Are people to be blamed for bigotry, or are they just being cautious in light that radical terrorism in the name of islam makes people distrust Muslims in general?
Who's fault is it when people are made to feel that way? Themselves, media, or Islamist jihad?
I know many others have said this, but just to chime in as a Muslim, if by Islamophobia you mean criticism of Islaam, ain't nothing wrong with that. But if you mean hatred/intolerance of somebody just because they identify as a Muslim (without knowing anything else about them) or all Muslims, period, that would be bigotry of the kind generally considered to be not on.
The other factor that hasn't really come up which needs airing is that at least some so-called Islamophobia/bigotry against someone just because they identify as Muslim is actually racism plain and simple under cover of Islamophobia/bigotry against Muslims. Needless to say, this complicates things somewhat.