Well-Known Member
How do you know he is anti-Muslim? Because he isn't afraid to write about a world where radical Islam has taken over Europe? If you haven't read the book I suggest you be careful trying to critique it. The book shows some worst case scenarios. What if Radical Islam takes over Europe and What if the Religious Right takes over the United States. Both are shown at their worst. You yourself said to look to History. Can you honestly say that what the book shows us is not possible? Especially not having read it in the first place?
I looked into hes biography hes a ex-military and had a vicious agenda behind hes book.
Do you know how to earn fast money nowadays make a book against Islam and this is a fact.
If a radical system can take over Europe then it deserved it of being that stupid and i actually have read some pages of it while throwing up he generalizes muslims in the worst ways.
He made fictions books, he is not a historians he knows nothing of Islam, Sadam hussein who is praised on hes website saved him and in the whole book he describes extremism what has nothing to do with a Caliphate... How can you give him any credibility?
My point stands if you want to learn and know about a Caliphate look into history that is not biased or has a agenda behind it.
If i am going to quote a book what is written by KKK spokesman to describe the History of Slavery what kind of information will i get?
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