell when he or she is dying in a hospice of some incurable disease, homeless on the street and dying of hypothermia, a child starving to death etc etc......

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
No need to speculate any longer. hell doesn't exist nor will it. god, from your bibles, is the createor of it all good and evil (Isaia 45:7). Your god, as you say is the all knowing, all powerful, all seeing yada yada....... Knows what is going to happen before it does because he created the outcome. it is amazing to see people do what they do in the name of their faith.


Active Member
beckysoup61 said:
Are the conditions of Hell permenant?

Is there an exit to hell?

Why or why not?

My beliefs in heaven and hell are more of an evolutionary point. With spiritual evolution you are born from raw unformed energy(New Spirit) and evolve to a state of oneness with God. That is if you are evolving. The ability to de-evolve into nothingness is also possible. So I guess the answer to your question from me would be that Hell is the complete loss of self from regression...and that is permanent(to my knowledge).

We can embrace love; it's not too late.
Why do we sleep, instead, with hate?

Belief requires no suspension
to see that Hell is our invention.
We make Hell real; we stoke its fires.
And in its flames our hope expires.
Heaven, too, is merely our creation.
We can grant ourselves out own salvation.
All that's required is imagination.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Okay... this is a bunch of jibberish. Sometimes people have to say stuff and make is sound so deep that they tend to confuse themselves and others as well. It's not as complicated and evolution of ones self. the simple answer is NO. Hell is not permenat because it doesn't exist the way you belive it does because of something you read. Hell is when you can't pay your rent and don't know how you're going to be able to come up with the money to do so. hell is when your childrean are hungry and you can figure out a way to feed them. hell is when you're on the street in the cold and nothing to keep you warm. hell can be as small as a splinter in your finger or the cancer in ypur brain. hell is simple..not complicated as you're making ot out to be. please, you can have all the enlightenment and evolution of spirit all you want.... until you find out your husband or wife is cheating on you. See, hell can present itself and many forms. Not that old fire and brimstone and eternal fire spookism


New Member
It is forever and ever! Permanent! is how we speell it down undies!

Yes every possible sin is displayed! Fornication till to u can't cope with the pressure , ....then more! , every sort of drug and intemperance is mandatory!
Loud rock & roll music is the quietest rage!

Meanwhile back in paradise.... how many has Dubya managed to murder?.... praise the Lord!

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
You correct BeerStein....

by the way... You have earned 666 pojnts so far. Be careful. Some might say you're the devil and you bear his mark.....:yes:


Active Member
Actually what you are referring to is merely karma, not hell. Bad things happen. Especially when people do negative things. An example of the general argument for this is how could a child that dies a horrible death have negative karma. For that I do not have an exact answer. There are to many variables to be certain. It may have been previous life karma, maybe it had to happen to shape the events of something else, it could be that’s just the way it works and the fact we suffer is merely the vessel which we call our body is primitive in relation to our spirit. There is much more to this universe than mere physical experiences.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Thank you you wanderer085. Preach the nett and the rest of you listen. KARMA, Reincarnation, Spirits....... PROVE IT. Don't give me that "because you can't observe it with your senses doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Here's the thing, Every action i take is due to my belief that it is me who is doing it. if i decide to pee myself then it is because i believe i am the one in control of making it happen. If it is god as some would have us to believe then that means what one believes is free will it is not. with my understanding, god controls it all. i take the position that if i am to belive there is a supreme being then i am it because all came from it and all will return to it. i am god. the chair i sit in, the air i breathe. everything that was, is and will be is god. as i have stated, everything that happens, happens because it was supposed to. how do i know it was supposed to happen.....BECAUSE IT DID. To answer the original question...NO there is no hell as religous people would have us to believe.


I belive hell is a mindset. If we believe in life that we are somehow damned to hell then we will place ourselves there. I believe you could program yourself to believe that hell is not forever but rather as you suggested.


Active Member
wanderer085 said:
There is no spirit, no proof of such a thing has ever been presented.

When I referred to spirit, I was not speaking the religious sense of the word alone. By my definition of spirit it is a testable thing. Let me explain. What sets you apart from say, a rock. The energy that keeps every cell in your body alive. That energy is observable and testable in many ways. The energy from our body even puts off its own magnetic field. Ok, if you know anything about physics, you know that energy never ceases to exist. It merely changes from one form to another. My definition of spirit at its core is nothing more than that. That collection of self(energy) that is constant, meaning it is contained within our body, has some connection between our being and God(Universal Energy). The rest I only know at present in varying degrees through personal non-tangible experiences.


Active Member
nightwolf said:
I belive hell is a mindset. If we believe in life that we are somehow damned to hell then we will place ourselves there. I believe you could program yourself to believe that hell is not forever but rather as you suggested.

I agree nightwolf. You can create anything if you focus enough energy into it. Its the basic premise of magic.

Belief requires no suspension
to see that Hell is our invention.

We make Hell real; we stoke its fires.
And in its flames our hope expires.
Heaven, too, is merely our creation.
We can grant ourselves out own salvation.
All that's required is imagination.

Super Universe

Defender of God
Hell is not forever if you know how to get out.

If your airplane is out of control and heading straight toward the ground do you cry out in fear or do you confidantly say goodbye to your friends and loved ones and know that a joyful reunion of Father and child is about to happen?